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                                                                                         world news Dialuna 15 november 2021

                       Japan's former princess leaves for US with commoner husband

            (AP)  —  A  Japanese  prin-  ing their marriage in Tokyo.  up financially supporting her
            cess who gave up her royal  They did so without a wed-    husband.
            status  to  marry  her  com-  ding  banquet  or  any  of  the
            moner college sweetheart  other  usual  celebratory  ritu-  Mako is the niece of Emperor
            arrived  in  New  York  on  als.                          Naruhito, who also married a
            Sunday, as the couple pur-   "I want to live the only life I  commoner, Masako. Masako
            sued  happiness  as  new-    have with the person I love,"  often  suffered  mentally  in
            lyweds  and  left  behind  a  he said.                    the  cloistered,  regulated  life
            nation  that  has  criticized                             of  the  imperial  family.  The
            their romance.               Although    Japan   appears  negative media coverage sur-
                                         modern in many ways, values  rounding  Mako's  marriage
            The departure of Mako Ko-    about  family  relations  and  gave  her  what  palace  doc-
            muro,  the  former  Princess  the status of women often are  tors described last month as a
            Mako,  and  Kei  Komuro,  seen as somewhat antiquated,  form of traumatic stress dis-
            both  30,  was  carried  live  by  rooted in feudal practices.   order.
            major  Japanese  broadcasters,  Such views were accentuated
            showing  them  boarding  a  in the public's reaction to the  Former Emperor Akihito, the
            plane amid a flurry of camera  marriage. Some Japanese feel  father of the current emper-
            flashes at Haneda Airport in  they have a say in such mat-  or,  was  the  first  member  of
            Tokyo.                       ters because taxpayer money  the imperial family to marry  family  members  have  only  from the U.S. in September,
                                         supports the imperial family  a commoner. His father was  titles  and  must  leave  if  they  the  couple  was  reunited  for
            Photos posted online showed  system.                      the emperor under whom Ja-   marry commoners.             the first time in three years.
            the  couple  arriving  at  JFK                            pan fought in World War II.   Mako is the daughter of the  They  met  while  attending
            Airport.                     Other  princesses  have  mar-                             emperor's  younger  brother,  Tokyo's  International  Chris-
                                         ried commoners and left the  The family holds no political  and  her  15-year-old  brother  tian University a decade ago.
            Kei  Komuro,  a  graduate  of  palace. But Mako is the first  power but serves as a symbol  is  expected  to  eventually  be
            Fordham  University  law  to have drawn such a public  of the nation, attending cer-   emperor.                     In  announcing  their  mar-
            school,  has  a  job  at  a  New  outcry,  including  a  frenzied  emonial  events  and  visiting                   riage,  the  former  princess,  a
            York law firm. He has yet to  reaction on social media and  disaster  zones,  and  remains  Complicating  the  former  museum  curator,  made  her
            pass  his  bar  exam,  another  in local tabloids.        relatively popular.          princess's   marriage,   an-  choice clear.
            piece of news that local me-                                                           nounced  in  2017,  was  a  fi-
            dia have used to attack him,  Speculation  ranged  from  Mako's  loss  of  royal  sta-  nancial dispute involving Kei  "He is someone I cannot do
            although  it  is  common  to  whether the couple could af-  tus  comes  from  the  Impe-  Komuro's mother. That issue  without," she said. "Marriage
            pass after multiple attempts.   ford to live in Manhattan to  rial House Law, which allows  was  recently  settled,  accord-  is that decision needed for us
                                         how  much  money  Kei  Ko-   only  male  succession.  Only  ing to Kyodo news service.   to live on, staying true to our
            "I love Mako," he told report-  muro would earn and if the  male  royals  have  household                           hearts."
            ers last month after register-  former  princess  would  end  names, while female imperial  When Kei Komuro returned

                            Italian city defies China, opens exhibit by dissident artist

            (AP) — A provocative ex-     A  letter  from  the  embassy                             until  Feb.  13,  traces  Badi-  from  China's  government's
            hibit by dissident Chinese  included  veiled  economic  Brescia  Mayor  Emilio  Del  ucao's artistic career from its  narrative  would  be  pun-
            artist  Badiucao  opened  threats,  noting  Italy's  trade  Bono  "responded  with  deli-  start  to  most  recent  works  ished, so I made a public call
            Saturday in the industrial  with China, in a bid to pre-  cacy and firmness," said Elet-  created  in  response  to  the  on  Twitter  to  the  residents
            northern  Italian  city  of  vent the first solo exhibit by  tra Stamboulis, curator of the  health crisis triggered by the  of  Wuhan  and  said  I'd  like
            Brescia  despite  pressure  Badiucao — the pseudonym  exhibit at the city's Museum  COVID-19  pandemic.  A  to share the burden and risk
            from the Chinese embassy  used by the artist whose work  of Santa Giulia.              former  assistant  to  the  Ber-  with you, if you trust me you
            in Rome to cancel it.        takes aim at China's policies                             lin-based  Chinese  dissident  can  send  your  information,"
                                         and human rights record.     "Of  course  we  are  always  a  artist  Ai  Weiwei,  Badiucau  Badiucao said.
                                                                      little  worried,  not  so  much  currently works in exile from
                                                                      for the artist's safety, but be-  Australia.              The diary, which will be read
                                                                      cause  we  know  there  are                               in  Mandarin,  contains  100
                                                                      more creepy ways to silence  The  works  range  from  oil  days of records.
                                                                      dissident artists," she said.   paintings to installations and
                                                                                                   performance  art.  They  in-  The  artist  kept  his  identity
                                                                      After  a  previous  attempt  to  clude one that evokes a scan-  secret for many years, wear-
                                                                      stage  a  solo  show  in  Hong  dal  involving  tainted  baby  ing masks during public ap-
                                                                      Kong  in  2018  was  canceled  formula  exported  by  China  pearances to protect his fam-
                                                                      under  pressure,  Badiucao  in  2018,  another  that  recalls  ily members. The long-held
                                                                      said he is "proud and happy"  the Tiananmen Square mas-   secrecy drew comparisons to
                                                                      that the Brescia exhibit is fi-  sacre  and  yet  another  that  British  graffiti  artist  Banksy,
                                                                      nally open to the public.    represents   the   Umbrella  whose  true  identity  remains
                                                                                                   Movement  as  part  of  the  shrouded in mystery.
                                                                      "Because  my  art  is  always  Hong  Kong  pro-democracy
                                                                      focusing  on  human  rights  demonstrations  quelled  by  But Badiucao said any com-
                                                                      issues  in  China  ...  it  makes  China.                 parison misses key points.
                                                                      me almost the type of No. 1
                                                                      enemy,'' Badiucao said. "They  During  the  exhibit's  open-  "If Banksy's identity gets re-
                                                                      hunt  me  down.  They  ha-   ing days, Badiucao will sit in  vealed he is not or she is not
                                                                      rass  me,  harass  my  families,  a torture chair and read from  going  to  be  hunted  by  the
                                                                      threatening the people work-  a diary shared with him by a  UK's national security police,
                                                                      ing  with  me  constantly.  So  resident of Wuhan, the Chi-  which  in  my  case  is  totally
                                                                      that is why, for me, it is re-  nese city where the coronavi-  different," he said. "But also,
                                                                      ally hard to actually having an  rus was first detected.   I am really mad at Banksy, be-
                                                                      exhibition in an established a                            cause he never does any art-
                                                                      gallery, a museum like this."  "Anyone who tried to tell the  work that criticizes the Chi-
                                                                      The  exhibition,  which  runs  truth or some story different  nese government."
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