Page 17 - MIN TTC JUNE 22, 2015
P. 17

                                                                                                                    Monday 22 June 2015

Loyal visitors honored at the Marriott Ocean Club

Recently the Aruba Tour-       a token of appreciation to    Marriott Vacation Club and    a family to them and the
ism Authority had the great    guests who visit Aruba for    they love Aruba very much     Resort is their home away
pleasure of honoring a         20 to 34 consecutive years.   because of the friend-        from home.
group of loyal and friendly    The honorees were Mr. Ron-    ly people, the climate,         The certificates were pre-
Visitors of Aruba, at the      ald and Mrs. Suzanne Man-     beaches, restaurants,         sented by Mr. Ernest Giel
Marriott Ocean Club, as        nino from Wyckoff NJ and                                    representing the Aruba
Goodwill Ambassadors.          Mr. John and his daughter       the multi lingual experi-   Tourism Authority together
The symbolic honorary title    Kristen Waide from Plain-     ence and Aruba feels like     with Mr. Erwin Noguera GM
is presented in the name       view NY. all of the honorees  a second home, the em-        and staff members from the
of the Minister of Tourism as  are loyal members of the      ployees at the Marriott like  Marriott Vacation Club.q
                                                             Mr. Franklin Lugo are like
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