Page 12 - HOH OCT 23 2020_Neat
P. 12
Friday 23 OctOber 2020
GOP-led Senate panel advances Barrett as Democrats boycott
Continued from Front for the election.
Senate Majority Leader Mc-
Barrett, an appellate court Connell, R-Ky., has defend-
judge from Indiana, ap- ed Barrett as "exceptionally
peared for three days be- qualified" as well as his own
fore the committee last decision to push her nomi-
week, batting back Demo- nation forward. He had re-
crats' questions. She was fused to consider President
asked about her approach Barack Obama's nominee
to legal questions sur- in February 2016, saying it
rounding abortion access, was too close to a presi-
gay marriage and the na- dential election that year;
tion's tradition of a peace- Obama was in his second
ful transfer of presidential and final term.
power. Republicans have focused
Trump has said he wants on Barrett's Catholic faith,
a judge seated in time to calling her a role model for
hear any potential disputes conservative and religious
arising from the upcoming women.
election. Barrett declined Republicans also warn that
to say whether she would Democrats will "pack the
withdraw from participat- court" by adding more jus-
ing in such cases. tices if they win the White
Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, said Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, left, speaks with Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., during a Senate House and the Senate,
the court fight will be per- Judiciary Committee Executive Business meeting, including the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett although key Democrats
to serve as an associate justice on the Supreme Court of the United States, Thursday, Oct. 22, 2020,
haps the "single most im- on Capitol Hill in Washington. have not said that would
portant accomplishment" Associated Press be a priority.
of Trump's presidency. Biden said last week he's
Republican senators ridi- But Democrats on the ing Americans to vote their health law. "not a fan" of adding jus-
culed the Democratic boy- committee insisted the Re- protests at the ballot box. Barrett released dozens of tices to balance the court
cott as election-year an- publicans were rushing the Many judicial nominees de- answers this week to ad- ideologically.
tics. nomination to tip the court cline to discuss their views ditional questions sena- But during his own inter-
"Rather than show up and even further to the right. on various issues, saying tors had posed, but her view with "60 Minutes," an
do their job, they continue Sen. Mazie Hirono, D-Ha- they will consider the cases responses were similar as excerpt of which CBS re-
the theater," said Sen. John waii, called Barrett a "clear as they come. she declined to weigh in leased Friday, Biden said
Cornyn, R-Texas, pointing and present danger" to the Barrett took a similar ap- on whether the landmark he won't rule out studying
out the posters at the Dem- values Ginsburg fought for proach, drawing deep Roe v. Wade abortion rul- the addition of members
ocrats' desks. Sen. Mike on the court. skepticism from Democrats ing is a "super precedent" as part of a commission
Lee, R-Utah, called the "I stand here for Justice because she had previous- of the court or whether the he plans to name to look
boycott "a walkout on the Ginsburg," said Sen. Amy ly spoken out against abor- president could unilaterally at court changes if he's
American people." Klobuchar, D-Minn., urg- tion and past rulings on the change the date set in law elected.q
FDA approves first COVID-19 drug: antiviral remdesivir
a large study led by the uses to make copies of a large study led by the
U.S. National Institutes of itself. Certain kidney and World Health Organiza-
Health. It had been autho- liver tests are required be- tion found the drug did
rized for use on an emer- fore starting patients on it not help hospitalized CO-
gency basis since spring, to ensure it's safe for them VID-19 patients, but that
and now becomes the and to monitor for any study did not include a
first drug to win full Food possible side effects. And placebo group and was
and Drug Administration the label warns against less rigorous than previous
approval for treating CO- using it with the malaria ones that found a benefit.
VID-19. President Donald drug hydroxychloroquine, The FDA's approval state-
Trump received it when he because that can curb its ment noted that, besides
was sickened earlier this effectiveness. the NIH-led one, two oth-
month. "We now have enough er studies found the drug
Veklury is approved for knowledge and a grow- beneficial.
people at least 12 years ing set of tools to help fight Gilead charges $2,340 for
In this March 2020 photo provided by Gilead Sciences, rubber old and weighing at least COVID-19," Gilead's chief a typical treatment course
stoppers are placed onto filled vials of the investigational drug 88 pounds (40 kilograms) medical officer, Dr. Mer- for people covered by
remdesivir at a Gilead manufacturing site in the United States.
Associated Press who are hospitalized for a dad Parsey, said in a state- government health pro-
coronavirus infection. For ment. The drug is either grams in the United States
By MARILYNN MARCHIONE tients through an IV. patients younger than 12, approved or has tempo- and other developed
AP Chief Medical Writer The drug, which California- the FDA will still allow the rary authorization in about countries, and $3,120 for
U.S. regulators on Thursday based Gilead Sciences drug's use in certain cases 50 countries, he noted. patients with private in-
approved the first drug to Inc. is calling Veklury, cut under its previous emer- Its price has been con- surance. The amount that
treat COVID-19: remdesi- the time to recovery by gency authorization. troversial, given that no patients pay out of pocket
vir, an antiviral medicine five days — from 15 days The drug works by inhibit- studies have found it im- depends on insurance, in-
given to hospitalized pa- to 10 on average — in ing a substance the virus proves survival. Last week, come and other factors.q