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LOCALWednesday 27 January 2016

Violeta by MANGO:

New Image and New Sizes In The Spring/Summer 2016 Collection

-Following several col-   worked with the brand      alongside Candice. The
laborations, the model    on other occasions, has    styling was by the Violeta
Candice Huffine be-       become the new face        by MANGO team, while
comes the new face of     of the campaign.           José Carlos González
the campaign. What’s      The photo shoot, which     was responsible for hair
more, Violeta by MAN-     took place in Mallorca in  and make-up. The cam-
GO is extending the size  mid-December, was led      paign will hit the streets
range to 54 and becom-    by the photographer        and the brand’s various
ing curvier than ever.    Sergi Pons, with whom      advertising platforms

ORANJESTAD/BARCELO-       the brand has collabo-     from 1 February.
NA - Violeta by MANGO     rated on numerous oc-      On her collaboration
presents its new Spring/  casions. Candice shared    with the brand, Candice
Summer 2016 collection    the photo shoot with the   Huffine said: It is always
with the support of Can-  American model Tara        a pleasure to collabo-
dice Huffine. The Ameri-  Lynn, who is featured in   rate with Violeta! I really
can model, who has        the brand’s catalogue      identify with the brand

                                                                                  and I am delighted to        en in the technical pat-
                                                                                  be a part of this project,   tern details from size to
                                                                                  which is committed to        size and in being able to
                                                                                  the world of curvy fash-     offer a high quality col-
                                                                                  ion. The garments are        lection for any moment
                                                                                  incredible and I like the    of the day, aimed at a
                                                                                  idea that all women          modern and demand-
                                                                                  have access to the lat-      ing woman who wants
                                                                                  est trends, something I      to feel attractive, sexy
                                                                                  have always defended.        and fashionable.
                                                                                                               The brand’s new collec-
                                                                                   As a new feature and        tion has a clear 70s inspi-
                                                                                  to mark the second an-       ration running through
                                                                                  niversary of the brand’s     it. In this decade, denim
                                                                                  creation, it has extend-     emerges as a key ma-
                                                                                  ed its size range to cater   terial, whether in flared
                                                                                  for consumers up to size     trousers, long skirts and
                                                                                  54, as a result of the nu-   overshirts. The golden
                                                                                  merous requests it has re-   hues of cognac and
                                                                                  ceived from them.            mustard merge in gar-
                                                                                  The aim of Violeta by        ments such as jumpsuits
                                                                                  MANGO is to dress a          and overalls, offerings
                                                                                  young target market          that perfectly represent
                                                                                  with garments designed       the youthful freedom
                                                                                  to be comfortable, femi-     and optimism of this era.
                                                                                  nine and modern. The         Visit Mango, exclu-
                                                                                  secret to this project,      sively in downtown
                                                                                  launched in January          Oranjestad.q
                                                                                  2014, lies in the care tak-
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