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A30     world news
                      Diasabra 24 Juli 2021
                          Iran’s top leader says he understands protests over drought

                                                                      war against Iraq in the 1980’s,  officer and two civilians had  ment to allow its citizens to
                                         The  remark,  reported  by  adding  that  “the  people  been  killed  amid  the  pro-  exercise their universal rights
                                         state television, was the first  should  not  face  problems“  tests. The reports pointed out  of  freedom  of  expression  as
                                         direct comment on the pro-   anymore.                     online  videos,  alleging  they  well as freely access informa-
                                         tests  by  Khamenei  since  the                           show demonstrators carrying  tion online,” she said.
                                         demonstrations began in the  Protests  have  taken  place  in  firearms. Iran has in the past
                                         Khuzestan region a week ago.  many  cities  and  towns  of  blamed protesters for deaths  The  protests  in  Khuzestan
                                         The semiofficial news agency  Khuzestan,  according  to  the  that  occur  during  heavy-  come  as  Iran  struggles
                                         Fars reported that a man was  Human  Rights  Activists  in  handed crackdowns by secu-  through repeated waves of in-
                                         killed by shotgun fire in street  Iran  group.  Security  forces  rity forces.         fection amid the coronavirus
                                         violence in the nearby city of  have fired tear gas and water                          pandemic,  and  as  thousands
                                         Aligoudarz;  police  blamed  cannons,  and  have  clashed  Mobile  phone  internet  ser-  of workers in its oil industry
                                         the slaying on “counterrevo-  with   demonstrators,   the  vice  in  Iran  was  disrupted  are on strike to demand bet-
                                         lutionary elements.”         group added.                 during  the  protests,  accord-  ter wages and working condi-
                                                                                                   ing  to  Internet-access  advo-  tions.
                                         “People showed their discon-  On Friday, Amnesty Interna-  cacy group
                                         tent, but we cannot have any  tional said security forces had                          Iran’s  economy  has  also
            (AP)  —  Iran’s  Supreme     complaint  since  the  issue  of  used  live  ammunition  dur-  In Washington, State Depart-  struggled  under  U.S.  sanc-
            Leader    leader   Ayatol-   water  in  the  hot  climate  of  ing the protests, and it urged  ment’s  deputy  spokesperson  tions  since  then-President
            lah  Ali  Khamenei  on  Fri-  Khuzestan is not a minor is-  them  not  to  do  so.  “Using  Jalina  Porters  told  reporters  Donald  Trump’s  2018  deci-
            day  said  he  understands   sue,”  Khamenei  was  quoted  live ammunition against un-  that  the  administration  was  sion to unilaterally withdraw
            protesters’  anger  over  a   as  saying.  He  accused  Iran’s  armed  protesters  posing  no  “closely  following  reports”  America  from  Tehran’s  nu-
            drought  in  the  country’s   enemies  of  trying  to  exploit  imminent  threat  to  life  is  of the protests in Iran as well  clear deal with world powers
            southwest,  as  a  fourth    the situation.               horrifying,” Amnesty said in  as  reports  of  “government-  and imposing harsh sanction,
            death  related  to  ongoing   He praised the people of the  a statement.               imposed internet shutdowns  crashing the value of the Is-
            demonstrations there was     region  for  their  loyalty  and  Iranian state media had pre-  in the region.”        lamic  Republic’s  currency,
            reported.                    efforts during the devastating  viously reported that a police  “We urge the Iranian govern-  the rial.

