Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20210204
P. 28
A28 u.s. news
Diahuebs 4 Februari 2021
Biden shows flexibility but tells House to 'go big' on aid
The two sides are far apart. The cor-
nerstone of the GOP plan is $160
billion for the health care response
— vaccine distribution, a “massive
expansion” of testing, protective gear
and money for rural hospitals, similar
to what Biden has proposed for aid
specific to the pandemic.
But from there, the two plans dras-
tically diverge. Biden proposes $170
billion for schools, compared with
$20 billion in the Republican plan.
Republicans also would give noth-
ing to states, money that Democrats
argue is just as important, with $350
billion in Biden’s plan to keep police,
fire and other workers on the job.
The GOP's $1,000 direct payments
would go to fewer people — those
earning up to $40,000 a year, or
$80,000 for couples. Biden's bigger
$1,400 payments would extend to
higher income levels, up to $300,000
for some families.
The Republicans offer $40 billion for
Paycheck Protection Program busi-
(AP) — President Joe Biden told Meeting later with Senate Majority ness aid. But gone are Democratic
House Democrats on Wednesday Leader Chuck Schumer and 10 top “We want to do it bipartisan, but we priorities such as a gradual lifting of
he's “not married" to an absolute Senate Democrats in the Oval Office, must be strong," Schumer said after the federal minimum wage to $15 an
number on his $1.9 trillion CO- the president expressed confidence the 90-minute session at the White hour.
VID rescue plan but Congress that the relief package would still win House. Democrats are "working with
needs to “act fast” on relief for over GOP votes and be bipartisan. our Republican friends, when we The Delaware senators Tom Carper
the pandemic and the economic can.” and Chris Coons, both Democrats
crisis. “I think we’ll get some Republicans,” from Biden's state, were at the White
he said at the start of the meeting. The swift action follows Tuesday's House earlier Wednesday and dis-
Biden also said he doesn't want to outreach to Congress as Biden and cussed with the president the need
budge from his proposed $1,400 in With a rising virus death toll and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen joined for state and local aid and the possi-
direct payments that he said were strained economy, the goal is to the Democratic senators for a private bility of narrowing who qualifies for
promised to Americans. have COVID-19 relief approved by virtual meeting, both declaring the another round of direct payments.
March, when extra unemployment Republicans' $618 billion offer was
“Look, we got a lot of people hurt- assistance and other pandemic aid too small. Coons said he's in conversations
ing in our country today,” Biden said. measures expire. Money for vaccine with Republicans “about on what
“We need to act. We need to act fast. distributions, direct payments to Both Biden and Yellen recalled the terms are they willing to increase the
We need to restore the soul of the households, school reopenings and lessons of the government response amount significantly for some state
country.” business aid are at stake. to the 2009 financial crisis, which and local aid.” Without that, he said,
some have since said was inadequate it's a “nonstarter.”
On the direct payments, he said, "I’m As lawmakers in Congress begin as conditions worsened.
not going to start my administration drafting the details of the package un- Winning the support of 10 Republi-
by breaking a promise to the Ameri- der a budget process, Biden is taking Schumer said of the Republican pro- cans would be significant, potentially
can people.” care to shore up his allies while also posal: “If we did a package that small, giving Biden the votes needed in the
ensuring that the final product fulfills we’d be mired in the COVID crisis 50-50 Senate to reach the 60-vote
The meeting with House Democrats his promise for bold relief to a bat- for years.” threshold typically required to ad-
and another later with Democratic tered nation. vance legislation. Vice President Ka-
senators came as the president steps Biden is emphasizing the need not mala Harris is the tie-breaker.
up his public engagements with law- House Democrats were told on the to forget working and middle-class
makers on pandemic aid and an eco- call with the president that they could families — those nurses and pipefit- But Democrats pushed ahead with
nomic recovery package, together his be flexible on some numbers and ters making $150,000 for a family of Tuesday's vote, laying groundwork
first legislative priority and a test of programs, and could “better target” four. for eventual approval under the bud-
the administration's ability to deliver. the direct payments, but should not get reconciliation process that would
Biden’s remarks to the Democratic back down on the size or scope of the Earlier in the week, Biden met with allow the bill to pass with a 51-vote
House caucus were relayed by two aid. 10 Republican senators who were Senate majority.
people who requested anonymity to pitching their $618 billion alternative,
discuss the private conference call. “We have to go big, not small,” Biden and told them it was not enough. He White House officials have previous-
told the Democrats. “I’ve got your said he won't delay aid in hopes of ly cited the U.S. Chamber of Com-
While Biden is trying to build bipar- back, and you’ve got mine." winning GOP support. merce as evidence of broad support
tisan support from Republicans, he is for their plan, but the nation’s most
also prepared to rely on the Demo- As the White House reaches for a bi- Senate Republican leader Mitch Mc- prominent business group on Tues-
cratic majority in Congress to push partisan bill, Democrats marshaled Connell criticized the Democrats for day urged a compromise.
his top agenda item into law. Repub- their ever-slim Senate majority, pressing ahead largely on their own as
licans object to his package as exces- voting 50-49 on Tuesday to start a the GOP senators try to provide bi- Also the Business Roundtable called
sive, preferring a $618 billion alterna- lengthy process for approving Biden’s partisan alternatives. for a "significant package that priori-
tive, but Biden panned that as insuf- bill with or without Republican sup- tizes measures to defeat the pandemic
ficient even as he continues private port. The House is due to start its “They’ve chosen a totally partisan and to deliver economic support,”
talks with Republicans on potential process with preliminary votes later path,” McConnell said. “That’s un- shelving other spending for a follow-
areas of compromise. Wednesday. fortunate.” on package.