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                                                                                         world news Dialuna 29 augustus 2022

                          Pakistan flooding deaths pass 1,000 in 'climate catastrophe'

            ISLAMABAD  (AP)  —  western  Khyber  Pakhtunkh-           "closeness to the populations  country.  The  Pakistani  army  if visited flooding victims in
            Deaths  from  widespread  wa  province,  where  tens  of  of Pakistan struck by flooding  also said in a statement it air-  city of Jafferabad in Baluch-
            flooding     in   Pakistan  thousands of people — espe-   of  disastrous  proportions.''  lifted a 22 tourists trapped in  istan. He vowed the govern-
            topped  1,000  since  mid-   cially  in  the  Charsadda  and  Speaking  during  a  pilgrim-  a valley in the country's north  ment would provide housing
            June, officials said Sunday,  Nowshehra districts — have  age  to  the  Italian  town  of  to safety.               to  all  those  who  lost  their
            as  the  country's  climate  been  evacuated  from  their  L'Aquila, which was hit by a                             homes.
            minister called the deadly  homes  to  relief  camps  set  deadly  earthquake  in  2009,  Prime Minister Shabaz Shar-
            monsoon season "a serious  up in government buildings.  Francis  said  he  was  praying
            climate catastrophe."        Many have also taken shelter  "for  the  many  victims,  for
                                         on  roadsides,  said  Kamran  the  injured  and  the  evacu-
            Flash  flooding  from  the  Bangash,  a  spokesperson  for  ated, and so that international
            heavy rains has washed away  the provincial government.   solidarity will be prompt and
            villages and crops as soldiers                            generous."
            and  rescue  workers  evacu-  Bangash  said  some  180,000
            ated  stranded  residents  to  people  have  been  evacuated  Rehman  told  Turkish  news
            the safety of relief camps and  from Charsadda and 150,000  outlet  TRT  World  that  by
            provided  food  to  thousands  from Nowshehra district vil-  the time the rains recede, "we
            of displaced Pakistanis.     lages.                       could well have one fourth or
                                                                      one  third  of  Pakistan  under
            Pakistan's  National  Disas-  Khaista Rehman, 55, no rela-  water."
            ter  Management  Authority  tion  to  the  climate  minister,
            reported the death toll since  took shelter with his wife and  In  May,  Rehman  told  BBC
            the  monsoon  season  began  three  children  on  the  side  Newshour  that  both  the
            earlier than normal this year  of  the  Islamabad-Peshawar  country's  north  and  south
            —  in  mid-  June  —  reached  highway  after  his  home  in  were  witnessing  extreme
            1,061 people after new fatali-  Charsadda  was  submerged  weather  events  because  of
            ties were reported across dif-  overnight.                rising  temperatures.  "So  in
            ferent provinces.                                         north  actually  just  now  we
                                         The  unprecedented  mon-     are  ...  experiencing  what  is
            Sherry  Rehman,  a  Pakistani  soon  season  has  affected  all  known  as  glacial  lake  out-
            senator  and  the  country's  four  of  the  country's  prov-  burst  floods  which  we  have
            top climate official, said in a  inces. Nearly 300,000 homes  many  of  because  Pakistan  is
            video posted on Twitter that  have been destroyed, numer-  home to the highest number
            Pakistan  is  experiencing  a  ous  roads  rendered  impass-  of  glaciers  outside  the  polar
            "serious  climate  catastrophe,  able  and  electricity  outages  region."
            one of the hardest in the de-  have been widespread, affect-
            cade."                       ing millions of people.      The  government  has  de-
                                                                      ployed soldiers to help civil-
            Flooding from the Swat Riv-  Pope  Francis  on  Sunday  ian authorities in rescue and
            er  overnight  affected  north-  said he wanted to assure his  relief  operations  across  the

                           Notting Hill Carnival returns to London streets after hiatus

            LONDON  (AP)  —  The  ebrates  Caribbean  culture  at  don's Notting Hill neighbor-    west London.                 been performing at the carni-
            annual  Notting  Hill  Car-  the end of August every year,  hood.                                                   val for decades.
            nival  has  returned  to  the  had  to  take  place  online  for                       Crowds  of  young  children  "Since  the  band  has  started,
            streets  of  London  for  two years due to the corona-    The event has grown from a  blowing  whistles  danced  I'm  on  my  fifth  generation
            the  first  time  since  2019,  virus pandemic.           festival drawing several hun-  down  the  streets  with  their  of people and there's been a
            with more than 1 million                                  dred  people  to  a  huge  an-  parents on Sunday, tradition-  lot of changes," he said. "But
            people  expected  to  take  The carnival traces its history  nual street party, with tens of  ally  a  more  family-friendly  our  members  look  forward
            in  the  music,  spectacular  back to 1958, when Trinida-  thousands  of  performers  in  day than Monday. Some chil-  to  carnival  every  year  and
            parades, dancing and food  dian  human  rights  activist  the colorful parade and more  dren stood on the doorsteps  practice takes place regularly
            offerings at Europe's larg-  Claudia Jones began organiz-  than 30 sound systems.      of their houses waving Jamai-  from year to year."
            est street party on Sunday  ing  a  gathering  to  unify  the  Celebrations began on Satur-  can flags.
            and Monday.                  community  after  a  series  of  day night, as more than 1,000                         "A  lot  of  people  have  been
                                         racially  motivated  attacks  on  people  gathered  to  watch  a  Pepe Francis heads the Ebony  waiting for it to come back,"
            The  carnival,  which  cel-  West  Indians  in  west  Lon-  steel  band  competition  in  Steelband  Trust,  which  has  Francis added.
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