Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20211115
P. 30
A30 world news
Dialuna 15 november 2021
Austria orders nationwide lockdown for the unvaccinated
Authorities are concerned Unvaccinated people can 100,000 inhabitants. In com-
about rising infections and be fined up to 1,450 euros parison, the rate is at 289 in
deaths and that soon hospital ($1,660) if they violate the neighboring Germany, which
staff will no longer be able to lockdown. has already also sounded the
handle the growing influx of Austria has one of the lowest alarm over the rising num-
COVID-19 patients. vaccination rates in Western bers.
Europe: only around 65% of
The lockdown affects about 2 the total population is fully Schallenberg pointed out that
million people in the Alpine vaccinated. In recent weeks, while the seven-day infection
country of 8.9 million, the Austria has faced a worrying rate for vaccinated people has
APA news agency reported. It rise in infections. Authorities been falling in recent days,
doesn't apply to children un- reported 11,552 new cases the rate is rising quickly for
der 12 because they cannot on Sunday; a week ago there the unvaccinated.
yet officially get vaccinated. were 8,554 new daily infec- "The rate for the unvacci-
tions. nated is at over 1,700, while
The lockdown will initially Deaths have also been in- for the vaccinated it is at 383,"
(AP) — The Austrian last for 10 days and police will creasing in recent weeks. On the chancellor said.
government has ordered The move prohibits unvac- go on patrol to check people Sunday, 17 new deaths were
a nationwide lockdown cinated people 12 and older outside to make sure they reported. Overall, Austria's Schallenberg also called on
for unvaccinated people from leaving their homes ex- are vaccinated, Schallenberg pandemic death toll stands at people who have been vac-
starting at midnight Sun- cept for basic activities such said, adding that additional 11,706, APA reported. cinated to get their booster
day to combat rising coro- as working, grocery shop- forces will be assigned to the shot, saying that otherwise
navirus infections and ping, going for a walk — or patrols. The seven-day infection rate "we will never get out of this
deaths. getting vaccinated. stands at 775.5 new cases per vicious circle."
Italian Coast Guard rescues 550 migrants from stormy seas
(AP) — The Italian Coast coast guard crews ferried 250 taken to Calabria or Puglia in
Guard on Sunday safely migrants to the same port, the "heel" of the Italian main-
brought to shore more Associated Press journalists land.
than 550 migrants, many in Roccella Jonica reported.
of them young men or The charity Resqship
boys from Egypt, from While most migrants seeking tweeted Sunday that after it
storm-tossed waters off to reach Italy in the central alerted authorities about an
the southern "toe" of Ita- Mediterranean depart from overcrowded wooden boat
ly's mainland, as human Libya or Tunisia, authorities with 100 migrants south of
traffickers increasingly say an increasing number of Lampedusa, the Italian coast
use a new route. traffickers' boats are plying a vessel evacuated them to
route that begins in Turkey safety.
One rescue began Saturday and ends at the southern tip
night and ended early Sun- of the Italian peninsula. In Roccella Jonica, Red Cross
day when the 303 migrants, volunteers early Sunday
soaked and shivering, stepped Those rescued from traffick- handed the migrants plastic
on to the port of Roccella ers' unseaworthy rubber din- clogs, blankets, food and pro- the migrants were driven to rived. In 2019, when anti-mi-
Jonica in the the Calabria re- ghies and wooden boats that tective face masks as part of other shelters. grant leader Matteo Salvini
gion. depart from North Africa COVID-19 precautions. Au- As of Nov. 12, 57,833 mi- used his post as interior min-
Later Sunday, after an Italian are usually taken to Lampe- thorities recently set up a tent grants had arrived in Italy by ister to try to thwart char-
customs police boat spotted dusa, a tiny Italian island, or structure to serve as tempo- sea this year. ity boats from disembarking
spotted another fishing ves- to ports in Sicily. Those sail- rary housing but it's only for people they rescued at sea,
sel in difficulty off Calabria, ing from Turkey are generally up to 120 people, so some of In 2020, more than 31,000 ar- just under 10,000 arrived.
UK's Johnson: Climate deal sounds 'death knell' for coal
(AP) — British Prime -- although he added that ing out of the Glasgow con- Earth to warm up and pro- we can encourage, but we
Minister Boris John- his delight at the prog- ference marks an important duce rising seas and more cannot force sovereign na-
son hailed the U.N. cli- ress on fighting climate moment in the use of coal extreme weather including tions to do what they do not
mate summit as a "game- change was "tinged with because most of western droughts, storms and wild- wish to do," he said. "It's ulti-
changing agreement" that disappointment." Europe and North America fires. mately their decision to make
sounded the "death knell Johnson said it was "beyond have agreed to pull the plug and they must stand by it."
for coal power" on Sunday question" that the deal com- on financial support for all "It's an immense thing to
overseas fossil fuel projects get a commitment from 190 He and conference President
by this time next year. countries to phase down or Alok Sharma both under-
phase out coal," Johnson told lined that the Glasgow Cli-
But in a major shift demand- a press conference. "The di- mate Pact was the first time
ed by coal-dependent In- rection of travel is pretty that coal had been mentioned
dia and China, the Glasgow much the same." in U.N. climate agreements.
Climate pact used watered- Still, he acknowledged that But Sharma said China and
down language about "phas- some countries did not live India would have to "justify"
ing down" the use of coal up to the ambition of the their actions.
instead of "phasing out" coal. summit. He accepted that
Johnson, however, said the the Glasgow summit did not "On the issue of coal, China
compromise did not make deliver the "full solution" to and India are going to have
"that much of a difference." climate change, but said the to justify to some of the most
Ending coal is seen as the key world was "undeniably head- climate vulnerable countries
to reducing greenhouse gas ing in the right direction." what happened," he told Sky
emissions, which cause the "We can lobby, we can cajole, News on Sunday.