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Diahuebs, 04 November 2021 20
Majority of Supreme Court appears to
think N.Y. gun law is too restrictive
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court on Wednesday
seemed ready to strike down a restrictive New York gun
permitting law, but the justices also seemed worried that
a broad ruling could threaten gun restrictions on subways,
bars, stadiums and other gathering places.
The court was hearing arguments in its biggest guns case
in more than a decade, a dispute over whether New York’s
law violates the Second Amendment right to “keep and
bear arms.”
Chief Justice John Roberts and other conservative
members of the court, which has a 6-3 conservative
majority, suggested New York’s law goes too far. Why,
Roberts asked, does a person seeking a license to carry a
gun in public for self defense have to show a special need to
do so. “The idea that you would need a license to exercise
a right is unusual with regard to the Bill of Rights,” he said
But Roberts was also among the justices who pressed a
lawyer for the law’s challengers on where guns might be The court last issued major gun rights decisions in 2008
prohibited. Could a football stadium or a college campus and 2010. Those decisions established a nationwide right
be off limits, he asked. to keep a gun at home for self-defense. The question for
the court now has to do with carrying a gun in public for
“What sort of place do you think they could be excluded self-defense.
from? Any place where alcohol is served?” Roberts asked.
In most of the country gun owners have little difficulty
Paul Clement, arguing on behalf of New York residents who legally carrying their weapons when they go out. But
want an unrestricted right to carry concealed weapons about half a dozen states, including populous California
in public, replied that while government buildings and and several Eastern states, restrict the carrying of guns to
schools might be off limits, bars “might be a tougher case those who can demonstrate a particular need for doing so.
for the government.” The justices could decide whether those laws, known as
“may issue” laws, can stand..
But answering questions from Justices Elena Kagan and
Amy Coney Barrett, Clement suggested that perhaps bans High court takes up gun permit case
on guns in the New York City subway system, Yankee
Stadium and Times Square on New Year’s Eve might be all A case before the Supreme Court could decide
right. whether states may restrict who can carry a gun
The court’s liberals seemed willing to allow the state law in public to those demonstrating a specific need.
to remain in place, especially focusing on differences These “may issue” states give officials broad
between rural areas and more densely populated cities latitude to deny a permit. Most states have laws
and suburbs. The law’s defenders have said that striking requiring a permit be issued to anyone meeting
it down will lead to more guns on the streets of cities state qualifications, and many allow people to
including New York and Los Angeles.
carry guns without a permit.
@BBC @CNN @euronews
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