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A4   U.S. NEWS
                    Tuesday 28 March 2023
            3 children, 3 adults killed at Christian school in Nashville

            By JONATHAN MATTISE and                                                                                             or emotional connection to
            TRAVIS LOLLER                                                                                                       the  school.  There’s  an  un-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    told story here.”
            NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — A                                                                                           Monday’s  tragedy  unfold-
            female  shooter  wielding                                                                                           ed over roughly 14 minutes.
            two    “assault-style”   rifles                                                                                     Police  received  the  initial
            and a pistol killed three stu-                                                                                      call about an active shoot-
            dents  and  three  adults  at                                                                                       er at 10:13 a.m.
            a  private  Christian  school                                                                                       Officers  began  clearing
            in  Nashville  on  Monday                                                                                           the  first  story  of  the  school
            in  the  latest  in  a  series  of                                                                                  when they heard gunshots
            mass  shootings  in  a  coun-                                                                                       coming  from  the  second
            try  growing  increasingly                                                                                          level,  police  spokesperson
            unnerved  by  bloodshed  in                                                                                         Don  Aaron  said  during  a
            schools.                                                                                                            news briefing.
            Police said they believe the                                                                                        Two  officers  from  a  five-
            28-year-old female shooter                                                                                          member team opened fire
            was a former student at The                                                                                         in  response,  fatally  shoot-
            Covenant  School,  a  Pres-                                                                                         ing  the  suspect  at  10:27
            byterian  school  founded                                                                                           a.m.,  Aaron  said.  He  said
            in 2001. She also died after                                                                                        there  were  no  police  of-
            being  shot  by  police  and                                                                                        ficers  present  or  assigned
            investigators  were  immedi-                                                                                        to the school at the time of
            ately  sent  to  her  Nashville-  A police officer walks by an entrance to The Covenant School after a shooting in Nashville, Tenn.   the shooting because it is a
            area home.                   on Monday, March 27, 2023.                                                             church-run school.
            The  attack  at  The  Cov-                                                                         Associated Press   The   Covenant   School’s
            enant  School    which  has  ushered  out  of  the  build-  “It’s  ripping  at  the  soul  of  than women, according to  victims  were  pronounced
            about  200  students  from  ing,” Metropolitan Nashville  this  nation,  ripping  at  the  Jonathan Metzl, a professor  dead at the Monroe Carell
            preschool    through   sixth  Police  Chief  John  Drake  very  soul  of  this  nation,”  of sociology and psychiatry  Jr.  Children’s  Hospital  and
            grade,  as  well  as  roughly  said at an afternoon news  Biden said.                  at Vanderbilt University who  Vanderbilt  University  Medi-
            50  staff  members    comes  conference.                  The  suspect’s  identity  as  has studied mass shootings  cal  Center.  One  officer
            as communities around the  The  identities  of  the  de-  a  woman  surprised  ex-     for more than a decade.      had  a  hand  wound  from
            nation  are  reeling  from  a  ceased  and  the  suspect  perts  on  mass  shootings.  Metzl listed those explana-  cut  glass.  Other  students
            spate  of  school  violence,  have  not  been  released.  Female  shooters  make  up  tions  as:  Men  have  more  walked  to  safety  Monday,
            including  the  massacre  at  The  shooter’s  motive  was  only about 5% to 8% of all  testosterone, are socialized  holding  hands  as  they  left
            an  elementary  school  in  also not immediately clear.   mass  shooters,  said  Adam  to be engaged in violence  their school surrounded by
            Uvalde,  Texas,  last  year;  President Joe Biden, speak-  Lankford, a criminal justice  and  own  more  guns  than  police  cars,  to  a  nearby
            a  first  grader  who  shot  his  ing  at  an  unrelated  event  professor  at  the  Univer-  women.  “There  is  some  church to be reunited with
            teacher  in  Virginia;  and  a  at  the  White  House  on  sity  of  Alabama  who  has  story we don’t know here,”  their parents.
            shooting last  week  in  Den-  Monday, called the shoot-  closely studied the psychol-  Metzl said of the suspected  Rachel  Dibble,  who  was
            ver that wounded two ad-     ing a “family’s worst night-  ogy and behavior of mass  female  shooter  in  Nash-     at  the  church  as  families
            ministrators.                mare”  and  implored  Con-   shooters.  Researchers  be-  ville.  “From  school  shoot-  reunited  in  the  nearby
            “I  was  literally  moved  to  gress  again  to  pass  a  ban  lieve  there  are  three  main  ings  historically,  very  often  church,   described   the
            tears  to  see  this  and  the  on  certain  semi-automatic  explanations  for  why  men  we think that people have  scene as everyone being in
            kids  as  they  were  being  weapons.                     commit  more  shootings  some historical connection  “complete shock.” q

            Train derails in rural North Dakota and

            spills chemical

            \WYNDMERE, N.D. (AP) — A  said 31 of the 70 cars on the  Railroad safety has been in
            Canadian Pacific train de-   train left the tracks around  the spotlight nationally ever
            railed in rural North Dakota  11:15  p.m.  Sunday,  and  since last month’s fiery de-
            Sunday  night  and  spilled  some of the cars leaked liq-  railment of a Norfolk South-
            hazardous materials. But lo-  uid asphalt.                ern  train  near  East  Pales-
            cal authorities and the rail-  But there are no waterways  tine,  Ohio.  Roughly  half  of
            road said there is no threat  near where the derailment  that  town  of  about  5,000
            to public safety.            happened.                    people  near  the  Pennsyl-
            There  were  no  injuries  and  The  railroad’s  hazardous  vania  border  had  to  be
            no  fire  associated  with  materials experts are work-   evacuated  after  officials
            the  derailment,  which  oc-  ing with local first respond-  decided  to  release  and
            curred  in  a  rural  area  out-  ers  to  clean  up  the  spill.  burn toxic chemicals.
            side Wyndmere, a town of  Several  roads  in  the  area  Federal    regulators   and
            several  hundred  people  were shut down.                 members     of    Congress
            about  60  miles  (97  kilome-  It wasn’t immediately clear  have  proposed  reforms   This photo provided by Joshua Henderson shows a Canadian
            ters) southwest of Fargo.    what  caused  the  derail-   they  want  railroads  to    Pacific train derailed in rural North Dakota on Sunday, March
            Canadian  Pacific  spokes-   ment or exactly how much  make  to  prevent  future       26, 2023, which spilled hazardous materials, but local authorities
            person  Andy  Cummings  liquid asphalt spilled.           derailments.q                and the railroad said there is no threat to public safety.
                                                                                                                                            Associated Press
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