Page 10 - MIN VOS 19 NOV 2015
P. 10
Thursday 19 November 2015
Red Sox DH David Ortiz to
retire after 2016 season
BY JIMMY GOLEN Mickey Mantle, and Reg- as the Red Sox became In this Aug. 20, 2014, file photo, Boston Red Sox designated hit-
AP SPORTS WRITER gie Jackson. the first major league team ter David Ortiz tips his cap while standing on third base during a
BOSTON (AP) -- Red Sox “He’s given all of our fans to overcome a 0-3 deficit in baseball game against the Los Angeles Angels at Fenway Park
slugger David Ortiz, Bos- so much reason to cheer,” a best-of-seven series. The in Boston.
ton’s beloved “Big Papi” Patriots quarterback Tom Red Sox went on to sweep
who helped the cursed Brady said on Wednesday. St. Louis in the World Series Associated Press
franchise end its dynasty “I’ve got a lot of respect for for their first title since 1918.
of disappointment and him and the way that he’s Ortiz stuck around for two Sam Kennedy said. “He has to the sky looking for his
cursed out the bombers always, I think, brought more titles - the only mem- been a pillar of our team long-ball, and watching
who attacked his adopted a great leadership to his ber of the ‘04 team that and a pillar of our city. him point to the heavens
city, said on Wednesday team. He’s been a great was still active in 2013, “We look forward to a final when he arrives home one
he will play one more year example.” when he had 11 hits in the season of raising our heads final time.”q
before retiring. A fun-loving, free-swinging first five games before the
On the day that he turned bon vivant, Ortiz was also Cardinals walked him four
40, the Dominican desig- active in the community times in the clincher.
nated hitter said in a video in Boston and in his na- “He is one of the game’s
posted on The Players’ Tri- tive Dominican Republic; greatest players - and
bune that the 2016 season in 2011, he was awarded greatest champions - and
will be his last. The post was baseball’s Roberto Cle- he has been there for the
titled “40.” “Life is based mente Award for positive city of Boston through thick
on different chapters, and contributions on and off and thin every step of the
I think I am ready to ex- the field. “It is difficult to way,” Red Sox President
perience the next one in adequately convey what
my life,” he told his fans. “I David Ortiz has meant to
wish I could play another the Boston Red Sox,” team
40 years, so I could have owner John Henry said in a
you guys behind me, but it statement. “For those of us
doesn’t work that way. Af- who have had the honor
ter this year, time is up. So of knowing him all these
let’s enjoy the season.” years, he has been exactly
Ortiz led the Red Sox to what you hope to see in
three World Series cham- a man who has been the
pionships, hitting 503 hom- face of this organization.”
ers in a career of clutch Red Sox fans will remem-
at-bats while serving as the ber Ortiz best for his per-
inspiration that turned a formance in the 2004 play-
tormented franchise into a offs, when Boston ended its
big-market bully. 86-year title drought.
Already treasured for his Big Papi, as he came to
big hits and even bigger be known by his fans and
personality, Ortiz further ce- teammates, had consecu-
mented himself in the city’s tive game-ending hits in ex-
lore after the 2013 Boston tra innings of Games 4 and
Marathon bombings that 5 of the AL championship
killed three people and in- series against the Yankees
jured hundreds more. Tak-
ing the microphone before
the ballclub’s first game
back, Ortiz told a Fenway
crowd that included the
governor and top police
officials: “This is our (exple-
tive) city. And nobody’s
going to dictate our free-
With “Boston Strong” as its
rallying cry, the Red Sox re-
turned to the World Series.
Ortiz batted .688 in the six-
game victory over the St.
Louis Cardinals, and was
named the Series MVP.
He is one of just four play-
ers in baseball history with
at least 500 career hom-
ers and three World Series
championships, joining
Hall of Famers Babe Ruth,