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                                                                                                           local Tuesday 6 sepTember 2022
            UNESCO Aruba preparing for Aruba to host the regional

            conference of MOWLAC

            ORANJESTAD  –  Minister  of  merce    and    destruction
            Culture,  Xiomara  Maduro,  cause  the  disappearance
            recently  held  a  meeting  of  historical  documents
            with  Mrs.  Marushka  Tromp  from  humanity’s  collective
            and Mr. Peter Scholing from  memory.  For  the  region
            the National Committee of  of  Latin  America  and  the
            UNESCO in Aruba, in order  Caribbean, this program is
            to  receive  more  informa-  guided by a committee un-
            tion regarding the ongoing  der the name of MOWLAC.
            preparations  for  Aruba  to
            host  the  regional  confer-  In Aruba, work is also being
            ence  of  MOWLAC,  in  No-   carried out at the National
            vember 2022.                 Library of Aruba as well as
                                         the Nationa Archive Aruba,
            Since  1992,  UNESCO  pro-   in  order  to  preserve  the
            motes and coordinates the  collective  memory  of  our
            program  Memory  of  the  country. We can be proud
            World  (MOW),  which  pre-   of  the  digitalized  collec-
            serves and provides access  tion of the National Library
            to  documents  and  digital  of  Aruba,  which  recently,  Aruba.  This  is  important  National   Committee   of
            heritage  with  great  rele-  thanks  to  the  valuable  work done to preserve our  Aruba  for  all  the  work  be-  about-mowlac/ .
            vance  for  every  person  in  contributionof  the  Nation-  country’s   history,   which  ing done in order that Aru-
            the  world.  The  goal  of  the  al  Archive  Aruba  and  the  also brought positive atten-  ba can be a worthy host for  The digital collection of the
            program  is  to  avoid  that,  Department  of  Legislation,  tion  for  our  country  in  the  the  MOWLAC  conference  Colonial  History  of  Aruba
            among  others,  war,  social  now  also  counts  with  digi-  MOWLAC program.          next  November.  More  in-   can  be  accessed  through
            instability,  lack  of  resourc-  talized  information  regard-                        formation regarding MOW-
            es,  sabotage,  illegal  com-  ing  the  Colonial  History  of  Minister Maduro thanks the  LAC  can  be  accessed  via  BNA-DIG-PB-1816-1851.q

            Plenipotentiary minister present at conmemoration at Nationaal

            Indië-monument 1945-1962

            DEN  HAAG    –  Alternate
            Plenipotentiary  Minister  of
            Aruba  in  the  Netherlands,
            mr.  Ady  Thijsen,  by  invita-
            tion of Stichting Indië Mon-
            ument,  was  present  at  the
            national  commemoration
            at  Roermond,  the  Nether-

            During the ceremony at the
            Nationaal Indië-monument
            1945-1962  all  military  per-
            sonnel  who  lost  their  lives
            between 1945 and 1962 in
            Nederlands Indië, currently

                                                                                                   Indonesia,   are   remem-    dignitaries.
                                                                                                   bered. This is a day where
                                                                                                   all  military  personnel  who  Premier  Rutte  gave  a
                                                                                                   lost their lives during peace  speech  a  laid  a  wreath  in
                                                                                                   missions  of  the  United  Na-  the name of the Council of
                                                                                                   tions are remembered.        Ministers at the monument.

                                                                                                   The national commemora-      Afterwards,  various  military
                                                                                                   tion  was  attended  by  the  and  civic  representatives
                                                                                                   prime minister of the Neth-  laid wreaths on the monu-
                                                                                                   erlands,  Mark  Rutte;  vice-  ment. This was followed by
                                                                                                   president of Tweede Kamer  a  parade  by  the  guests,
                                                                                                   (Dutch  Congress),  Martin  military and civil authorities,
                                                                                                   Bosma; presidente of Eerste  and visitors. q
                                                                                                   Kamer (Dutch Senate), Jan
                                                                                                   Anthonie Bruin; King’s Com-        Images are courtesy of
                                                                                                   missioner for Limburg, Emile                  Arubahuis.
                                                                                                   Roemer,  as  well  as  other
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