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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Tuesday 28 March 2023
             Scotland to get 1st Muslim leader as SNP elects Humza Yousaf

            By JILL LAWLESS                                                                                                     said it ignored the need to
            Associated Press                                                                                                    protect  single-sex  spaces
            LONDON (AP) — Scotland’s                                                                                            for women, such as domes-
            governing  party  elected                                                                                           tic  violence  shelters  and
            Humza  Yousaf  as  its  new                                                                                         rape crisis centers.
            leader on Monday, making                                                                                            Yousaf  has  promised  to
            him the first person of color                                                                                       push  forward  with  the  bill,
            and the first Muslim to lead                                                                                        which has been passed by
            the  country  of  5.5  million                                                                                      the Scottish parliament but
            people.                                                                                                             blocked  by  the  U.K.  gov-
            Yousaf  narrowly  defeated                                                                                          ernment.
            rival  Kate  Forbes  after  a                                                                                       The  SNP  holds  64  of  the
            bruising   five-week   con-                                                                                         129  seats  in  the  Scottish
            test  that  exposed  deep                                                                                           parliament  and  governs
            fractures  within  the  pro-in-                                                                                     in  coalition  with  the  much
            dependence  Scottish  Na-                                                                                           smaller Greens. The smaller
            tional  Party  as  it  faces  an                                                                                    party had warned it might
            impasse in its quest to take                                                                                        quit  the  coalition  if  the
            Scotland out of the United                                                                                          SNP  elected  a  leader  that
            Kingdom.                                                                                                            doesn’t  share  its  progres-
            The  37-year-old  Glasgow-                                                                                          sive views  meaning a vic-
            born  son  of  South  Asian                                                                                         tory  by  Forbes  or  Regan
            immigrants is set to be con-  Newly elected Scottish National Party leader Humza Yousaf speaks after being announced new   could  have  splintered  the
            firmed  as  first  minister  dur-  SNP leader, at Murrayfield Stadium, in Edinburgh, Scotland, Monday, March 27, 2023.   government.
            ing a session of the Scottish                                                                      Associated Press   That split has been avoided,
            parliament in Edinburgh on  of  uniting  the  SNP  and  re-  a clear message: that your  for  Scotland.  Forbes,  32,  is  but the pro-independence
            Tuesday.                     energizing the stalled inde-  color  of  skin,  your  faith,  is  an  evangelical  Christian  campaign  remains  adrift.
            Yousaf,  who  currently  is  pendence campaign.           not a barrier to leading the  who has been criticized for  Scottish  voters  backed  re-
            Scotland’s  health  minister,  “Just as I will lead the SNP  country we all call home.”  saying that her faith would  maining in the U.K. in a 2014
            beat  two  other  Scottish  in  the  interests  of  all  party  Yousaf  is  widely  seen  as  a  have  prevented  her  from  referendum that was billed
            lawmakers  in  a  contest  to  members,  not  just  those  “continuity  Sturgeon”  can-  voting  in  favor  of  allowing  as  a  once-in-a-generation
            replace First Minister Nicola  who voted for me, so I will  didate who shares the out-  same-sex  couples  to  wed,  decision.
            Sturgeon.  She  unexpect-    lead  Scotland  in  the  in-  going leader’s liberal social  had she been a lawmaker  The SNP wants a new vote,
            edly  stepped  down  last  terests  of  all  our  citizens  views.                     when  Scotland  legalized  but  the  central  govern-
            month after eight years as  whatever  your  political  al-  A  formidable  leader  who  gay marriage in 2014.       ment in London has refused
            leader of the party and of  legiance,”  he  said  in  an  led the SNP to a dominant  Both  Forbes  and  49-year-    to  authorize  one,  and  the
            Scotland’s    semi-autono-   acceptance speech at Ed-     position  in  Scottish  politics,  old  Regan  opposed  leg-  U.K.  Supreme  Court  has
            mous government.             inburgh’s Murrayfield rugby  Sturgeon  failed  in  her  aim  islation  championed  by  ruled  that  Scotland  can’t
            SNP members chose Yousaf  stadium.                        of  taking  Scotland  out  of  Sturgeon to make it easier  hold one without London’s
            over  Scottish  finance  min-  “They couldn’t have imag-  the  U.K.  and  divided  the  for people in Scotland to le-  consent.
            ister  Forbes  by  a  margin  ined, in their wildest dreams,  party  with  a  contentious  gally change their gender.  Yousaf  said  he  would  ask
            of  52%  to  48%,  after  third-  that  two  generations  later  transgender rights law.  The gender recognition bill  the  Conservative  govern-
            placed candidate Ash Re-     their  grandson  would  one  The  three  candidates  to  has been hailed as a land-    ment in London for autho-
            gan was eliminated in a first  day be Scotland’s first min-  succeed  her  shared  the  mark piece of legislation by  rization to hold a new refer-
            vote.  Turnout  among  the  ister,”  he  said.  “We  should  goal  of  independence,  transgender rights activists,  endum. Prime Minister Rishi
            72,000 members was 70%.      all  take  pride  in  the  fact  but  differed  in  their  eco-  but  faced  opposition  from  Sunak’s office said the an-
            Yousaf faces the challenge  that  today  we  have  sent  nomic  and  social  visions  some  SNP  members  who  swer remained no.q

             Greenland to stay in daylight saving time forever

             COPENHAGEN,      Denmark  three hours behind Copen-      world,” Visit Greenland, the
             (AP) — Residents of Green-  hagen and most other Eu-     local government’s tourism
             land  have  switched  to  ropean  countries  instead  office said in a statement.
             daylight  saving  time  and  of  four.  Greenland’s  par-  Geographically,   sparsely
             moved  their  clocks  one  liament,  Inatsisartut,  voted  populated  Greenland  be-
             hour forward this weekend  to  stick  to  daylight  saving  longs  to  the  North  Ameri-
             for the very last time.     time year-round on Nov. 24  can  continent  but  geopo-
             Unlike  most  of  Europe,  last year. Officials say it will  litically, it is in Europe.
             Greenlanders  will  leave  give Greenlanders another  Greenland is part the Dan-
             their   clocks   untouched  hour  of  daylight  in  the  af-  ish Realm and its southern-
             come  autumn  when  day-    ternoons  and  more  time  most tip is more than 3,200
             light  saving  time  ends.  to do business with Europe  kilometers  (nearly  2,000
             While  Europe  and  the  U.S.  and farther afield.       miles)  west  of  Copenha-
             debates whether to stick to  “The shift of time zone marks  gen. Its 56,000 people main-
             the  twice-yearly  practice,  an exciting new beginning,  ly  Inuit,  indigenous  people
             Greenland - a vast Danish  an  equal  connection  to  who chiefly live on the west
             semi-independent  territory  North America and Europe,  coast  in  small  towns  and   Small pieces of ice float in the water in Nuuk Fjord, Greenland,
             in the Arctic - has resolved  and an opportunity to slow  hamlets  or  remote  coastal   June 15, 2019.
             to  perennially  remain  only  down  in  a  fast-paced  settlements.q                                                         Associated Press
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