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                                                                                         world news Diasabra 24 Juli 2021
                          Australia avoids UNESCO downgrade of Great Barrier Reef

            (AP) — Australia on Friday  “Delegates, we ask only two
            garnered  enough  inter-     things: time for experts to see
            national  support  to  defer  first  hand  our  commitment
            for  two  years  an  attempt  to  the  reef,  its  present  con-
            by  the  United  Nations’  dition and our management,
            cultural  organization  to  and for the final climate pol-
            downgrade the Great Bar-     icy  to  provide  a  consistent
            rier Reef ’s World Heritage  framework for addressing the
            status  because  of  damage  impacts of climate change on
            caused by climate change.    all  World  Heritage  proper-
                                         ties,” she said from Australia,
            UNESCO had recommend-        where  she  in  in  quarantine
            ed  that  its  World  Heritage  after  lobbying  delegates  in
            Committee  add  the  world’s  Europe and the Middle East
            largest  coral  reef  ecosystem  on the decision.
            off  the  northeast  Australian
            coast  to  the  World  Heritage  In 2014, Australia was warned
            in Danger list, mainly due to  that  an  “in  danger”  listing   Clearly  there  were  politics  and are urgent to secure the
            rising ocean temperatures.   was  being  considered  rather   behind  it,”  Ley  said  at  the  outstanding  universal  value  China’s  representative  said
                                         than being proposed for im-  time.                        of the Great Barrier Reef for  during the debate that his na-
            But     Australian-proposed  mediate action.                                           present  and  for  future  gen-  tion  “supports  the  emerging
            amendments to the draft de-                               Many  in  Australia’s  conser-  erations,” Douvere said.  consensus”  to  defer  the  “in
            cision  at  a  committee  meet-  Australia had time to respond   vative  government  saw  the                       danger” question.
            ing  in  China  on  Friday  de-  by  developing  a  long-term   move as an attempt to pres-  Greenpeace  said  in  a  state-
            ferred the “in danger” ques-  plan  to  improve  the  reef’s   sure  it  into  committing  to  ment  that  the  committee  Before  the  committee’s  rul-
            tion until 2023.             health  called  the  Reef  2050   reducing the nation’s green-  had  missed  an  opportunity  ing,  Jodie  Rummer,  a  re-
                                         Plan.                        house  gas  emissions  to  zero  to shine a light on Australia’s  search  fellow  at  the  Austra-
            In the meantime, a monitor-                               by 2050 and to stop allowing  neglect of a natural wonder.  lian Research Council Center
            ing mission will visit the reef  Since then, the reef has suf-  coal mines to be expanded.                          of Excellence for Coral Reef
            to  determine  how  the  im-  fered significantly from coral                           The  Chinese  host  of  the  Studies, said the “in danger”
            pact of climate change can be  bleaching caused by unusual-  In  arguing  for  the  reef’s  committee  meeting  in  the  designation  was  needed  to
            managed.                     ly warm ocean temperatures   downgrade,       UNESCO  city of Fuzhou this week de-     get Australia to act on climate
                                         in  2016,  2017  and  last  year.   World Heritage Center’s ma-  fended the proposed “in dan-  change.
            Representatives  of  16  of  the  The bleaching damaged two   rine  program  coordinator,  ger” listing against Australian
            21  committee  nations  apart  thirds of the coral.       Fanny  Douvere,  referred  to  government  suspicion  that  “I  think  that’s  the  wake-up
            from Australia spoke in favor                             the Intergovernmental Panel  China influenced the finding  call that we need here in Aus-
            of  the  amendments  before  Australia  reacted  angrily  last   on  Climate  Change’s  con-  for political reasons.  tralia, very much so,” Rum-
            the  committee  accepted  the  month  when  the  draft  de-  clusion that global emissions                          mer  said.  “It’s  the  wake-up
            position without a vote. Only  cision  was  published  to  re-  needed to fall to zero by 2050  “Australia, as a member state  call that we need to cut our
            Norway  argued  for  the  reef  move  the  network  of  2,500   to limit global warming to 1.5  of the World Heritage Com-  emissions and commit to net
            to be listed “in danger.” The  reefs covering 348,000 square   degrees  Celsius  (2.7  degrees  mittee,  should  ...  attach  im-  zero.  It’s  the  wake-up  call
            committee  usually  makes  kilometers  (134,000  square   Fahrenheit).                 portance  to  the  opinions  that we need to really put that
            consensus decisions.         miles) from the World Heri-                               of  the  advisory  bodies  and  spotlight on the Great Barrier
                                         tage list it joined 40 years ago   “Accelerated  action  on  cli-  earnestly  fulfill  the  duty  of  Reef.”
