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                                                                                                                           Friday 13 March 2020

            Update on COVID-19 for our visitors

            ORANJESTAD  —  Aruba  To-
            day  newspaper  is  a  plat-
            form for our visitors to inform
            themselves about anything
            concerning their upcoming
            and/or  present  vacation.
            Unfortunately this is current-
            ly not only about where to
            have  fun  and  enjoy  great
            food.  At  the  moment,  we
            are  receiving  more,  and
            more  questions  about  the
            status  of  the  COVID-19  on
            Aruba. We spoke to Jurette
            Croes,     Communication
            Advisor  of  the  Department
            of  Public  Health  and  also
            have the latest update from
            the airport for you.

            “Aruba  airport  and  the
            cruise  port  are  open  to  all
            arriving  flights  and  cruis-
            es.  There  is  no  COVID-19
            checking  of  passengers
            unless  flight  attendants  or
            cruise  personnel  informed  Some travel tips shared by  situation  closely,  in  further  creased cleaning frequen-  We’re  encouraging  not
            us  about  passengers  with  the  Public  Health  Depart-  coordination  and  coop-    cies  in  all  public  areas,  only  our  own  sick  team
            symptoms.  We  do  require  ment  are  to  wash  your  eration  with  the  local  De-  and  we  have  added  ad-    members to stay home but
            airline   companies    and  hands  regularly  with  soap,  partment  of  Public  Health  ditional  sanitizer  machines  have  also  recommended
            cruise  companies  to  de-   or  alcohol  based  hand  (DVG),  the  Department  and  soap  dispensers  in  that  the  employers  within
            liver  a  maritime  declara-  rub. Always drink water out  of  Civil  Aviation  and  the  strategic areas. Our clean-  the airport community con-
            tion  form  up  to  24  hours  of  a  bottle  and  eat  meat  Ministry  of  Tourism,  Health  ing  staff  are  also  instruct-  sider this same measure for
            before  arrival,”  Croes  ex-  and eggs that are cooked  and  Sports.  We  also  listen  ed  to  have  more  rigorous  their  teams.  Furthermore,
            plains.  She  also  informs  thoroughly.  Avoid  direct  carefully  to  any  questions  cleaning  routines.  Regular  we  have  also  asked  our
            that  each  arriving  person  contact  with  wild/live  ani-  and  concerns  any  of  our  cleaning  remains  one  of  own  team  not  to  go  on  a
            on  the  airport  and  cruise  mals and sick people. And  travelers  and  other  airport  the most important preven-  business trip to high-risk ar-
            terminal  receives  a  Travel  make  sure  to  have  proper  users may have and try to  tive measures that can be  eas  with  a  negative  travel
            Note  containing  important  vaccinations and travel in-  react hereto as swiftly and  taken.  Basic  health  tips,  in  advice and to other desti-
            information with regards to  surance. To stop the spread  effectively  as  possible.  We  coordination with the DVG,  nations,  only  after  discuss-
            prevention  and  also  how  of  the  coronavirus,  avoid  want you to know that your  are shared throughout the  ing this with their manager
            to act when symptoms oc-     touching  your  nose,  eyes  health  and  safety  are  our  arrival  and  departure  ar-  and  determine  together
            cur. “There is a 24/7 phone  and mouth and cover your  priority.  As  such  we  would  eas in order to ensure that  what  to  do.    The  same  is
            number available to call for  coughs  or  sneezes.  If  you  like  to  share  the  following  all  are  duly  aware  and  in-  recommended  to  our  air-
            information which is 00 297  feel  sick,  stay  home  and  updates which may further  formed hereof whilst travel-  port relations. Internally we
            280-0101.”                   call your doctor.            assist  you  in  considering  ing  through  and  using  our  have  also  set  up  a  What-
                                                                      your next travel to and from  facilities. AAA is also setting  sApp  chat  group  which
            The  World  health  Orga-    What Aruba Airport Author-   Aruba whilst making use of  up  a  medical  screening  keeps our team informed of
            nization  (WHO)  declared  ity  N.V.  (AAA)  is  doing  |  our airport facilities or whilst  checkpoint,  in  coordina-  the latest developments on
            the    COVID-19    disease  Note  from  AAA  CEO  Joost  managing  your  operation  tion with the DVG on site at  protective  measures  with
            pandemic.  If  you  develop  Meijs                        at our airport.              the airport.                 relation to the outbreak.
            fever,  cough  or  have  diffi-
            culty breathing during your  The  rapidly  changing  in-  The  cleanliness  of  our  air-  We have also kept not only  A  dedicated  team  has
            vacation,  call  the  front  formation  about  the  cur-  port  facilities  is  of  the  ut-  our  airport  stakeholders  been activated within AAA
            desk of your resort or prop-  rent  worldwide  COVID-19  most importance to travel-    and  community  informed  which  has  been  monitor-
            erty  or  the  national  COV-  outbreak  on  travel  restric-  ers and airport users and as  about  preventive    mea-  ing  the  situation  in  real
            ID-19 call center, states the  tions  locally  and  abroad  such  have  always  imple-  sures that can be taken to  time and will proceed with
            flyer handed to all arrivals.  are  understandably  creat-  mented  all  efforts  in  mak-  keep  themselves  and  their  preventive  measures  as
            Call ahead before going to  ing  concerns  amongst  our  ing  sure  that  our  terminal  staff  safe  and  healthy  by  deemed  necessary.  We
            a  doctor,  clinic  or  hospital  travelers, airport stakehold-  facilities  are  comfortable  keeping them updated on  will continue to activate all
            and tell them of your travel  ers, airport community and  and clean. We realize that  the  latest  developments  protocols  defined  by  the
            history and what symptoms  our  airport  staff.  As  Aruba  during  these  trying  times  with  the  COVID-19  out-  World Health Organization,
            you  have.  The  doctor  will  Airport’s   operator   and  this is even more important.  break,  but  we  have  also  the Directorate of Civil Avi-
            coordinate  further  instruc-  manager,  AAA  continues  Next  to  our  daily  cleaning  made  sure  that  our  own  ation and the Department
            tions.                       to  monitor  the  COVID-19  procedures,  we  have  in-    staff is duly advised hereof.  of Public Health (DVG).q
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