                        To reach a peace deal, Taliban say Afghan president must go

             (AP)  —  The  Taliban  say  applying  by  the  thousands  in the government and heads  were tantamount to demand-  tary  tribunal  and  punished,
             they  don’t  want  to  mo-  for  visas  to  leave  Afghani-  the reconciliation council.  ing a Taliban surrender.  though he did provide specif-
             nopolize  power,  but  they  stan, fearing a violent descent  Asked about the Taliban de-                          ics. He contended the video
             insist there won’t be peace  into chaos. The U.S.-NATO  mand that Ghani be removed  “They  don’t  want  reconcili-  was  fake,  a  splicing  of  sepa-
             in Afghanistan until there  withdrawal is more than 95%  as  a  condition  of  a  peace  ation, but they want surren-  rate footage.
             is  a  new  negotiated  gov-  complete and due to be fin-  agreement,  White  House  dering,” he said.
             ernment  in  Kabul  and  ished by Aug. 31.               press  secretary  Jen  Psaki  on                          Shaheen  said  there  are  no
             President Ashraf Ghani is                                Friday  affirmed  President  Before  any  cease-fire,  there  plans to make a military push
             removed.                    Shaheen  said  the  Taliban  Joe  Biden’s  support  for  the  must  be  an  agreement  on  a  on  Kabul  and  that  the  Tal-
                                         will lay down their weapons  Afghan  president.  Psaki  said  new government “acceptable  iban have so far “restrained”
             In  an  interview  with  The  when  a  negotiated  govern-  that  Biden  was  also  sched-  to us and to other Afghans,”  themselves   from   taking
             Associated  Press,  Taliban  ment acceptable to all sides in  uled to speak with Ghani by  he said. Then “there will be  provincial  capitals.  But  he
             spokesman,  Suhail  Shaheen,  the conflict is installed in Ka-  phone later in the day.  no war.”                  warned they could, given the
             who is also a member of the  bul and Ghani’s government                                                            weapons and equipment they
             group’s negotiating team, laid  is gone.                 “The  President  and  the  ad-  Shaheen said under this new  have acquired in newly cap-
             out the insurgents’ stance on                            ministration  supports  the  government,  women  will  tured districts. He contended
             what should come next in a  “I want to make it clear that  leadership of the Afghan peo-  be  allowed  to  work,  go  to  that the majority of the Tal-
             country on the precipice.   we do not believe in the mo-  ple, including Ashraf Ghani,”  school, and participate in pol-  iban’s  battlefield  successes
                                         nopoly of power because any  Psaki said and added, “A po-  itics, but will have to wear the  came  through  negotiations,
             The  Taliban  have  swiftly  governments  who  (sought)  litical  solution  is  the  only  hijab,  or  headscarf.  He  said  not fighting.
             captured  territory  in  recent  to monopolize power in Af-  outcome  to  lasting  peace  in  women  won’t  be  required
             weeks, seized strategic border  ghanistan  in  the  past,  were  Afghanistan.”        to  have  a  male  relative  with  “Those  districts  which  have
             crossings and are threatening  not successful governments,”                           them  to  leave  their  home,  fallen to us and the military
             a number of provincial capi-  said Shaheen, apparently in-  Ghani has often said he will  and that Taliban commanders  forces who have joined us ...
             tals — advances that come as  cluding  the  Taliban’s  own  remain  in  office  until  new  in  newly  occupied  districts  were  through  mediation  of
             the last U.S. and NATO sol-  five-year  rule  in  that  assess-  elections  can  determine  the  have orders that universities,  the  people,  through  talks,”
             diers leave Afghanistan.    ment. “So we do not want to  next  government.  His  crit-  schools  and  markets  operate  he said. “They (did not fall)
                                         repeat that same formula.”   ics — including ones outside  as before, including with the  through fighting ... it would
             This week, the top U.S. mili-                            the Taliban — accuse him of  participation  of  women  and  have been very hard for us to
             tary officer, Gen. Mark Mil-  But  he  was  also  uncompro-  seeking  only  to  keep  power,  girls.               take 194 districts in just eight
             ley,  told  a  Pentagon  press  mising on the continued rule  causing splits among govern-                         weeks.”
             conference  that  the  Taliban  of  Ghani,  calling  him  a  war  ment supporters.    However, there have been re-
             have “strategic momentum,”  monger and accusing him of                                peated reports from captured  The  Taliban  control  about
             and  he  did  not  rule  out  a  using his Tuesday speech on  Last   weekend,   Abdullah  districts of Taliban imposing  half of Afghanistan’s 419 dis-
             complete  Taliban  takeover.  the Islamic holy day of Eid-  headed  a  high-level  delega-  harsh restrictions on women,  trict  centers,  and  while  they
             But  he  said  it  is  not  inevi-  al-Adha to promise an offen-  tion  to  the  Qatari  capital  of  even  setting  fire  to  schools.  have yet to capture any of the
             table. “I don’t think the end  sive against the Taliban.  Doha  for  talks  with  Taliban  One  gruesome  video  that  34  provincial  capitals,  they
             game is yet written,” he said.                           leaders. It ended with prom-  emerged  appeared  to  show  are  pressuring  about  half  of
                                         Shaheen  dismissed  Ghani’s  ises of more talks, as well as  Taliban killing captured com-  them,  Milley  said.  In  recent
             Memories  of  the  Taliban’s  right  to  govern,  resurrect-  greater  attention  to  the  pro-  mandos in northern Afghani-  days, the U.S. has carried out
             last  time  in  power  some  20  ing  allegations  of  wide-  tection of civilians and infra-  stan.               airstrikes in support of belea-
             years  ago,  when  they  en-  spread fraud that surrounded  structure.                                             guered  Afghan  government
             forced a harsh brand of Islam  Ghani’s  2019  election  win.                          Shaheen  said  some  Taliban  troops  in  the  southern  city
             that  denied  girls  an  educa-  After  that  vote,  both  Ghani  Shaheen  called  the  talks  a  commanders had ignored the  of  Kandahar,  around  which
             tion and barred women from  and his rival Abdullah Abdul-  good beginning. But he said  leadership’s orders against re-  the Taliban have been amass-
             work,  have  stoked  fears  of  lah declared themselves pres-  the  government’s  repeated  pressive and drastic behavior  ing, Pentagon press secretary
             their return among many. Af-  ident.  After  a  compromise  demands  for  a  cease-fire  and  that  several  have  been  John Kirby said Thursday.
             ghans  who  can  afford  it  are  deal, Abdullah is now No. 2  while Ghani stayed in power  put  before  a  Taliban  mili-
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