            Australian     Environment  for its “outstanding universal   mate  change  on  all  possible  World  Heritage  protection
            Minister Sussan Ley told the  value.” The “in danger” list-  levels, in accordance with the  instead  of  making  ground-  The deferral sidelines Austra-
            virtual  meeting  that  down-  ing is one step away from los-  1.5  degree  target  under  the  less accusations against other  lia’s management of the reef
            grading  the  reef’s  status  be-  ing all World Heritage stand-  Paris Agreement for Climate  states,” said Tian Xuejun, the  as  an  issue  at  elections  due
            fore the committee had final-  ing.                       Change,  and  the  recovery  Chinese vice minister of ed-  by  May  next  year  at  which
            ized  its  own  climate  change                           of  the  property  from  poor  ucation and the president of  the  government  will  seek  a
            policy made no sense.        “This  decision  was  flawed.   water  quality  are  both  vital  this year’s session.  fourth three-year term.
                          Germany toughens rules for travel from Spain, Netherlands

                                                                      Tuesday.                     incidence  areas”  can  avoid  nant. On Friday, the infection
                                                                                                   quarantine if they can prove  rate stood at 13.2.
                                                                      The  change  of  status  in  the  that  they  are  fully  vaccinat-
                                                                      middle of the summer travel  ed  or  have  recovered  from  Chancellor  Angela  Merkel
                                                                      season  will  inconvenience  COVID-19.  Others  can  cut  said  Thursday  that  the  fig-
                                                                      some  people  traveling  from  short  the  10-day  quarantine  ures  are  rising  with  “wor-
                                                                      Spain,  a  hugely  popular  by testing negative after five  rying  momentum”  and  “we
                                                                      tourist  destination  for  Ger-  days.                    have exponential growth.”
                                                                      mans, and likely put off more
                                                                      would-be vacationers.        Portugal, Cyprus and Britain  After the pace of vaccinations
                                                                                                   are  already  listed  as  “high-  slowed  in  recent  weeks,  she
                                                                      Spain  and  the  Netherlands  incidence areas.”           appealed to reluctant citizens
                                                                      were already on a list of “risk                           to  get  vaccinated  and  urged
                                                                      areas,” the lowest of Germa-  Germany’s infection rate re-  compatriots  who  are  more
                                                                      ny’s  three  COVID-19  risk  mains  very  low  compared  enthusiastic to help persuade
                                                                      categories, but that had bare-  with  some  other  European  others.
            (AP)  —  Germany  is  list-  into quarantine from next    ly  any  practical  effect  since  countries. But it has been ris-
            ing Spain and the Nether-    week.                        anyone  arriving  from  such  ing steadily since it bottomed  As of Thursday, 60.6% of the
            lands  as  “high-incidence                                areas  can  avoid  quarantine  out  at  4.9  new  weekly  cases  German  population  had  re-
            areas,” meaning that most  The national disease control   by  proving  they  have  tested  per 100,000 residents on July  ceived  at  least  one  shot  and
            people arriving from those  center,  the  Robert  Koch  In-  negative.                 6. The rise is being fueled by  48.5% were fully vaccinated.
            countries who aren’t fully  stitute,  said  Friday  that  the                          the  more  contagious  delta
            vaccinated will have to go  change  will  take  effect  on   People  arriving  from  “high-  variant, which is now domi-
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