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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 28 March 2023

            U.S. to adopt new restrictions on using commercial spyware

            By NOMAAN MERCHANT                                                                                                  searcher at the University of
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Toronto’s  Citizen  Lab  who
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The                                                                                            has  long  studied  spyware,
            U.S. government will restrict                                                                                       credited  the  Biden  admin-
            its  use  of  commercial  spy-                                                                                      istration for trying to set new
            ware tools that have been                                                                                           global standards for the in-
            used to surveil human rights                                                                                        dustry.
            activists, journalists and dis-                                                                                     “Most  spyware  companies
            sidents  around  the  world,                                                                                        see  selling  to  the  U.S.  as
            under  an  executive  order                                                                                         their  eventual  exit  path,”
            issued  Monday  by  Presi-                                                                                          Scott-Railton said.
            dent Joe Biden.                                                                                                     “The  issue  is  the  U.S.  until
            The  order  responds  to                                                                                            now  hasn’t  really  wielded
            growing  U.S.  and  global                                                                                          its  purchasing  power  to
            concerns  about  programs                                                                                           push the industry to do bet-
            that can capture text mes-                                                                                          ter.”
            sages and other cellphone                                                                                           Congress last year required
            data.                                                                                                               U.S.  intelligence  agencies
            Some  programs  so-called                                                                                           to  investigate  foreign  use
            “zero-click”  exploits    can                                                                                       of  spyware  and  gave  the
            infect a phone without the                                                                                          Office  of  the  Director  of
            user clicking on a malicious                                                                                        National  Intelligence  the
            link.                                                                                                               power to ban any agency
            Governments  around  the     House Select Committee on Intelligence ranking member Rep. Jim Himes, D-Conn speaks during   from using commercial pro-
            world    including  the  U.S.   the committee’s annual open hearing on worldwide threats, at the Capitol in Washington, March   grams.
            are known to collect large   9, 2023.                                                              Associated Press   Rep.  Jim  Himes  of  Con-
            amounts  of  data  for  intel-                                                                                      necticut, the top Democrat
            ligence  and  law  enforce-  for  democracy  this  week.  The  order  will  require  the  dissidents.               on  the  House  Intelligence
            ment  purposes,  including  The  order  “demonstrates  head of any U.S. agency us-     “It is intended to be a high  Committee, said in a com-
            communications from their  the  United  States’  leader-  ing  commercial  programs  bar but also includes reme-    mittee  hearing  last  year
            own citizens.                ship  in,  and  commitment  to certify that the program  dial steps that can be taken  that  commercial  spyware
            The  proliferation  of  com-  to,  advancing  technology  doesn’t  pose  a  significant  ... in which a company may  posed a “very serious threat
            mercial spyware has made  for  democracy,  including  counterintelligence  or  oth-    argue that their tool has not  to  our  democracy  and  to
            powerful tools newly avail-  by countering the misuse of  er security risk, a senior ad-  been misused,” said the of-  democracies  around  the
            able  to  smaller  countries,  commercial  spyware  and  ministration official said.   ficial, who briefed reporters  world.”  He  said  Monday
            but  also  created  what  other  surveillance  technol-   Among the factors that will  on condition of anonymity  the  new  order  should  be
            researchers  and  human-     ogy,” the White House said  be  used  to  determine  the  under White House ground  followed  by  other  democ-
            rights activists warn are op-  in a statement.            level  of  security  risk  is  if  a  rules.              racies  taking  steps  against
            portunities  for  abuse  and  Biden’s  order,  billed  as  a  foreign actor has used the  The  White  House  will  not  spyware.
            repression.                  prohibition  on  using  com-  program  to  monitor  U.S.  publish a list of banned pro-  “It’s  a  very  powerful  state-
            The  White  House  released  mercial spyware “that pos-   citizens  without  legal  au-  grams as part of the execu-  ment and a good tool, but
            the  executive  order  in  ad-  es risks to national security,”  thorization or surveil human  tive order, the official said.  alone it won’t do the trick,”
            vance of its second summit  allows for some exceptions.   rights  activists  and  other  John  Scott-Railton,  a  re-  he said.q

             More relatives of Colorado shooting victims sue Sturm Ruger

            STAMFORD,  Conn.  (AP)  —  Both lawsuits accuse Sturm,  sembles  a  rifle,  in  a  “reck-  capability  and  glorified  ing  that  killed  20  children
            More  relatives  of  people  Ruger  &  Co.  of  marketing  less”  and  “immoral”  way  lone gunmen. The lawsuits,  and  six  educators.  That
            shot  to  death  at  a  Colo-  its  AR-556  pistol,  which  re-  that  promoted  its  killing  which  seek  undisclosed  lawsuit led to a $73 million
            rado  supermarket  in  2021                                                            damages, are expected to  settlement with Remington
            are suing gun-maker Sturm,                                                             be  consolidated  into  one  last year.
            Ruger  &  Co.  over  how  it                                                           case, Garza said.            Gun  makers  are  generally
            marketed the firearm used                                                              “We’re interested in pursu-  shielded from liability under
            in the massacre, adding to                                                             ing  justice  for  all  the  fami-  a 2005 federal law, but an
            litigation first filed earlier this                                                    lies and holding Ruger ac-   exception  allows  lawsuits
            month  against  the  com-                                                              countable,”  Garza  said  over firearms marketing.
            pany.                                                                                  Monday.                      The  gunman  in  the  March
            The  lawsuit  by  relatives  of                                                        Representatives  of  Sturm,  22,  2021,  shooting  at  the
            five of the 10 people killed                                                           Ruger & Co., based in Fair-  King  Soopers  store  in  Boul-
            in  Boulder  was  served  on                                                           field,  Connecticut,  did  not  der  legally  bought  the  Ru-
            the   company     Thursday                                                             immediately  respond  to  ger  AR-556,  investigators
            and is expected to be filed                                                            email  and  phone  messag-   said.
            this week in Superior Court                                                            es Monday.                   The  six  victims  whose  rela-
            in  Stamford,  Connecticut,                                                            The  wrongful  death  law-   tives  are  suing  Sturm,  Ru-
            according to Andrew Gar-                                                               suits are similar to one filed  ger  &  Co.  were  Suzanne
            za,  a  lawyer  for  the  plain-  Pictures of the 10 victims of a mass shooting in a King Soopers   against  gun-maker  Rem-  Fountain,  Neven  Stanisic,
            tiffs.  The  son  of  a  sixth  vic-  grocery  store  are  posted  on  a  cement  barrier  outside  the   ington  by  relatives  of  vic-  Denny  Stong,  Lynn  Mur-
            tim  sued  the  company  on   supermarket in Boulder, Colo., on April 23, 2021.        tims of the 2012 Sandy Hook  ray, Jody Waters and Kevin
            March 14.                                                             Associated Press   Elementary  School  shoot-  Mahoney.q
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