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Wednesday 8 February 2023
Super Bowl gambling surging as states legalize it? You bet
By WAYNE PARRY would be wagered live af-
Associated Press ter the game begins. An-
ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (AP) — other 15% to 20% would
As legal sports gambling come in the form of same-
proliferates, the number of game parlays, or a combi-
Americans betting on the nation of bets involving the
Super Bowl and the total same game, such as bet-
amount they’re wagering ting on the winner, the to-
is surging — although most tal points scored and how
of the action is still off the many passing yards Eagles
books. quarterback Jalen Hurts will
An estimated 1 in 5 Ameri- accumulate.
can adults will make some As legal sports betting
sort of bet, laying out a grows, so too has concern
whopping $16 billion, or about its effect on people
twice as much as last year, with gambling problems.
according to an industry The National Council on
trade group. Problem Gambling has
Even as legal gambling has conducted nationwide
spread to two-thirds of U.S. surveys since 2018, when
states, independent ana- New Jersey won a U.S. Su-
lysts say only about $1 bil- preme Court case clearing
lion of the total being wa- the way for all 50 states to
gered on Sunday’s game offer legal sports betting.
will happen through casi- They ask questions like, “Do
nos, racetracks or compa- you ever borrow money to
nies such as FanDuel and A customer, right, makes a sports bet at the Ocean Casino Resort in Atlantic City, N.J., Monday, gamble?”
Feb. 6, 2023.
DraftKings, whose ads have Associated Press He added that the Super
become ubiquitous during Bowl presents an opportu-
sporting events. on a nationwide online sur- fer legal sports betting, and still represents just a small nity to see how well respon-
The vast majority of people, vey of 2,199 adults. That’s more than half of all Ameri- piece of the pie. sible gambling messaging
in other words, are still bet- an increase of 61% from last can adults live in one of Eilers & Krejcik Gaming Re- and campaigns by sports
ting with friends and family, year. those markets. search, an independent books and professional
participating in office pools Experts in addiction say ag- “Every year, the Super Bowl analytics firm in California, sports leagues are working.
or taking their chances with gressive advertising is con- serves to highlight the ben- estimates that just over $1 On Tuesday, New Jersey
a bookie. tributing to a rise in problem efits of legal sports betting,” billion of this year’s Super gambling regulators un-
More than 50 million Ameri- gambling. said Bill Miller, the gambling Bowl bets will be made le- veiled new requirements
can adults are expected to “As sports betting expands, association’s president and gally. The leading states for sports books to ana-
bet on the national cham- the risk of gambling prob- CEO. “Bettors are transition- are: Nevada ($155 million); lyze the data they collect
pionship game between lems expands,” said Keith ing to the protections of the New York ($111 million); about their customers to
the Philadelphia Eagles Whyte, executive director regulated market ... and Pennsylvania ($91 million); look for evidence of prob-
and the Kansas City Chiefs, of the National Council on legal operators are driv- Ohio ($85 million) and New lem gambling, and to take
according to the Ameri- Problem Gambling. ing needed tax revenue to Jersey ($84 million.) various steps to intervene
can Gaming Association, Thirty-three states, plus states across the country.” The research firm estimates with these customers when
whose estimates are based Washington, D.C., now of- But legal sports betting 10% to 15% of that total warranted.q
Congress takes up legislation on
federal aviation oversight
history, our aviation system cuses on safety, and that is — Let parents and minor
is clearly in need of some likely to be the case again children sit together with-
urgent attention,” said Rep. this year. Consumer groups out paying additional seat-
Sam Graves, R-Mo., chair- also are pushing Congress assignment fees; the groups
man of the House Transpor- to include a number of say a 2016 directive to the
tation Committee. passenger-friendly provi- Transportation Department
Graves’ committee held its sions that are opposed by has been held up.
first hearing on a must-pass the airline industry. Some — Include a seat, board-
A Federal Aviation Administration sign hangs in the tower at bill to reauthorize the Fed- of the proposals would re- ing pass, carry-on bag, per-
John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York, March 16, eral Aviation Administration quire airlines to: sonal item and water in the
2017. by Sept. 30. The FAA regu- — Quickly put passengers price of all tickets.
Associated Press lates airlines and aircraft whose flights are canceled Lawmakers pressed an FAA
By DAVID KOENIG Lawmakers celebrated the manufacturers and man- or significantly delayed on official and other witnesses
AP Airlines Writer small number of deaths on ages the nation’s airspace. another flight — even if that on technology upgrades,
Congress began consider- airline flights in the United The hearing highlighted means paying to put them the need for quicker evac-
ing critical aviation legisla- States since a 2009 crash issues ranging from FAA on a competing airline. uations during emergen-
tion on Tuesday in the after- that killed 50 people, but technology — which broke — Increase compensation cies, and minimum experi-
math of recent close calls they noted the recent down last month, snarling and reimbursement of ex- ence for airline pilots — that
involving airline and cargo scary incidents. U.S. air travel for a day — to penses for passengers af- was raised from 250 hours
jets at airports in New York “It shows that even follow- the size of airline seats. fected by delays and can- of flying time to 1,500 hours
and Texas. ing the safest decade in our FAA legislation usually fo- cellations. after the 2009 crash.q