Page 18 - MIN TTC JUNE 22, 2015
P. 18
LOCALMonday 22 June 2015
Oranjestad, Aruba,-- Trav- were artists Mike Stern, Ro- local and international visi- Stern Band, The Ploctones, White-sand beaches, cool-
eling from the Caribbean berta Gambarini and Roy tors who come and enjoy Maite Hontele, Jessy J, Del- ing trade winds and warm,
island of Aruba to New York Hargrove in a unique en- a good mix of Jazz, Latin, bert Bernabela and many friendly people are just a
City was a small group of counter with the CSJF orga- Soul, Funk, and Blues pre- more to announce. few reasons why so many
determined and likemind- nization, the Culture Dept. sented on 3 stages. The fes- Leading up to the Caribbe- people return to Aruba
ed entrepreneurs from Aru- of the Dutch Consulate, the tival will take place at the an Sea Jazz Festival will be year after year. Come join
ba to promote both the 9th press, and invitees. Amongst Renaissance Festival Plaza TEDx Aruba on September us from during this epic
edition of the Caribbean the members of the press in Aruba, a unique venue 23, 2015 where great minds week of Food for the Mind,
Sea Jazz Festival which will were reporters from WBGO in the Caribbean with a big come together for an inspir- Food for the Soul, Food for
take place on September Jazz Radio and the ultimate variety of music, theater, ing day filled with brilliant the Body.
25th and 26th 2015 and the Downbeat Magazine. arts and culinary experi- speakers, thought-provok- Early Bird Tickets for the Ca-
first ever Aruba Inspiration After the official part of the ences in one week. ing video and mind-blow- ribbean Sea Jazz Festival
Week. On the evening of conference Roberta, Mike Confirmed artists this year ing conversations. Followed are on sale on www.carib-
June 18, 2015 a press con- and Roy couldn’t wait to are EARTH, WIND & FIRE by the Caribbean Sea Jazz for only
ference was held at the jam together with fellow Experience, Grupo Niche, Festival which will lead into US$40 until June 30, 2015. As
Montana Studios in the Big musicians Willie Jones III, Roy Hargrove’s RH Factor, ‘The Eat Local Aruba Res- of July 1, 2015 ticket prices
Apple. Topics were the an- Teymur Phell and Etienne Roberta Gambarani, Mike taurant Week’ inaugural will go up to pre-sale price
nouncement of the head- Stadwijk for a once in a life- event from September 28th of US$55. At the door ticket
liners, the huge New York in- time performance. Talking through October 9th 2015 price will be US$70. VIP is
fluence to this years’ edition about making things hap- on the One happy island of available for US$175.
of the festival, the cultural pen .... Aruba. The new restaurant Contact the Entertainment
experience of this unique Coming up with a fresh and week offers food critics, Group NV at Tel. (297) 588
Festival and the TEDxAruba. new line up for 2015, this wine connoisseurs, foodies 0211 or visit www.caribbe-
Joining the conference yearly event attracts both and everyone in between for addition-
the opportunity to explore al information. Get the lat-
Aruba’s culinary heritage. est information and event
Tourists and locals alike can updates at www.facebook.
enjoy new epicurean de- com/caribbeanseajazzfes-
lights. tivalq