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A32    sports
                  Diamars 9 augustus 2022

                                 Serena Williams earns first win of season in Toronto

                                                                      Diaz 6-3, 6-4 at the wom-    string  suffered  after  slipping  power and putting shot after
                                                                      en's National Bank Open.     on the grass surface.        shot  out  of  Parrizas-Diaz's
                                                                                                   Williams'  first  victory  since  reach.
                                                                      It's  just  the  second  tour-  the  2021  French  Open  sent
                                                                      nament  of  the  season  for  her to face the either Belinda  Williams' effort had the fans
                                                                      the  40-year-old  Williams,  Bencic or Tereza Martincova.  on  their  feet  roaring  and
                                                                      who  returned  to  competi-                               some even bowing.
                                                                      tion at Wimbledon just over  Williams  started  out  strong,
                                                                      a  month  ago.  The  23-time  taking  the  first  two  games  Williams won the final three
                                                                      Grand Slam champion fell in  with relative ease.          games  to  take  the  first  set,
                                                                      the  first  round  to  Harmony                            then surged ahead in the sec-
                                                                      Tan  in  three  sets  at  the  All  Parrizas-Diaz tied it 2-2, but  ond  after  the  57th-ranked
                                                                      England Club.                despite Williams' struggles at  Parrizas-Diaz took a 4-3 lead.
                                                                                                   certain  points,  the  31-year-  She  endured  a  nine-deuce
                                                                      Before  then,  she  last  com-  old  Spaniard  couldn't  find  game to hold serve and even
                                                                      peted at the 2021 Wimbledon  enough  of  a  consistent  flow  the set, then broke in the next
                                                                      tournament,  where  she  re-  to get ahead. Williams found  game before serving out the
            (AP)  —  Serena  Williams  more than a year Monday,  tired in the middle of her first  her  rhythm,  mixing  solid  victory.
            earned  her  first  win  in  beating  Nuria  Parrizas-    match  due  to  a  torn  ham-  touch  with  her  signature

                       Argentina defender Senesi joins Bournemouth from Feyenoord

            (AP)  —  Argentina  defender
            Marcos  Senesi  signed  for  Bour-  Another defender aiming to earn se-
            nemouth  on  Monday  two  days  lection to the World Cup in Qatar in
            after  the  newly  promoted  club  November  moved  between  league
            made a winning start in the Eng-    clubs.
            lish Premier League.
                                                Everton  said  it  agreed  on  a  season-
            Bournemouth  said  the  25-year-old  long  loan  to  sign  Wolverhampton
            Senesi signed a four-year contract but  captain Conor Coady, who has played
            did not state the transfer fee it paid  10 times for England.
            Feyenoord. The price was reported as
            15 million euros ($15.3 million).   The  29-year-old  Coady  started  his
                                                career across the city with Liverpool,
            Senesi made his debut for Argentina  but  said  he  was  "desperate  to  come
            in  June,  in  a  friendly  against  Esto-  here,  to  play  for  this  club.  I've  got
            nia,  after  helping  Feyenoord  reach  family  and  friends  who  are  massive
            the Europa Conference League final  Evertonians."
            which the Dutch club lost to Roma.
                                                Everton's need for a central defend-
            Bournemouth is back in the Premier  er grew when Ben Godfrey, another
            League after a two-year absence and  England  international,  injured  his
            opened with a 2-0 home win against  right leg on Saturday in a 1-0 home  surgery  on  a  fractured  fibula  and  is  ton said.
            Aston Villa on Saturday.            loss  against  Chelsea.  Godfrey  had  set to be out for three months, Ever-

                           Oklahoma's Gundy out after saying 'racially charged' word

            (AP)  –  A  day  after  Okla-  nounced  his  resignation,  cially  charged  word  mul-  versity  or  our  football  pro-  of pain felt by a room full of
            homa assistant head foot-    the  school  said  Monday  tiple  times  during  a  film  gram. This is not acceptable.  young men I am charged to
            ball coach Cale Gundy an-    that  Gundy  uttered  a  ra-  session last week.          Period."                     protect, lead and love," Ven-
                                                                                                                                ables said.
                                                                      Gundy,  who  had  been  with  Gundy apologized in his post
                                                                      the  program  as  an  assistant  and  explained  his  resigna-  Former  Sooners  player  Joe
                                                                      since  1999,  announced  his  tion.  He  said  he  noticed  a  Mixon,  who  now  plays  for
                                                                      resignation  in  a  social  me-  player  was  distracted  while  the  Cincinnati  Bengals,  was
                                                                      dia post late Sunday, and the  he  was  supposed  to  be  tak-  among  those  who  defended
                                                                      school  confirmed  it  with  a  ing notes, so he picked up the  Gundy on Twitter.
                                                                      statement  shortly  thereafter.  athlete's iPad and read aloud
                                                                      Oklahoma  sent  out  another  the words on the screen. He  Gundy  —  whose  brother  is
                                                                      statement on Monday giving  acknowledged that  he  said  a  Oklahoma  State  head  coach
                                                                      more  details  about  the  inci-  word  that  he  "should  never  Mike  Gundy  —  was  on
                                                                      dent.                        —  under  any  circumstance  staff  for  all  14  of  the  Soon-
                                                                                                   — have uttered," and said he  ers' Big 12 titles and the na-
                                                                      "Coach    Gundy    resigned  was "horrified" when he real-  tional  championship  season
                                                                      from  the  program  because  ized what he had done.       in  2000.  He  spent  the  last
                                                                      he  knows  what  he  did  was                             seven seasons coaching wide
                                                                      wrong,"  first-year  Sooners  Venables said it tough to see  receivers  after  spending  the
                                                                      coach  Brent  Venables  said  Gundy to leave, but worse for  previous 16 seasons coaching
                                                                      in  the  statement.  "He  chose  the players to hear that word  running backs.
                                                                      to  read  aloud  to  his  players,  from one of their coaches.
                                                                      not once but multiple times,                              Venables   said   L'Damian
                                                                      a  racially  charged  word  that  "As  painful  as  it  has  been  Washington,  who  had  been
                                                                      is objectionable to everyone,  dealing with coach Gundy re-  an  offensive  analyst,  will
                                                                      and does not reflect the atti-  signing from the program, it  coach receivers on an interim
                                                                      tude  and  values  of  our  uni-  doesn't touch the experience  basis.
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