Page 9 - MIN VOS 19 NOV 2015
P. 9
SPORTSThursday 19 November 2015
Maddon, Banister selected Managers of the Year
NEW YORK (AP) — Joe This is a 2015 photo shows “It’s really good to know er Paul Molitor from the the entire season to elbow
Maddon won his third Man- Chicago Cubs manager Joe that what you believe in Minnesota Twins, another surgery.
ager of the Year award Maddon. Joe Maddon has works in other places,” rookie manager. The Rangers won their first
Tuesday and Jeff Banister won his third Manager of the Maddon said during a Banister joined Houston’s two playoff games in To-
his first after each guided Year award, earning his first in break from his pizza-and- Hal Lanier (1986), San Fran- ronto before dropping the
his team on a surprising run the NL after guiding the Chi- wine celebration with fam- cisco’s Dusty Baker (1993), next three and getting
to the playoffs. cago Cubs to their first post- ily and friends. “I didn’t Florida’s Joe Girardi (2006) eliminated.
In his initial season with season berth since 2008. tweak anything. It was the and Washington’s Matt Wil- “All the things that I’ve
the Chicago Cubs, Mad- same approach.” liams (2014) as the only men been through in my lifetime
don took the National Associated Press Maddon received 18 first- to win in their first season as — and there were a lot of
League prize following the place votes and 124 points a major league manager. times that I asked why —
club’s first postseason ap- In this Oct. 13, 2015, file photo, in balloting by the Base- “To be able to have this well there were times this
pearance since 2008. He Texas Rangers manager Jeff ball Writers’ Association of in year one — tremen- year that I knew exactly
also won in the American Banister smiles as he listens to America. He beat out St. dous,” Banister said. “But why,” the 51-year-old Ban-
League with Tampa Bay in a question during a news con- Louis’ Mike Matheny and it means that we had a ister said. “It was so that I
2008 and 2011. ference in Arlington, Texas. the New York Mets’ Terry group of players that went could give another group
Associated Press Collins by a surprisingly out every single day, they of people some thoughts,
comfortable margin, be- showed up, they played some ideas, some tough-
coming the seventh man- well, they beat back some ness and some motivation
ager to win the award three odds, they were resilient, to continue to press for-
times and the seventh to they showed some grit and ward.”
earn it in both leagues. played together and really, Hinch finished second with
“To be the steward of this truly played for each other eight first-place votes and
wonderful group of young on a nightly basis, and I was 82 points. Molitor got two
players, I feel very fortu- most proud of that.” first-place votes and 33
nate,” Maddon said on Texas won 88 games this points.
MLB Network. season — 21 more than last New York Yankees skipper
Banister garnered 17 first- year — in capturing the AL Joe Girardi received a pair
place votes and 112 points, West title despite several of first-place votes, and To-
easily topping Houston’s significant injuries, including ronto’s John Gibbons got
A.J. Hinch and Hall of Fam- losing ace Yu Darvish for the other one.q