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Tuesday 6 sepTember 2022 locAl
Wiki Loves Monuments Aruba is back
It’s september and it’s mon- tion will nominate their win-
uments month! After a suc- ners to participate in the
cessful Wiki Loves Monu- international competition.
ments competition in 2020. These photographs will be
Monumentsfund Aruba is judged by an international
once again organizing Wiki jury who will choose the
Loves Monuments, world’s best images. In 2021 Aruba
largest photography com- did not organize WLM but
petition to document mon- was part of the internation-
uments around the world. al jury.
Cultural heritage is an im-
Wiki Loves Monuments is an portant part of the knowl-
international competition edge Wikipedia collects
organized by Wikimedia. and disseminates. Every-
Wikimedia is the organiza- body can contribute with
tion behind Wikipedia, the images as well as write ar-
free encyclopedia and a ticles. An image is worth a
global collaboration sup- thousand words, in every
ported by volunteers. language at once and lo-
cal enthusiasts can (re)
The competition initiated discover the cultural, his-
in 2010 in the Netherlands, torical, or scientific signifi-
after expanding to Europe cance of their neighbor-
and worldwide, collecting hood.
information about more
than 1.5 million monuments This year Monuments Fund
from 76 countries and more will organize the national
than 2 million photographs competition for Aruba for and as good photos as you takes just a few minutes! Every submission should be:
uploaded by more than the fifth time. can, try different angles. Make sure that your email Self taken and self-upload-
600 000 participants. The competition will be be- Even if the photo doesn’t address is confirmed. ed; Uploaded in Septem-
tween September 1 and win you a prize, it will con- Step 5: Upload your pho- ber 2022;
The competition consists of 30. tribute to Wikipedia with tos to Wikimedia Commons Freely licensed;
a national and an interna- more information about between 1 and 30 Septem- Contain an identified mon-
tional competition; around How to participate Aruban Heritage! ber. ument;
40 countries around the Step 1: Find a monument Step 3: Write down what
world organizes a national on the Monuments List Aru- you photographed. Re- Rules For more information
competition each year ba on Wikimedia. Note cord the site’s name, the There are a few rules for Commons:Wiki Loves Mon-
with their own rules and the ID number from the monument ID, description, photos to participate in the uments 2022 in Aruba - Wiki-
events but with one thing in monuments you would like and date of photo. international contest. These media Commons or follow
common; monuments. to upload a photo from. Step 4: Don’t have a Wiki- rules are also adopted as us on Facebook: Sticht-
Step 2: Make photos of the media Commons account rules for participation on a ing Monumentenfonds
Each national competi- monument. Make as many yet? Create one here it national level. Aruba.q
Honoring of loyal visitors at
Marriot’s Aruba Surf Club
has been visiting Aruba
with his parents from a very
young age. “It is incredibly
to look at how families all
come together, and bring
along their children and
some even grandchildren,
so they can also see why
their families fell in love with
Aruba and continue want-
ing to come back to the is- This lovely young boy stat- Ms.Richardson together
EAGLE BEACH - Recently, are as following: 10+ years land after so many years,” ed that he loves visiting with the representatives of
Aruba Tourism Authority “Distinguished Visitor”, 20+ said Ms. Richardson. the island very much, es- the Marriott’s Aruba Surf
had the great pleasure in years “Goodwill Ambassa- pecially for its nice white Club presented the cer-
honoring many loyal Aru- dor” and 36+ years “Emer- The symbolic Distinguished sandy beaches and tur- tificate to the honoree,
ba visitors with their dis- ald Ambassador”. Visitor certificate is present- quoise waters, the tasty handed over some pres-
tinctive certificates. These ed on behalf of the Minis- milkshakes he gets to enjoy ents, and also expressed
certificates are a way to ATA representative Kim- ter of Tourism, as a token of by the pool, and most im- thanks to his parents for
say “Masha Danki” for berley Richardson wrote appreciation to the guests portantly, the quality time bringing Benjamin along
continuously choosing that they had the delight who visit Aruba 10 years he gets to spend with his with them to Aruba since
Aruba as a favorite vaca- to honor a young boy and more consecutively. family and friends. he was a baby for so many
tion destination. The titles named Benjamin Kim who consecutive years.q