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              Wednesday 8 February 2023
            Sub-Saharan Africa is ‘new epicenter’ of extremism, says U.N.

            By EVELYNE MUSAMBI                                                                                                  become  the  new  global
            Associated Press                                                                                                    epicenter  of  violent  ex-
            NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — The                                                                                           tremism with 48% of global
            new  global  epicenter  of                                                                                          terrorism  deaths  in  2021,”
            violent Islamic extremism is                                                                                        UNDP  administrator  Achim
            sub-Saharan  Africa  where                                                                                          Steiner said in a press brief-
            people  are  increasingly                                                                                           ing  ahead  of  the  report’s
            joining  because  of  eco-                                                                                          launch.  This  surge  in  ex-
            nomic  factors  and  less  for                                                                                      tremism in Africa “not only
            religious  ones,  says  a  new                                                                                      adversely impacts lives, se-
            report by the U.N.’s interna-                                                                                       curity, and peace, but also
            tional  development  agen-                                                                                          threatens  to  reverse  hard-
            cy.  A  significant  increase                                                                                       won  development  gains
            of  92%  of  new  recruits  to                                                                                      for  generations  to  come,”
            extremist groups are joining                                                                                        he said. Military campaigns
            for  better  livelihoods  com-                                                                                      to stamp out extremism are
            pared  to  the  motivations                                                                                         not proving to be success-
            of  those  interviewed  in  a                                                                                       ful, said Steiner.
            previous  report  released                                                                                          “Security-driven   counter-
            in  2017,  according  to  the                                                                                       terrorism  responses  are  of-
            UNDP  report  released  on                                                                                          ten costly and minimally ef-
            Tuesday.                                                                                                            fective,  yet  investments  in
            Many  Africans’  lives  have                                                                                        preventive  approaches  to
            been  badly  affected  by    Shoes of the kidnapped students from Government Science Secondary School are seen inside   violent extremism are woe-
            the  COVID-19  pandemic,     their class room Kankara, Nigeria, Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2020.          Associated Press  fully inadequate,” he said.
            high  inflation,  and  climate                                                                                      “The  social  contract  be-
            change, said the report.     Somalia, and Sudan. More  ed in the continent with So-    drawn from various extrem-   tween  states  and  citizens
            There has been a 57% de-     than 1,000 interviewees are  malia  accounting  for  the  ist groups across the conti-  must  be  reinvigorated  to
            crease  in  the  number  of  former  members  of  violent  largest number of fatalities.  nent including Boko Haram  tackle  root  causes  of  vio-
            people  joining  extremist  extremist  groups,  both  vol-  The  Somali  government  is  in Nigeria, al-Shabab in So-  lent extremism.”
            groups for religious reasons,  untary and forced recruits,  currently carrying out what  malia,  which  pledges  alle-  About  71%  of  those  who
            it said.                     said the report.             has been described as the  giance to al-Qaida, and in  joined     extremist   groups
            Nearly  2,200  people  were  At  least  4,155  attacks  most  significant  offensive  West Africa Jama’at Nusrat  were influenced by human
            interviewed  for  the  report  across  Africa  were  docu-  against  the  al-Shabab  ex-  al-Islam  wal  Muslimeen,  or  rights  abuses  by  state  se-
            in  eight  African  countries:  mented since in 2017, said  tremist group in more than  JNIM, which is allied to the  curity  forces,  such  as  the
            Burkina  Faso,  Cameroon,  the report. In these attacks,  a decade.                    Islamic State group.         killings  or  arrests  of  family
            Chad,  Mali,  Niger,  Nigeria,  18,417 deaths were record-  Those  interviewed  were  “Sub-Saharan  Africa  has  members, said the report.q

            U.K. leader Sunak shakes up govt to focus on business, energy

            By JILL LAWLESS              dals and sniping from Con-   prime minister in less than a  office when her tax-cutting  partment  for  Business  and
            Associated Press             servative Party colleagues.  year.                        economic  plans  sparked  Trade. Former Business Sec-
            LONDON  (AP)  —  British  Sunak  appointed  lawmak-       Hands,  a  former  trade  mayhem  on  the  financial  retary  Grant  Shapps  be-
            Prime  Minister  Rishi  Sunak  er Greg Hands to chair the  minister  who  has  served  markets.                     comes  Secretary  of  State
            shook  up  his  government  governing     party,   which  in  Parliament  since  2005,  But  he  faces  opposition  for Energy Security and Net
            on  Tuesday,  moving  minis-  is  demoralized  by  dismal  replaces  Nadhim  Zahawi,  allegations  that  the  gov-  Zero.
            ters  and  merging  depart-  opinion  poll  ratings  and  who was fired by Sunak last  ernment  remains  mired  in  The  government  said  the
            ments  in  a  bid  to  assert  a  year  of  turmoil.  Sunak  is  month after failing to come  scandal  and  sleaze.  Ethics  new  energy  department
            control  amid  ethics  scan-  Britain’s  third  Conservative  clean about a multimillion-  inquiries are also underway  “has  been  tasked  with  se-
                                                                      dollar tax dispute.          over  claims  Johnson  se-   curing  our  long-term  en-
                                                                      As  deputy  party  chair,  Su-  cured a loan with the help  ergy supply, bringing down
                                                                      nak installed Lee Anderson,  of  a  Conservative  donor  bills  and  halving  inflation”
                                                                      an  ex-coal  miner  turned  who  was  later  appointed  after  the  cost-of-living  crsis
                                                                      combative  legislator  from  chairman  of  the  BBC,  and  unleashed by Russia’s inva-
                                                                      the  right  wing  of  the  Con-  into  allegations  that  Dep-  sion of Ukraine.
                                                                      servative  Party  who  once  uty  Prime  Minister  Dominic  “I think we’ve seen over the
                                                                      said people use food banks  Raab  bullied  staff.  Raab  last year in particular the im-
                                                                      because    “they   cannot  denies bullying.               pact that happens to peo-
                                                                      cook  properly”  or  make  a  Sunak also rearranged the  ple’s  bills  at  home  when
                                                                      budget.                      ministries  responsible  for  energy policy doesn’t work
                                                                      Sunak  has  vowed  to  re-   business,  energy,  science  properly,  when  we’re  reli-
                                                                      store  order  and  integrity  and trade as part of his aim  ant  on  imported  energy
                                                                      to  government  after  three  to boost the country’s slug-  from  hostile  countries,”  Su-
                                                                      years  of  instability  under  gish  economy  and  make  nak told reporters.
                                                                      predecessors Boris Johnson  the  U.K.  a  science  and  “That’s why the creation to-

             Britain’s  Prime  Minister  Rishi  Sunak,  center  left,  and  newly   brought  down  in  summer  technology superpower.  day of a new department
             appointed  Energy  Security  and  Net  Zero  Secretary  Grant   2022  by  ethics  scandals  Kemi  Badenoch,  formerly  focused specifically on en-
             Shapps,  centre  right,  are  given  a  tour  of  the  District  Energy
             Centre in central London, Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2023.         and  Liz  Truss,  who  quit  in  in  charge  of  international  ergy security and net zero is
                                                     Associated Press   October  after  six  weeks  in  trade,  heads  a  new  De-  so important.”q
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