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A30    world news
                  Diamars 9 augustus 2022

                         One year after Afghanistan, spy agencies pivot toward China

                                                                      that  the  counterterrorism  land of Taiwan by force.     surgence of extremist groups
                                                                      fight is hardly being ignored.  Intelligence  officials  have  that  America  is  ill-equipped
                                                                      Just  a  week  ago  it  revealed  said they need more insights  to counter.
                                                                      a  CIA  drone  attack  killed  on China, including after be-
                                                                      al-Qaida  leader  Ayman  al-  ing unable to definitively pin-  The shift in priorities is sup-
                                                                      Zawahri  in  Kabul.  But  days  point the cause of the COV-  ported by many former intel-
                                                                      later, China staged large-scale  ID-19 pandemic. Beijing has  ligence officers and lawmak-
                                                                      military exercises and threat-  been accused of withholding  ers from both parties who say
                                                                      ened to cut off contacts with  information about the origins  it’s  overdue.  That  includes
                                                                      the U.S. over House Speaker  of the virus.                people  who  served  in  Af-
                                                                      Nancy  Pelosi’s  visit  to  Tai-                          ghanistan and other missions
                                                                      wan. It underscored the mes-  And the war in Ukraine has  against  al-Qaida  and  other
                                                                      sage CIA deputy director Da-  underscored Russia’s impor-  terrorist groups.
                                                                      vid  Cohen  had  delivered  at  tance  as  a  target.  The  U.S.
                                                                      that  meeting  weeks  ago:  the  used declassified information  Rep.  Jason  Crow,  a  former
                                                                      agency’s top priority is trying  to  expose  Russian  President  Army Ranger who served in
            (AP) — In a recent closed-   Biden and top national secu-  to  understand  and  counter  Vladimir  Putin’s  war  plans  Afghanistan and Iraq, said he
            door meeting with leaders  rity officials speak less about  Beijing.                   before the invasion and rally  believed  the  U.S.  had  been
            of  the  agency’s  counter-  counterterrorism  and  more                               diplomatic support for Kyiv.  overly  focused  on  counter-
            terrorism center, the CIA’s  about the political, economic  The  U.S.  has  long  been                              terrorism over the last several
            No.  2  official  made  clear  and  military  threats  posed  alarmed by China’s growing  Supporters of the Biden ad-  years.
            that fighting al-Qaida and  by  China  as  well  as  Russia.  political  and  economic  am-  ministration  approach  note
            other  extremist  groups  There’s  been  a  quiet  pivot  bitions.  China  has  tried  to  that the fact the U.S. was able  “A far greater existential threat
            would remain a priority —  within  intelligence  agencies,  influence  foreign  elections,  to  track  and  kill  al-Zawahri  is  Russia  and  China,”  said
            but that the agency’s mon-   which are moving hundreds  mounted campaigns of cyber  is evidence of its capabilities  Crow, a Colorado Democrat
            ey and resources would be  of  officers  to  China-focused  and corporate espionage, and  to  target  threats  in  Afghani-  who  serves  on  the  House
            increasingly shifted to fo-  positions,  including  some  detained  millions  of  minor-  stan from abroad. Critics say  Intelligence and Armed Ser-
            cusing on China.             who  were  previously  work-  ity Uyghurs in camps. Some  the  fact  that  al-Zawahri  was  vices  committees.  Terror-
                                         ing on terrorism.            experts also think Beijing will  living  in  Kabul,  under  the  ist groups, he said, “will not
            One year after ending the war                             in  coming  years  try  to  seize  apparent  protection  of  the  destroy the American way of
            in Afghanistan, President Joe  Intelligence  officials  stress  the self-ruled democratic is-  Taliban, suggests there’s a re-  life ... the way China can.”

