Page 16 - MIN TTC JUNE 22, 2015
P. 16


  LOCALMonday 22 June 2015


COMEDIANS FROM “TO-            Eye, HGTV, andTru TV’s       sic 70’s television show. He   The shows are at 830pm,         Plus, audience members
                               World’s Dumbest.             also hosted the popular        until July 9th, in the Am-      can purchase an optional
NIGHT SHOW” and “LET-          MIKE VECCHIONE has ap-       talk show Late Net, and        sterdam Ballroom at the         four hour premium open
                               peared onThe Tonight         hosted the television shows    Marriott Resort, down the       bar for only $26!The pre-
TERMAN” PERFORMING ALL         Show, Conan O’Brien          The Movie Loft, Brain Fuel,    hall from the casino. Doors     mium open bar continues
                               Show, and NBC’s Last Com-    and New York Now.              open at 8pm.                    after the show in the casino
MONTHGo to www.Aruba-          ing Standing.                 He also produced and di-                                      until midnight.
                               RAY ELLIN will host the      rected the very success-         It is suggested to arrive     An incredible deal, and
Comedy.comforadvance           shows. Considered by his     ful film The Latin Legends     early - seating is first come   a full night out.Additional
                               peers to be the best host    of Comedy, distributed by      first serve.The showroom is     info:The comedians per-
tickets to see top New York    in NYC, Ray is known as      20th Century Fox. Ray co-      intimate - - it is suggested    form regularly in New York
                               “Aruba Ray” because of       created and is co-starring     you purchase tickets in         City’s biggest venues.The
comics who perform in Ray      his passion for Aruba. Ray   in the new television show     advance at www.Aruba-           showroom is very comfort-
                               has been coming to Aruba     Brokeland.Advance tick- can              able, but seating is first come
Ellin’s phenomenal show at     every month for over three   ets are suggested, and are     also purchase tickets (sub-     first serve! So you should
                               years, and produces and      available at www.Aruba-        ject to availability!) at the   try to arrive early enough.
the Marriott Resort and Stel-  hosts these incredible com- Each per-          Amsterdam Ballroom show-        Drinks are available for pur-
                               edy shows on the island. He  son receives $10 in Free Slot  room door at 730pm.The          chase, but there is NO drink
laris Casino from now until    is a popular comedian in     Cash with their ticket to the  tickets are $34. And each       minimum!Anyone can at-
                               New York, and has brought    Stellaris Casino. (Bring your  Comedy Ticket gives ev-         tend, however the show is
July 9th                       his talent and colleagues    ID!)                           ery audience member $10         suggested for a mature au-
                               to Aruba.Ray has ap-         This wonderful show is a       in Free Slot Play in the Stel-  dience.For more informa-
The standup comedy show        peared on many television    great way to spend a night     laris Casino at the Marriott    tion call the Aruba Marriott
                               programs; he is the host of  out. The comedians per-        (ID required!). And each        Resort and Stellaris Casino
at the Marriott is excellent.  the new Gong Show Live,      form in a relaxed, intimate    Comedy Ticket will also         at 520-6606… or call 749-
                               a resurrection of the clas-  setting at the Marriott.       provide a 20% discount to       4363.q
Period.                                                                                    the Aruba La Vista buffet.

And it continues this week,

with a fantastic lineup, from

June 25th to June 30th.

“Aruba Ray’s Comedy” will



ONE, in a terrific 90-minute


CHUCK NICE is a very rec-

ognizable  face…from-

NBC’s Today Show, VH1’s

Best Week Ever, Fox’s Red
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