Page 32 - bon-dia-aruba-20211115
P. 32

A32    sports
                 Dialuna 15 november 2021

                          WTA CEO calls for investigation of China assault allegation

                                                                                                   count  on  Wiebo,  a  leading  parently and without censor-
                                                                                                   Chinese  social  media  plat-  ship,” Simon said.
                                                                                                   form  —  also  said  they  had  Peng  has  won  23  tour-level
                                                                                                   sex once seven years ago and  doubles  titles,  including  at
                                                                                                   she had feelings for him after  Wimbledon in 2013 and the
                                                                                                   that.                        French  Open  in  2014.  She
                                                                                                                                was a semifinalist in singles at
                                                                                                   “Peng Shuai, and all women,  the U.S Open in 2014.
                                                                                                   deserve to be heard, not cen-  Her  accusation  was  the  first
                                                                                                   sored.  Her  accusation  about  against  a  prominent  gov-
                                                                                                   the conduct of a former Chi-  ernment  official  since  the
                                                                                                   nese leader involving a sexual  #MeToo  movement  took
                                                                                                   assault must be treated with  hold in China in 2018 before
                                                                                                   the  utmost  seriousness.  In  being  largely  tamped  down
                                                                                                   all  societies,  the  behavior  by authorities the same year.
                                                                                                   she  alleges  that  took  place
                                                                                                   needs to be investigated, not  In the post, Peng, 35, wrote
                                                                                                   condoned  or  ignored.  We  that Zhang, now 75, and his
                                                                                                   commend  Peng  Shuai  for  wife  arranged  to  play  tennis
                                                                                                   her  remarkable  courage  and  in  Beijing  about  three  years
                                                                                                   strength  in  coming  forward.  ago and that he later brought
                                                                                                   Women around the world are  her into a room at his home
                                                                                                   finding their voices so injus-  where the assault occurred.
            (AP)  —  The  head  of  the  that country.                ty’s  all-powerful  Politburo  tices can be corrected,” WTA  “I was so frightened that af-
            women’s professional ten-                                 Standing  Committee,  had  Chairman  and  CEO  Steve  ternoon, never thinking that
            nis  tour  called  for  a  full  Earlier this month, Peng Sh-  forced her to have sex despite  Simon said in a statement re-  this thing could happen,” the
            investigation of sexual as-  uai,  a  former  No.  1-ranked  repeated refusals following a  leased by the tour on Sunday.  post said.
            sault  allegations  made  by  doubles  player,  wrote  in  a  round  of  tennis  three  years
            a  two-time  Grand  Slam  lengthy  social  media  post  ago.                           “We  expect  this  issue  to  be  Zhang  retired  in  2018  and

            doubles  champion  from  that  Zhang  Gaoli,  a  former                                handled  properly,  meaning  has largely disappeared from
            China  against  a  former  vice premier and member of  Her  post  —  which  was  re-   the  allegations  must  be  in-  public  life,  as  is  usual  with
            top government official in  the  ruling  Communist  Par-  moved from her verified ac-  vestigated  fully,  fairly,  trans-  former Chinese officials.

                              Flick extends winning start as Germany beats Armenia

            (AP)  —  Hansi  Flick  ex-   Flick  replaced  Joachim  Löw  any of the world’s top teams.
            tended  his  winning  start  after Germany’s exit to Eng-  Kai  Havertz  got  Germany
            as Germany coach to sev-     land in the round of 16 at the  started against Armenia when
            en games in a 4-1 victory  European       Championship  he turned in a low cross from
            over  Armenia  in  World  and has won all seven games  Jonas  Hofmann.  Gundogan
            Cup qualifying Sunday, as  since for the best starting re-  scored a penalty in first-half
            North Macedonia reached  cord of any Germany coach.       stoppage  time  and  another
            the  playoffs  in  its  bid  to                           goal off Thomas Müller’s as-
            play at the World Cup for  Under  Flick,  who  won  the  sist early in the second half.
            the first time.              Champions  League  with  Henrikh  Mkhitaryan  pulled
                                         Bayern  Munich  in  2019-20,  one  back  with  a  penalty  for
            Midfielder  Ilkay  Gundogan  Germany has scored 31 goals  Armenia,  before  Hofmann
            scored  twice  as  Germany,  and  conceded  just  two.  His  responded  with  Germany’s
            which  qualified  last  month,  seven  games  have  included  fourth goal.
            finished  top  of  Group  J  by  two wins each against Arme-
            nine points.                 nia  and  Liechtenstein,  and  North  Macedonia  beat  Ice-
                                         Flick’s Germany is yet to face  land  3-1  to  stay  in  conten-

                                                                                                   tion for the World Cup in a  Eljif Elmas put North Mace-
                                                                                                   breakout year for the Balkan  donia back in front soon af-
                                                                                                   country coming off its debut  ter, reacting quickly to score
                                                                                                   European     Championship  on  the  rebound  when  Ali-
                                                                                                   campaign.                    oski  had  two  shots  blocked
                                                                                                   North  Macedonia  needed  in  quick  succession.  Elmas
                                                                                                   a  win  over  Iceland  to  stay  scored again late on to extend
                                                                                                   ahead  of  a  Romania  team  his  team’s  lead  after  Iceland
                                                                                                   which beat Liechtenstein 2-0.  had  18-year-old  Isak  Berg-
                                                                                                                                mann  Johannesson  sent  off
                                                                                                   Ezgjan  Alioski  gave  North  for two bookings.
                                                                                                   Macedonia  the  lead  in  the
                                                                                                   seventh minute, but Jon Da-  North  Macedonia  will  be
                                                                                                   gur  Thorsteinsson  leveled  among  the  unseeded  teams
                                                                                                   the score for Iceland just after  in the March playoffs, when
                                                                                                   halftime.                    12  teams  will  play  for  three
                                                                                                                                World Cup places.
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