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                                                                                                           local Tuesday 6 sepTember 2022
            Fire at local recycling center: Experiences of a scary day

            It was like reliving a trauma.
            That’s how Jessica Franken,
            executive  at  La  Cabana,
            said  about  the  fire  that
            broke at Daltra, a recycling
            center,  at  the  end  of  Au-
            gust.  Jessica  was  not  near
            Barcadera,  where  the  fire
            took  place,  but  her  sibling
            was, at the Arugas offices.
            And for Jessica, the idea of
            gas  and  fire  brought  back
            traumatic  memories  that
            were simply too much.

            She  found  herself  calling
            911  and  did  not  give  up
            until  they  answered  the
            phone.  “The  phone  rang
            about  eleven  times  and
            when they finally answered,
            I said that they must evacu-
            ate everyone.”
            Franken was thinking about
            her sibling locked up in their
            office  at  Arugas  –  the  gas
            company, right next to Dal-
            tra  –  also  reliving  the  trag-
            edy  of  1989.  Back  then,  a
            tragedy  of  gas  explosion
            at La Cabana took the life  was  then  I  realized  that  it  The fire at the end of August  smoke   concentration,   I  cal  Institute  San  Nicolas)
            of  one  of  her  siblings’  col-  was serious.”          scared  a  lot  of  people  on  made  the  decision  to  call  and ambulance personnel.
            leagues  as  well  as  others,  Besaril  and  her  colleagues  Aruba.  Emotions  ran  high  for  evacuation.”  Hermans  “We  had  a  trailer  for  that
            at the place where Jessica  did  not  evacuate  imme-     because  even  though  we  was  thankful  that  the  as-  process.”  That  means  that
            was working.                 diately.  “We  were  worried  are used to having fires at  sociation of general practi-  they had to keep an eye of
            Since  that  day,  Franken  is  about  what  was  happen-  the  dump  in  Parkietenbos,  tioners, HAVA, on their own  who  is  fighting  the  fire,  for
            nervous  about  gas  and  its  ing. For our job but also the  one  in  the  area  of  Freez-  asked everyone in the area  how long, and they would
            dangers.                     neighborhood,  but  after-   one, so close to other vital  to leave their homes. “The  call them back to the trail-
                                         wards, I went home.”         industries is a reality that hits  population  also  respond-  er to rest, cool their bodies,
            The  other  moment  that  is                              hard. Everyone was aware  ed.”                            hydrate and for those who
            seared  in  her  memory  is  And  Sandra  felt  that  she  of  the  danger  should  the                             needed it, receive oxygen.
            the  explosion  at  Montaña  could go home peacefully  fire expand.                    A  call  for  evacuation  is  Everyone  had  to  rest  40
            Apartments,  where  a  20  thanks  to  her  own  APEX                                  not  done  carelessly,  be-  minutes  in  order  to  con-
            gallon  gas  tank  exploded  colleagues, who did every-   And even though Rino Her-    cause people are asked to  tinue,  this  way,  they  could
            leaving  victims,  including  thing possible to make the  mans  –  disaster  manage-   leave their homes and that  work  for  24  hours  fighting
            dead, behind.                area safe and then helped  ment  adviser,  from  Bureau  means that the Fire Depart-   the fire.
                                         the Fire Department to fight  Rampen  Bestrijding  Aruba  ment  must  go  into  action
            With her sibling in the offic-  the fire.                 (BRA) – was ready to tackle  to secure the entire neigh-  And  it  was  a  challenge,
            es of Arugas, without being  Our  reporter  understood  the crisis,  “this was  the first  borhood. On that Tuesday,  because  the  temperature
            able  to  leave  despite  the  that  all  equipment  avail-  time in my career that I was  a total of 48 police officers  100  meters  away  from  the
            fire  at  the  neighboring  lot,  able  was  used  to  domi-  scared”.  And  for  Hermans  had to focus their work on  fire  reached  120  degrees
            Jessica  experienced  crip-  nate  the  fire,  something  to admit this is unusual, for  the neighborhood to guar-  Celsius,  on  a  very  hot  day
            pling  fear  that  something  that  worked.  “More  than  a person who doesn’t allow  antee safety.                 without wind. “It wasn’t un-
            more  serious  could  hap-   anything  I’m  proud  of  my  emotions to dominate.                                    til the sun went down that
            pen. She was so glad that  colleagues and to be part                                   Despite  the  seriousness  of  it became a little fresher. I
            after  two  hours  of  calling  of  this  team”,  Besaril  ex-  The reason for this was the  the situation, Hermans says  have been through a lot in
            911,  her  sibling  called  her  plained.                 combination of smoke con-    that neither doctors nor the  my  life,  but  this  was  really
            to  say  that  police  came                               centration,  the  tempera-   local hospital reported cas-  something tough. My read-
            knocking on the door and  Even though initially Jessica  ture of 38 degrees, and the  es of people who suffered  ing glasses melted, to illus-
            ordered everyone to evac-    Franken  had  her  thoughts  fact that there was no wind.  from  breathing  problems.  trate how hot it was. I don’t
            uate the premises.           about  the  fact  that  man-  “At one point the wind fell  But in the group of people  usually get scared, but this
                                         agement  of  Arugas  did  to  zero  knots.”  And  when  who  were  working  hard  was abnormal.”
            Sandra Besaril, on the other  not let the workers leave as  they  received  notification  to  fight  the  fire,  there  was
            hand,  was  calm  at  APEX,  soon  as  the  fire  grew,  she  that the wind was coming  moments  that  action  was  And this is the reason Rino
            which is also close to Daltra  is  relieved  that  everything  back,  but  would  bring  the  needed, in some cases, to  Hermans  is  looking  back
            in Barcadera. She didn’t re-  ended well. Even more, she  smoke  in  the  direction  of  prevent  problems.  “It  was  with pride for the work that
            alize nothing about the fire  was glad that after her sib-  the neighborhood of Sime-  according  to  our  rehabili-  everyone  did.  They  man-
            until  her  colleagues  came  ling wrote a letter with sug-  on Antonio, he decided to  tation  procedures,  to  give  aged  to  keep  the  fire  at
            to  tell  everyone  in  the  of-  gestions, this was positively  act.  “We  don’t  know  how  oxygen to the firemen who  Daltra  and  prevent  it  from
            fice. “I went outside to the  accepted  by  manage-       many people have Covid-      were  working.”  There  is  a  spreading  to  APEX  and
            parking lot when I noticed  ment.                         lungs  and  other  breath-   rehabilitation   procedure,  Arugas.q
            the fire was growing fast. It                             ing  problems.  Seeing  the  together with IMSAN (Medi-
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