P. 14
Wednesday 8 April 2015
Playa Linda’s Green Week promotes healthy lifestyles
PALM BEACH –Raising awareness about environmen- Linda, in front of the Dunkin’ Donuts,” she pation in the clean-a-mile effort as well as
tal issues, on the job and in the home, was success- points out, amused. “All of the employees incentivizes employees who participate.
fully accomplished during Playa Linda Beach Resort’s were able to take advantage of the lec- Although the Green Team is now focused
recent Green Week. A dynamic Green Team, led by tures and learn a lot from them.” on the upcoming ISO audit in May, ev-
NigaimaAscencion(Housekeeping) and with able aid The Playa Linda has always taken its dedi- eryone is pleased with the success of the
by MildaRas (HR), Maureen Wong (Accounting), Clem- cation to the environment seriously. The recent Green Week. “We had high par-
ente Lampe (Landscaping) and Alice Schuilenburg (Se- Green Team has been active for several ticipation and excellent feedback. It is ex-
curity), delivered on providing ongoing education about years, through the years of Gleen Globe tremely satisfying to hear that what they
healthy, ‘green’ lifestyles. certification to taking the extra step to learn here, they are taking home and also
Now in its 9th consecutive year, Playa Linda’s annual ISO 14001 standards, and achieving the teaching to their children. We are chang-
Green Week focused in on engaging lectures, withOr- first such certification on Palm Beach. The ing lifestyles, doing things differently and
lindaRasmijn talking on medicinal plants, Elis Schuilenburg resort also carries out a weekly recycling making a difference. Our efforts pay off. It
on Amway, non-toxic products andE. Kelkboom on vege- program and maintains monthly partici- works!,” Nigi exclaims proudly.q
tarian foods. Also participating were company reps from
Kooyman, discussingenergy efficient appliances and
Huchada bakery, sharing information on healthy food
choices. A special thanks also goes to Gisela Croes, who
came twice (the second time on request), to speak on
the aloe and its natural health benefits.
Housekeeping Assistant Manager Nigaima“Nigi” Ascenc-
ion, who has been the main force behind the Green
Teamand is also a member of the AHATA environmental
committee, expressed satisfaction on this year’s event.
“The lectures pointed out how easy and accessible it is
to use natural ingredients as well as to carry out environ-
mentally-friendly measures. For example, the damaru
bean, which comes from the “pan cu keshi” tree, and
which makes a great sweet spread, is actually ubiquitous
in Aruba. In fact, one can be found right at the Playa