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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diahuebs 4 Februari 2021

                            Slain FBI agents worked to protect children from abusers

            (AP) — FBI Agent Daniel  almost 13 years, made head-      across the country and thou-
            Alfin gained international  lines  seven  years  ago  when  sands  more  to  overseas  law
            attention  when  he  led  a  he led a team that took down  enforcement agencies.
            team that shutdown a ma-     a  Naples,  Florida,  man  who  According to the FBI, 350 ar-
            jor  worldwide  child  por-  was the lead administrator of  rests were made in the U.S.
            nography  website.  Agent  Playpen, the world’s largest-  and  548  internationally,  in-
            Laura  Schwartzenberger  known  child  pornography  cluding 25 producers of child
            worked more anonymous-       website.  Steven  Chase  had  pornography  and  51  abus-
            ly,  teaching  children  and  created the website on Tor, an  ers.  The  operation  identi-
            adults how to avoid online  open network on the internet  fied or rescued 55 American
            sexual exploitation          where  users  could  commu-  children  who  were  sexually
                                         nicate anonymously through  abused  and  296  internation-
            Alfin  and  Schwartzenberger,  “hidden service” websites.  ally. Chase got 30 years.
            gunned down Tuesday while
            serving a search warrant at a  Playpen  had  more  than  “It’s the same with any crimi-
            child  pornography  suspect's  150,000  users  worldwide.  nal  violations:  As  they  get
            South Florida apartment, de-  Members    uploaded   and  smarter,  we  adapt;  we  find  Schwartzenberger, 43, and an  where  she  discussed  com-
            voted their careers to captur-  viewed tens of thousands of  them,” Alfin said at the time.  agent  for  15  years,  was  part  puter  “sexploitation,”  where
            ing  criminals  who  sexually  graphic images of young vic-  The New York native added,  of Rockway Middle School's  hackers claim that they have
            abuse youngsters, often times  tims, categorized by age, sex  “It’s  a  cat-and-mouse  game,  law studies magnet program,  used  a  person's  computer
            testing  the  legal  boundaries  and  type  of  sexual  activity  except  it’s  not  a  game.  Kids  teaching  children  about  the  camera to video record them
            of computer privacy.         involved. The FBI launched  are  being  abused,  and  it’s  internet's  dangers,  including  watching pornography or na-
                                         an investigation in 2014 after  our job to stop that.” He was  sexual  exploitation  and  cy-  ked.  They  threaten  to  send
            The FBI released no new in-  Playpen’s IP address was ac-  married and had one child.  berbullying.                 the  video  to  spouses,  rela-
            formation  Wednesday  about  cidentally revealed.                                                                   tives and friends if the person
            the shooting in the Fort Lau-                             In  another  case,  Alfin  had  “She would always say, ‘I feel  doesn't pay extortion. Some-
            derdale  suburb  of  Sunrise.  After Chase’s arrest in 2015,  been accused by a defendant  that coming here and talking  times, they have hacked into
            Three  other  agents  were  the  FBI  kept  the  website  in  Virginia  of  unlawfully  about  the  hard  stuff  means  the  victim's  computer  and
            wounded, with two of them  operating  for  two  weeks  to  identifying  his  computer  IP  that I won’t see you guys on  found  sexually  explicit  im-
            hospitalized  in  stable  condi-  identify  other  users,  hiding  address  on  a  child  pornog-  my  end,'"  the  Miami  school  ages.
            tion. The third was treated at  malware  in  the  images  to  raphy  website.  But  a  federal  said about the Pueblo, Colo-
            the scene. The gunman killed  discover  their  IP  addresses.  judge  ruled  the  defendant  rado, native in a statement.  "It  is  very  traumatizing  for
            himself after a standoff.    From  that  effort,  investiga-  had  no  reasonable  expecta-                         the victim," Schwartzenberg-
                                         tors  sent  more  than  1,000  tion of privacy over his IP ad-  In 2018, the married mother  er  told  WPEC-TV.  “Their
            Alfin,  36,  and  an  agent  for  leads  to  FBI  field  offices  dress or personal computer.  of  two  did  a  TV  interview  reputation is on the line.”

