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                                                                                                           LOCAL Monday 11 July 2022

            Family and friends wish a happy 40  year
            anniversary to Michael and Janet Ciurleo

            Oranjestad  -  Their  daugh-  Michael and Janet Ciurleo   have  been  owners  at  Divi
            ter  Heather  reached  out  are  from  New  York  and     Village  &  Golf  since  the
            to  us  in  order  to  highlight  have two children, namely   year 2005, and have visited
            and celebrate the wonder-    Heather, who is married to   our Island 16 times, making
            ful  40th  year  anniversary  their  son  in  law  Stephan,   this special trip their 17th.
            of her parents, who will be  and  Michael,  who  has
            celebrating  this  beautiful  a  girlfriend  named  Lind-  The  lovely  couple  will  be
            and  special  occasion  on  sey.  They  have  two  dogs   celebrating   the   grand
            our Island.                  named  DJ  &  Cooper  and    milestone in their marriage
                                         a fur grandchild Ruby. They   surrounded by the love of
                                                                      their  family  and  friends,

              Aruba to Me                                             who  send  a  special  mes-
                                                                      sage  to  the  couple;  “We
                                                                      are  so  thankful  to  be  cel-
                                                                      ebrating your 40th anniver-
                                                                      sary in Aruba!”

                                                                      Along with their loved ones,
                                                                      Aruba  Today  wishes  them
                                                                      many more years filled with
                                                                      love,  strength  and  unity  in
                                                                      their  marriage.  We  hope
                                                                      you have a wonderful time
                                                                      celebrating  this  beautiful
                                                                      special day.q

              ORANJESTAD – We would like to portrait you! By invit-
              ing you to send us your favorite vacation picture while
              enjoying our Happy Island. Complete the sentence:
              Aruba to me is …….  Send your picture with that text
              (including  your  name  and  where  you  are  from)  to:
     and we will publish your va-
              cation memory. Isn’t that a special way to keep your
              best  moments  alive?  Please  do  note:  By  submitting
              photos,  text  or  any  other  materials,  you  give  per-
              mission  to  The  Aruba  Today  Newspaper,  Caribbean
              Speed Printers and any of its affiliated companies to
              use said materials, as well as names, likeness, etc. for
              promotional purposes without compensation.

              Last but not least: check out our website and Face-
              book page! Thank you for supporting our free news-
              paper, we strive to make you a happy reader every
              day again.q
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