                         Misfired rockets may have killed over a dozen in Gaza battle

            (AP) — Close to one-third  it claims to protect, it would                                                           tions in the area at the time.
            of  the  Palestinians  who  make  for  an  even  more  hu-  The Palestinian Health Min-  PCHR director Raji Sourani  It released video footage pur-
            died in the latest outbreak  miliating  outcome  for  the  istry said 46 Palestinians were  said that the group has issued  portedly  showing  a  barrage
            of violence between Israel  militant  group  and  its  main  killed  in  the  three  days  of  statements on only those in-  of militant rockets, with one
            and  Gaza  militants  may  sponsor, Iran.                 fighting,  including  16  chil-  cidents in which there was no  falling short.
            have been killed by errant                                dren and four women. It does  ambiguity, and that the others
            rockets fired by the Pales-  In  Gaza,  the  ruling  Hamas  not differentiate between ci-  will take more time to inves-  Islamic Jihad had announced
            tinian  side,  according  to  militant  group  heavily  po-  vilians and militants.    tigate because of “contradict-  a rocket attack on the south-
            an  Israeli  military  assess-  lices dissent, and many Pales-                         ing  allegations.”  He  did  not  ern  Israeli  city  of  Ashkelon,
            ment that appears consis-    tinians view armed groups as  Islamic  Jihad  said  12  of  its  elaborate.            just  north  of  Jebaliya,  at
            tent with independent re-    freedom  fighters  defending  fighters were killed, a small-                           around the same time as the
            porting by The Associated  their homeland in the face of  er armed group said it lost a  “We   need   eyewitnesses,  explosion.
            Press.                       Israeli aggression.          fighter, and Hamas said two  shrapnel,  videos  and  evi-
                                                                      Hamas-affiliated  policemen  dence,” he said. “There must  Video  footage  of  the  af-
            The  Israeli  military  said  47  Israel  said  it  targeted  only  who did not take part in the  be an investigation.”  termath  circulated  online,
            Palestinians  were  killed  in  militants and made every ef-  fighting  were  killed.  Israel                       showing what appeared to be
            the weekend of fighting — at  fort to spare civilians. But at  said it killed at least 20 mili-  The  suspicions  are  focused  a rocket casing sticking out of
            least  14  of  them  by  Islamic  least one strike, which killed  tants and seven civilians.  on three explosions in which  the ground on a narrow, busy
            Jihad-fired  rockets  that  fell  a  senior  Islamic  Jihad  com-                      at  least  15  civilians  were  street.  When  the  AP  visited
            short.                       mander in the southern city  Neither  Hamas  nor  Islamic  killed.                     the site on Monday, the cas-
                                         of  Rafah  late  Saturday,  also  Jihad  responded  to  Israel’s                       ing  was  gone  and  the  hole
            No  one  in  Gaza  with  direct  killed  five  civilians  as  Is-  claims  that  civilians  were  On  Saturday  night,  seven  had  been  filled  in  with  dirt.
            knowledge of the explosions  rael flattened one home and  killed  by  misfired  rockets.  Palestinians  were  killed  in  a  Palestinians are usually keen
            in  question  was  willing  to  heavily damaged others.   Instead, they have held Israel  blast in the crowded Jebaliya  to display evidence of Israeli
            speak  about  them  publicly.                             responsible for all the deaths.  refugee  camp  in  northern  airstrikes  to  international
            But live TV footage showed  The  violence  began  Friday,                              Gaza.  The  Israeli  military  media.
            militant rockets falling short  when Israel launched a wave  Gaza-based  human  rights  said it carried out no opera-
            in densely packed residential  of  airstrikes  against  Islamic  groups   investigating   the
            neighborhoods. And AP vis-   Jihad  because  of  what  the  strikes  also  declined  to  ad-
            its to the sites of two explo-  military  described  as  an  im-  dress  the  claims.  But  their
            sions that killed a total of 12  minent threat to Israelis liv-  initial  findings  indicate  that
            people  lent  support  to  sus-  ing near the Gaza frontier. By  at  least  some  of  the  explo-
            picions they were caused by  the time a cease-fire took ef-  sions were questionable.
            rockets that went off course.  fect late Sunday, Islamic Jihad
                                         had fired hundreds of rockets  The Al-Mezan human rights
            Israel  is  claiming  victory  in  into Israel, and Israeli aircraft  group  said  some  civilians
            the  weekend  clash,  in  part  had struck dozens of suspect-  were  killed  by  “projectiles”
            because  it  killed  two  senior  ed militant targets.    rather  than  Israeli  airstrikes.
            Islamic  Jihad  commanders                                The  Palestinian  Center  for
            and because no Israelis were  The  Israeli  army  said  mili-  Human Rights said it has so
            killed or seriously wounded.  tants fired about 1,100 rock-  far confirmed that 27 people
            If  it  turns  out  that  Islamic  ets,  with  about  200  landing  were  killed  by  Israeli  strikes
            Jihad harmed some of those  inside the Palestinian enclave.  — far below the overall toll.
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