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LOCALWednesday 27 January 2016

  Loyal Visitors Honored by the Aruba Tourism Authority

EAGLE BEACH - Recently honoring a group of loyal Resort as Distinguished Visi-
the Aruba Tourism Authority and friendly visitors of Aruba tors and Goodwill Ambas-
had the great pleasure of at the Costa Linda Beach sadors! The symbolic honor-

ary titles are presented in    of the friendly people, the
the name of the Minister of    weather, the beaches, the
Tourism as tokens of appre-    restaurants, the Casinos,
ciation for guests who visit   and just about everything
Aruba for 10-to-19 and 20-     else! They say Aruba feels
to-34 consecutive years.       like a second home where
The honorees were Mr. Luis     the people are like family
and Mrs. Ana Maria Franch      to them, and Costa Linda
and their daughter and son     is truly their ‘home-away-
Maria Cecilia and Mariano      from-home.’
Franch as Distinguished Visi-  The certificates were pre-
tors, and Mr. Valeri and Mrs.  sented by Mr. Ernest Giel
Lina Markovsky as Goodwill     representing the Aruba
Ambassadors.                   Tourism Authority togeth-
Families Franch and Mar-       er with Mrs. Gloria Janga
kovsky are regular guests of   and Mrs. Lina Asaytuno
Costa Linda and they love      of the Costa Linda Beach
Aruba very much because        Resort.q
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