Page 13 - Minister Otmar Oduber
P. 13

                                                                                                                     Tuesday 22 December 2015

Davide Bugatti, Owner Eataly Aruba Authentic Italian

Street-Food: “I Want to Fulfill the Need of the Local”

NADIEN PHILLIP                  environment was touristic, I    lasagna at my place, with   it. This makes it easier to     proach to the truck. Some                didn’t feel like I was in Aru-  the same quality.” After    manage, he said.                locals like it and some local
Special to Aruba Today          ba. The idea that started       Mr. Bugatti gained experi-                                  prefer to go somewhere
ORANJESTAD - During an          Eataly Aruba was to work        ence working with Amore     Mobile truck                    else.”
interview with Davide Bu-       with the local community        Mio with 14 -16 employees,  Another reason for opening      Tony Ianonne (37) co own-
gatti (35) owner of Eataly      and serve the quality food      he decided that he no lon-  the food truck is because       er of Eataly Aruba is a long
Aruba, he explained us          to the local community, so      ger wants a place with so   its mobile and “event           time friend of Mr. Bugatti,
about the concept, mis-         the locals don’t have to        many employees. A truck     friendly”. We can take the      and is settled in Aruba for 6
sion and vision of his place,   go to eat 30 dollars lasa-      is something that can be    truck anywhere making it        months now. Before he de-
but also of challenges          gna in the restaurant, but      done with two partners, 2   a mobile restaurant, Mr.        cided to come live here he
bringing a new concept          they can eat a 10 dollar        or 3 employees and that’s   Bugatti Said. Eataly was        came for vacation twice
on the Island.                                                                              a part of different events      and always helped his
Mr. Bugatti comes from It-                                                                  throughout the year like        friend around. During these
aly and he came to Aruba                                                                    the Aruba Summer Music          trips, because the truck
6 years ago when he meet                                                                    Festival, Love Festival and     had just been opened, he
a special Lady. “Before I                                                                   Electric Festival.              checked the potential of
didn’t know what Aruba                                                                                                      the truck. “Seeing the po-
was, and I didn’t know                                                                      Existence                       tential of the truck on the
about the Dutch Caribbe-                                                                    The “Eataly Aruba” project      Island I decided to let ev-
an Islands. But after I have                                                                started in 2013 and then        erything go in Italy where
been here I felt the need                                                                   it stopped for 8 months.        I had a good job, car and
to come here and to make                                                                    It started back in 2014         house. I had a good life
a life and a family as well.”                                                               with new partnership and        but it became an every-
                                                                                            with a more serious proj-       day routine so I chose to
Development of the con-                                                                     ect, so Eataly Aruba has        change my life and come
cept                                                                                        been open now for 1 year        here, Mr. Ianonne said.”
So six years ago when he                                                                    straight everyday of the
came here he started                                                                        year.                           Future plans
working for Confessions                                                                                                     “For the future plans we
where he was a manager                                                                      The biggest challenge Mr.       should have already
and then opened the piz-                                                                    Bugatti said opening the        opened another con-
zeria Amore Mio. When Mr.                                                                   truck was to win the local      cept of street food in Palm
Bugatti got to know the Is-                                                                 community with a product        Beach, something right in
land and how everything                                                                     that never existed. “We         between a food truck and
works he said that he start-                                                                were sure about the quality     a restaurant serving Ital-
ed implementing some                                                                        of the product; it is very fa-  ian food. We had some
ideas that he was having.                                                                   mous in Italy. But at the be-   problem with permits, but
                                                                                            ginning we were too Italian     we should open next year.
Gap in the market                                                                           for Aruba, now we try to        We will still offering our top
Mr. Bugatti started renting                                                                 give an international ap-       quality food in a more
event supplies and then                                                                                                     gourmet way. More of our
he got the Idea of the Au-                                                                                                  future projects include ex-
thentic Italian Street-food.                                                                                                panding our activity with
According to Mr. Bugatti                                                                                                    brands of Italian products,
he saw a gap in this market                                                                                                 Italian kitchen lessons and
on the Island about food                                                                                                    we have also a big project
at night. “The mission I had                                                                                                for a new kind of restaurant
was to bring quality food                                                                                                   but that is 2017.Keeping in
for especially late night                                                                                                   mind the good reputation
hours. This is why I chose                                                                                                  of my good friend and
to open a food truck and                                                                                                    partner, Mr. Ianonne Add-
not a restaurant. You can                                                                                                   ed.
open another restaurant                                                                                                     The truck is building a re-
and try to fill the need of                                                                                                 ally good reputation and
the tourists, but i wanted                                                                                                  in fact the food truck is just
to fulfill the need of the lo-                                                                                              the beginning, we think a
cals. Opening Amore Mio i                                                                                                   lot bigger.
worked everyday just with
tourists and because the                                                                                                         Continued on Page 15
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