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Wednesday 8 February 2023
Analysis: Can Biden make his case for four more years?
Continued from Front term, Biden has successfully
tamped down handwring-
Gaspard, who is current- ing within his party over
ly president of the liberal whether he should seek an-
Center for American Prog- other term. No primary op-
ress, said Biden has a strong ponent has emerged.
record since taking office And he has a record to
and now needs to demon- build upon. He’s also se-
strate that he’s “a man with cured investments in infra-
a vision for tomorrow.” structure, computer chip
Biden’s allies insist that the manufacturing and finan-
president is routinely un- cial incentives to encour-
derestimated, dating back age Americans to adopt
to the 2020 Democratic cleaner technologies for
primaries. He also offers a fighting climate change.
strong contrast to Republi- “At the end of the day,
cans who his supporters say you can’t argue with the
have become beholden to extraordinary accomplish-
extremists within their party. ments, more than almost
“They’re just not mature any other modern presi-
enough to sit at the table dent, that President Biden
and govern,” said Cedric has achieved, again, un-
Richmond, a former top President Joe Biden delivers his first State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress at the der the toughest of circum-
White House official who Capitol, March 1, 2022, in Washington. stances,” Transportation
is now a senior adviser to Associated Press Secretary Pete Buttigieg
the Democratic National said in a Sunday interview
Committee. American one was suggesting that ing crowd, which respond- Florida on Thursday to con- with CNN’s “State of the
presidents almost never they not run.” ed by chanting, “Four more tinue pushing his agenda Union.”
forgo a shot at a second “If he was ten years young- years!” after the State of the Union, However, Biden still faces
term. The last one was Lyn- er, none of these conver- Political appearances rare- part of an administration- skepticism from the country
don Johnson, who did not sations would be happen- ly draw the same attention wide plan for top officials to at large.
seek reelection in 1968 af- ing,” she said. as the State of the Union. fan out across the country Only 37% of Democrats say
ter his presidency became Biden gave a glimpse of Last year, 38 million peo- this week. they want Biden to seek a
unmoored by the Vietnam his campaign pitch on Fri- ple tuned in, compared He’s promised to announce second term, down from
War. But there’s also never day in Philadelphia, when to nearly 100 million who a decision on running for 52% before the midterm
been a president as old as he spoke at a Democratic watched the Super Bowl. reelection in the early part elections in November, ac-
Biden. He’s 80, and would National Committee meet- Biden’s challenge will be of this year. Donald Trump, cording to a new poll from
be 86 at the end of a sec- ing. He rattled off legislative to find the right way to har- who continues to falsely The Associated Press-NORC
ond term. He first ran for the accomplishments, some of ness that fleeting focus, claim he did not lose to Center for Public Affairs Re-
White House in 1988. which were achieved after said presidential historian Biden, already announced search. A new Washington
Lyndsay Chervinsky, a they were left for dead in Michael Beschloss. in November that he would Post-ABC News poll said
presidential historian, said Congress, and blasted Re- “The speech will probably seek another term. Trump 36% of Americans believe
Biden’s age is “the X fac- publicans as “extremists,” be remembered for two is only four years younger Biden has accomplished
tor” that differentiates him even calling them “nuts” at or three lines,” he said. “He than Biden. “a great deal” or “a good
from his predecessors. Even one point. has to decide which he After a Democratic mid- amount” since taking of-
when other presidents “Let me ask you a simple wants those to be.” term showing that was fice, while 62% said he’s
faced low approval ratings question. Are you with Biden plans to travel to Wis- strong by historical aver- done “not very much” or
during their first term, “no me?” he said to the cheer- consin on Wednesday and ages in a president’s first “little or nothing.”q
Navy releases first photos of Chinese
balloon recovery
ships and inflatable vessels, white outer fabric and shell The Navy is also using ships
the Navy is carrying out structure. to map and scan the sea
an extensive operation to The head of U.S. Northern floor for all remaining parts
gather all of the pieces of Command, Gen. Glen Van- of the balloon, so U.S. ana-
the massive Chinese spy Herck, said Monday the lysts can get a full picture
balloon a U.S. fighter jet teams were taking precau- of what types of sensors the
shot down off the coast of tions to safeguard against Chinese were using and to
South Carolina on Satur- the chance any part of the better understand how the
day. balloon was rigged with ex- balloon was able to ma-
In the newest images re- plosives. neuver.
This image provided by the U.S. Navy shows sailors assigned leased by the Navy on The balloon was an esti- The balloon debris is scat-
to Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group 2 recovering a high- Tuesday, sailors from Ex- mated 200 feet (60 meters) tered in waters that are
altitude surveillance balloon off the coast of Myrtle Beach, S.C., plosive Ordnance Disposal tall and was carrying a about 50 feet (15 meters)
Feb. 5, 2023. Group 2 are seen leaning long sensor package un- deep, but stretch across
Associated Press over a rigid hull inflatable derneath, which VanHerck an area 15 football fields
By TARA COPP WASHINGTON (AP) — Using boat and pulling in broad estimated was the size of a long and 15 football fields
Associated Press underwater drones, war- swaths of the balloon’s small regional jet. across, VanHerck said.q