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sports Diamars 9 augustus 2022
USA Swimming cuts deal to simplify anonymous abuse reporting
(AP) — USA Swimming protect them from abuse
has added technology to RealResponse has developed by coaches. In 2010, USA
its abuse-reporting sys- technology that allows re- Swimming's former execu-
tems that will allow better porters to file reports about tive director, the late Chuck
communication between abuse via text and for those Wielgus, was accused of ig-
those coordinating inves- who receive the reports to noring or downplaying doz-
tigations and reporters follow up while the name ens of cases of sexual abuse.
who want to remain anon- of the reporter remains con- Around 150 swimming
ymous. cealed. coaches have since been
"Previously, we could receive banned by the U.S. Center
The organization announced an anonymous report, but we for SafeSport, which was cre-
a deal with RealResponse on had no way to follow up with ated in response to cases in
Monday, which is interna- that individual if we had ad- swimming, gymnastics and
tional Safe Sport Day. ditional questions or didn't other Olympic sports.
have enough information,
One feature in RealRe- or wanted to let them know Though not affiliated with
sponse's technology is the what we were doing to follow the SafeSport center, Real-
ability to exchange informa- up," said Abigail Howard, Response started offering its The mission, says the com- more than 100 college sports
tion with anonymous re- who oversees the director of own technology five years ago pany's founder, David Chad- programs, a handful of NFL
porters via text without the USA Swimming's safe sport to help organizations stream- wick, is "providing a safe teams and the National
reporters having to identify program. line reporting and keep better space for people to speak up Women's Soccer League. In
themselves. Though orga- track of the way they process and doing it in a really acces- the Olympic realm, USA
nizations can often act more USA Swimming plans to and resolve cases. At times, sible and easy to use way and, Swimming joins USA Track
decisively when victims or make the technology avail- organizations get into legal frankly, helping leaders of and Field, US Equestrian,
witnesses attach their names able to its approximately trouble because there's in- these organizations identify USA Gymnastics and the
to reports, anonymous re- 400,000 members. sufficient documentation to issues faster before they be- U.S. Anti-Doping Agency
porting is crucial because of- The national governing body show how they responded come bigger crisis." among the organizations that
ten victims fear retribution if is a defendant in several law- when told about a case. have signed on.
their names become public. suits claiming it failed to RealResponse has deals with
Ex-Manchester United star Ryan Giggs starts assault trial
ferent. November 2020. retrieve her belongings and
leave before he came home,
"In the privacy of his own Giggs has denied all of the Wright said. Greville asked
personal life at home or be- charges. He stood down as her sister to meet her at house
hind closed doors, there was, manager of the Wales na- for support.
we say the facts reveal, a much tional team in June, saying
uglier and more sinister side he didn't want to jeopardize The plan failed because Giggs
to his character,'' Wright told preparations for the World came home earlier than ex-
the jury. "This was a private Cup later this year in Qatar. pected and argued with
life that involved a litany of He had been on leave since Greville as he tried to stop
abuse, both physical and psy- November. her from leaving. A physi-
chological, of a woman he cal altercation began when
professed to love." Wright said the case stems Greville took Giggs' mobile
from an incident on Nov. 1, phone to use as a bargaining
The 48-year-old Giggs is ac- 2020, that began when Giggs chip and Giggs tried to grab
cused of assaulting Kate Gre- and Greville were out with her device, Wright said. Gre-
ville, 36, and causing actual friends at the Stock Exchange ville's sister was elbowed in
bodily harm at his home in Hotel in Manchester. the jaw after she tried to in-
(AP) — Former Man- behavior against an ex- Worsley, greater Manchester During the evening, Greville tervene, he said.
chester United star Ryan girlfriend. in November 2020. He is decided to end their relation-
Giggs, adored by fans also charged with common ship because of Giggs' behav- "At that stage, we say, the de-
throughout a 24-year ca- Prosecutor Peter Wright told assault of Greville's younger ior and because she knew he fendant entirely lost self-con-
reer, has a more sinister the jury at Minshull Street sister during the same inci- had been cheating on her. trol and he deliberately head-
side to his character, pros- Crown Court in Manches- dent, as well as using control- butted Kate, thereby causing
ecutors said Monday as he ter that while Giggs' soccer ling and coercive behavior Greville left the hotel early, swelling to her lips and bruis-
went on trial on charges of skills were a thing of beauty, toward his former girlfriend planning to return to the ing," the prosecutor said.
assault and use of coercive his off-field life was very dif- between August 2017 and home she shared with Giggs,
Lions lose 4th player to retirement this summer
(AP) — Detroit Lions rookie offen- tirees Jermaine Waller, a defensive back
sive tackle Zein Obeid has retired, from Virginia Tech, and Corey Sutton,
the fourth player to end his career a former Appalachian State receiver.
with the team in two months.
Defensive tackle John Penisini retired
Lions coach Dan Campbell said Mon- in late July after starting 12 games as
day that Kendall Lamm was signed to a sixth-round pick in 2020 and playing
fill Obeid's roster spot. The 30-year- in 16 games as a reserve last year.
old Lamm has started 28 of 86 NFL
games with Houston, Cleveland and Detroit will play the Atlanta Falcons
Tennessee. on Friday night at home in a preseason
game. The Lions open the regular sea-
Obeid, who played at Ferris State, was son on Sept. 11 at home against Phila-
an undrafted rookie as were recent re- delphia.