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a8    local
                       Monday 11 July 2022
            Exposition ‘Tropico Cube’ at Cas di Cultura

            Oranjestad  -  Cas  di  Cul-  local visual arts curated by
            tura presents the exhibition  art historian Ana Maria Her-
            ‘Tropico  Cube’,  an  exhibi-  nandez.
            tion featuring the local art-
            ist  Laura  de  Vogel.  This  is  Laura  de  Vogel  is  a  local
            the fifth and last exhibit that  artist that makes questions
            will  be  part  of  Cas  di  Cul-  related to our understand-
            tura’s program AUA Exhib-    ing  and  relationship  with
            its ’21-’22, which is a series  the space around us. In her
            of  exhibitions  presenting  exhibition  ‘Tropico  Cube’,

                                                                      de  Vogel  shares  her  artis-  cent  decades  the  it  be-  public  until  the  27   of  July
                                                                      tic  investigation  about  the  came a topic of discussion  at Cas di Cultura. Appoint-
                                                                      functionality  and  identity  because  many  argued  it  ments  can  be  made  to
                                                                      of the ‘White Cube’ ideol-   separates  art  from  its  real-  receive  a  tour  and  learn
                                                                      ogy. This is a format of ex-  ity.                        more about visual art, tak-
                                                                      hibition  of  European/North                              ing the visitors to a different
                                                                      American origin, which is a  In  the  ‘Tropico  Cube’  ex-  world.
                                                                      square white room, that of-  hibit, de Vogel offers a re-
                                                                      fers a neutral space for the  flection of the search for a  For  more  information  and
                                                                      spectator can view art with  format to present art that is  to  experience  the  exhibi-
                                                                      no distraction.              better  tuned  with  our  cul-  tion  you  can  contact  Cas
                                                                                                   ture and heritage.           di Cultura at (297) 582-1010
                                                                      This  method  of  presenting                              or book an appointment at
                                                                      art  became  the  standard  The    exhibition   ‘Tropico q
                                                                      since  1930,  however  in  re-  Cube’ will be open to the
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