                         Former VP Pence opens transition office in northern Virginia

            (AP)  —  Former  Vice  and his wife, Karen. The of-       state  in  the  U.S.  House.  In  Mrs.  Pence  look  forward  to  office  and  other  services  for
            President Mike Pence has  fice  is  located  in  Arlington,  2016, GOP presidential can-  continuing  to  elevate  causes  six  months  for  the  purpose
            opened a transition office  across  the  Potomac  River  didate  Donald  Trump  chose  that  are  near  and  dear  to  of wrapping up their official
            in northern Virginia.        from Washington.             Pence to be his vice presiden-  their  hearts  and  serving  the  business.
                                                                      tial  running  mate,  and  the  American people when called
            Pence announced Wednesday  The Pences are also living in  ticket was elected in 2016.  upon,”  said  their  spokesper-  Trump moved into his Mar-
            that the Office of the Former  northern Virginia. A spokes-  Trump  and  Pence  lost  their  son, Kara Brooks.      a-Lago  estate  in  his  new
            Vice  President  will  handle  person  said  they  have  sum-  bid for reelection to Demo-                          home state of Florida on Jan.
            correspondence,  scheduling  mer plans to move back to In-  crats  Joe  Biden  and  Kamala  Under federal law, the outgo-  20, when his term ended. He
            requests,  public  statements  diana, where Mike Pence was  Harris.                    ing president and vice presi-  recently  opened  his  transi-
            and official activities for him  governor and represented the  “The  vice  president  and  dent are provided a transition  tion office.

                          San Francisco sues its own school district to reopen classes

            (AP) — The city of San Francisco took a dra-    during  the  pandemic  “to  offer  classroom-based  kids back in school,” Breed said in the statement.
            matic step Wednesday in its effort to get chil-  instruction whenever possible.” The state says the  “Our teachers have done an incredible job of trying
            dren back into public school classrooms, su-    plan  has  to  be  in  place,  particularly  for  students  to support our kids through distance learning, but
            ing its own school district to try to force open  who have experienced significant learning loss due  this isn’t working for anyone. And we know we can
            the doors amid the coronavirus pandemic.        to school closures.                             do this safely.”
                                                                                                            The city attorney will file a motion Feb. 11 asking
            The lawsuit was the first of its kind in California  “So far, they have earned an F,” Herrera said in the  San Francisco Superior Court to issue an emergen-
            and possibly the country, as school systems come  statement, referring to the board. “Unfortunately,  cy order. If granted, the order would require the
            under increasing pressure from parents and poli-  the leadership of the school district and the educa-  district to formulate a reopening plan. The state-
            ticians to end virtual learning. Teachers unions in  tor’s union can’t seem to get their act together.”  ment said such emergency orders, also known as
            many large school districts, including San Francis-                                             preliminary injunctions, can only come after a law-
            co, say they won’t go back to classrooms until they  The lawsuit seeks a court order directing the school  suit is filed.
            are vaccinated.                                 district  to  prepare  to  offer  in-person  instruction
                                                            now that it is possible to do so safely, the statement
            City  Attorney  Dennis  Herrera,  with  the  backing  said.
            of Mayor London Breed, announced he had sued  San  Francisco  schools  have  been  allowed  to  re-
            the San Francisco Board of Education and the San  open since September, the statement said, noting
            Francisco Unified School District in a statement  that nearly 90% of schools in neighboring Marin
            and discussed it at a news conference.          County  have  resumed  in-person  instruction  and
                                                            that 113 private schools in San Francisco also are
            The school district did not immediately respond to  open.
            a request seeking comment.
            The lawsuit says school administrators are violating  “This is not the path we would have chosen, but
            a state requirement that districts adopt a clear plan  nothing matters more right now than getting our
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