Page 6 - AHATA
P. 6
Thursday 16 November 2017
Ride into the Future
By Linda Reijnders ity scooter is an electrically-
Mobility gives you free- powered chair on wheels
dom, but when your feet or with a steering wheel or
legs won’t work along as handle. “I will start with this
they should, you are lim- service at the Main Cruise
ited. We may not stand still Terminal in Oranjestad, but
by the fact that most of us I have this business already
walk, run and jump around for years in Benidorm, Spain
in full swing, while at a and it is very successful.”
certain age your scenario The beach destination Beni-
might become different. dorm is known as a favorite
Active aging however is a place for seniors to spend
hot thing and seniors are the wintertime and escape
not keen to be stuck on the the cold in the Northern Eu-
couch anymore. Donald ropean countries. In that
Anthony Gonsalves, born in light Donald sees a parallel
Curacao, resident of Spain, with Aruba.
symbolizes active aging
not only as a person, but Care Market above 50, which means a are an important source of market staying over com-
also in his business. “I see The recent Cruise Sympo- considerable number can income, for sure if you con- plete winters and the short
Aruba as a future Cruise sium in Aruba showed that be expected to have dis- sider also the average age stay tourists you have fully
Scooter Paradise.” this industry brought the is- ability problems. But, the of timeshare holders”, says booked hotels with mobility
land $85 million Dollars in- strange phenomenon is Donald. “The ‘care market’ scooters parked in front of
Donald’s business, called come last year and the ma- that this group lacks atten- is a concept that is com- them.”
EasyHire, rents mobility jority of this group of tourists tion on Aruba. The media mon in Europe for 20 years
scooters to everybody with are seniors. “80 percent for example does not fo- already and it is highly prof-
a walking disability. A mobil- of the cruise tourists are cus on this group while they itable. With the huge senior Continued on Page 15