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Monday 11 July 2022 locAl

            Over a decade in business, Aruba Living Today:

            Offering the so much needed human touch

             NOORD  —  We  are  in  2022.  It’s                                                                           also  a  certified  appraiser  within
             been  a  wild  ride  with  Covid-19                                                                          the Dutch Kingdom meaning he
             and  we  all  are  aiming  for  a                                                                            does  your  appraisal  report  that
             change  of  routine.  We  simply                                                                             is accepted by all banks and he
             want  to  “live”  life  again.  “It  is                                                                      delivers  within  three  days.  “This
             time  for  living  your  dream,”  as                                                                         definitely speeds up the process
             the  quote  says  at  Aruba  Liv-                                                                            of buying,” Prenger adds.
             ing  Today’s  office.  “We  are  ten
             plus years in business, and I am                                                                             You  are  welcome  to  meet  in
             proud to say that all our clients                                                                            person
             stuck with us. We are no part of a                                                                           Aruba  Living  Today  houses  in
             big company, we keep it small,                                                                               an  authentic  Aruban  house,
             personal, and real. Because you                                                                              welcoming  you  in  a  warm  am-
             are not a number, no sales target                                                                            biance  that  emphasizes  the
             either and certainly your name is                                                                            philosophy of connecting. Can-
             not commission. Our responsibil-                                                                             dles,  Buddha  ornaments  and  a
             ity is to make your dream come                                                                               homey  setting  form  the  décor
             true,”  says  owner  Randolph  Ar-                                                                           for you to sit and talk about your
             ends.                                                                                                        dream house or investment. “My
                                                                                                                          goal was to do real estate in a
             From human to human                                                                                          different way when I established
             If  you  have  decided  to  buy  a                                                                           this company June 1st 2009. Not
             house  or  rent  one  for  vacation                                                                          from the perspective of only sell-
             in Aruba and you are looking for                                                                             ing,  but  to  look  for  the  perfect
             that match, the question now is                                                                              match  between  dream  house
             how to click with a person that                                                                              and  client.  My  philosophy  is:  it
             offers  a  personal  touch?  One                                                                             will only work when all involved
             who pays genuine attention and                                                                               are  happy  and  connected  by
             has sincere interest in what you                                                                             that personal touch.”
             want? This different approach to                                                                             Aruba  Living  Today  caters  for
             real estate is what sets Aruba Liv-                                                                          both  local  and  foreign  market
             ing Today apart, and the reason                                                                              divided  into  40  %  local  buyers
             Randolph calls himself a proper-                                                                             and  60  %  foreign  buyers.  “Our
             ty mediator instead of a real es-                                                                            customers  come  from  Holland,
             tate broker. “The personal touch                                                                             Belgium, Norway, Germany, UK,
             is essential to me. I am stepping    One stop shopping point             for  Notary  and  Utilities,  Guiding   Russia,  Latin  America,  United
             aside of the image that real es-     Services offered by Aruba Living    Bureaucracy Process and Assist-     States  and  Canada.  We  are
             tate  brokers  are  only  in  for  the   Today are House and Land Sales,   ing  in  Import  of  Furniture.  Ran-  widely  covered  and  thus  prov-
             commission. This image does not      Rentals,  Investments,  Property    dolph  and  his  business  partner   able good with different cultures,
             fit me at all, I am in for my pas-   Management, Vacation Rental,        Berend Prenger are a fantastic,     also we speak four languages.”
             sion, and I can only do this from    Mortgages,  Insurances,  Mainte-    experienced duo, each of them       Besides that, Aruba Living Today
             the heart.”                          nance,  Assist  in  Arrangements    specialists  in  the  field.  Berend  is   is  open  to  every  budget,  they
                                                                                                                          have listings for all category buy-
                                                                                                                          ers. As a member of the Aruban
                                                                                                                          Real Estate Association, they are
                                                                                                                          listed also on the website www.
                                                                                                                 within a group
                                                                                                                          of 20 of the most advanced re-
                                                                                                                          altors  on  the  island.  Aruba  Liv-
                                                                                                                          ing  Today  is  featured  on  House
                                                                                                                          Hunters, social media, Aruba Liv-
                                                                                                                          ing Today and of course in Aru-
                                                                                                                          ba Today’s newspaper.q

                                                                                                                          Aruba Living Today
                                                                                                                          Tankileendert 291, Aruba
                                                                                                                          Tel +297 587 9987
                                                                                                                          Fax +297 587 9985
                                                                                                                          Cell +297 593 9177
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