Page 13 - MIN VOS 19 NOV 2015
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SPORTSThursday 19 November 2015

                                                                Tiger Woods to be vice
                                                                captain at Ryder Cup 

In this Monday, Sept. 28, 2015, file photo, David Beckham                                                                                              said. “Tiger wants to be a
                                                                                                                                                       playing assistant. That’s his
poses for photographers upon arrival at the Pride of Britain                                                                                           goal.”
                                                                                                                                                       It seems like an audacious
Awards 2015 in London. 			      Associated Press                                                                                                       one given the state of the
                                                                                                                                                       14-time major champion.
Soccer star David                                                                                                                                      Woods has played only 20
                                                                                                                                                       tournaments in the last two
Beckham is People’s                                                                                                                                    years because of a pair of
                                                                                                                                                       back surgeries and a re-
Sexiest Man Alive                                                                                                                                      cent follow-up procedure
                                                                                                                                                       on his back. He has said it
LOS ANGELES (AP) — British      said.                           U.S. Davis Cup captian Davis love III talks to reporters at St.                        would be a long, tedious
soccer star David Beckham       And his famous fashion de-      Simons Island, Ga., Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2015. Love said that                           recovery and did not know
has been an international       signer wife, Victoria Beck-     Tiger Woods, Jim Furyk and Steve Stricker will be vice captains                        when he could return to
sex symbol for nearly two       ham, approves, too, Beck-       for the 2016 matches in Minnesota.                                                     competition.
decades, but he says he’s       ham said.                                                                                                              Woods has only one top 10
still flattered to be named     “I would hope that she                                                                              Associated Press   in the last two years.
People magazine’s 30th-         feels this way about me all                                                                                            Furyk and Stricker were
anniversary Sexiest Man         the time anyway!” he said.      DOUG FERGUSON                  captains for the 2016                                   vice captains in the Presi-
Alive.                          But the father of four insists  AP Golf Writer                 matches at Hazeltine in                                 dents Cup last month in
“It’s a huge honor,” the        he doesn’t think of him-        ST. SIMONS ISLAND, Ga.         Minnesota. It was part of                               South Korea. Stricker has
40-year-old Beckham told        self as being all that hot.     (AP) — Tiger Woods will        an agreement with Europe                                been playing a reduced
the magazine, which an-         “I never feel that I’m an       be at the Ryder Cup next       to expand to a maximum                                  schedule the last few years
nounced its choice on           attractive, sexy person,”       year. Still to be determined   of five vice captains.                                  and has slipped outside
ABC’s “Jimmy Kimmel Live”       Beckham told People —           is whether he plays.           Woods, however, wants to                                the top 200 in the world
on Tuesday night. “I’m very     presumably with a straight      U.S. captain Davis Love        do both.                                                ranking. Furyk is No. 9 in the
pleased to accept,” he          face.q                          III said Wednesday that        “Tiger has said, ‘I want to                             world and is coming off a
                                                                Woods, Jim Furyk and           make the team and also                                  solid season with his 17th
                                                                Steve Stricker will be vice    be a (vice) captain,’” Love                             career win and $3.7 million.
                                                                                                                                                       The five vice captains
   Andy                         next serve went in, but a       Stan Wawrinka of Switzerland celebrates winning at match                               would allow one of them
  Murray                        backhand that sailed wide                                                                                              to be with each match
                                gave Nadal a 2-0 lead as        point against David Ferrer of Spain during their singles tennis                        during the team sessions,
 Continued from Page 17         the Spaniard won nine                                                                                                  with another that Love de-
                                of 10 points during that        match at the ATP World Tour Finals at the O2 Arena in London,                          scribed as a “floater.” Last
“Was not at the right time      stretch. Murray ended up                                                                                               year at Gleneagles, Euro-
to know that,” Nadal said       landing only 43 percent of      Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2015. 	    Associated Press                                        pean captain Paul McGin-
before praising Murray’s        his first serves, and only 38                                                                                          ley had one of his assistants
ingenuity with the scissors.    percent in the second set.      ment has been a continu-       Open, things have gotten                                with the players who sat
“It’s a good solution.”         “From the middle till the       ation of his late season im-   better. He is now 15-4 since                            out some of the team ses-
Maybe it helped a bit, be-      end of the second set, he       provement during a year        then. “Just another step for                            sions.
cause Murray then held          played extremely well,”         in which he has lost 19        me (to) be able to play at                              Love already announced
his serve. But soon Nadal       Murray said. “But I didn’t      times, a relatively stagger-   that level against such a                               former Ryder Cup captain
was back on top, break-         really help myself. I served    ing number for him. Even at    great player is good news,”                             Tom Lehman as one of his
ing to end the first set. With  poorly at the end of the        the French Open, a tourna-     Nadal said. “Just want to                               assistants.
his hair in check, Murray’s     first set and all through       ment he has won a record       try to keep working the                                 “These three guys joining
serve started to cause          the second.” Nadal beat         nine times, Nadal lost in the  same way to keep confirm-                               Tom Lehman will send a
some problems. He ended         French Open champion            quarterfinals. But since his   ing that I am in the com-                               message to our team that
up with four double-faults,     Stan Wawrinka in his open-      third round exit at the U.S.   pletely right direction.”q                              we are really serious about
including two in a row dur-     ing match, and will next                                                                                               this Ryder Cup, so that
ing his first service game of   face already-eliminated                                                                                                the members know that
the second set. When Mur-       David Ferrer on Friday. Mur-                                                                                           we’re going to do what-
ray missed the first serve of   ray will play Wawrinka on                                                                                              ever it takes to put them in
the following point, a fan      the same day for the oth-                                                                                              the best position to win in
in the crowd, presumably        er spot in the semifinals. In                                                                                          2016,” Love said.
in favor of Nadal, shouted      Wednesday’s late match                                                                                                 Europe has won six out of
out “cinco” to note it was      at the O2 Arena, Wawrinka                                                                                              the last seven times.
his fifth straight fault. The   overcame an early break                                                                                                Among the strategies that
                                in the first set to beat Fer-                                                                                          came out of a Ryder Cup
                                rer 7-5, 6-2. For Nadal, his                                                                                           Task Force was to have vice
                                play so far at the tourna-                                                                                             captains who were either
                                                                                                                                                       past captains for would
                                                                                                                                                       be considered future cap-
                                                                                                                                                       tain. Love approached
                                                                                                                                                       Woods, Furyk, Stricker and
                                                                                                                                                       Phil Mickelson about being
                                                                                                                                                       vice captains.q
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