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                                                               u.s. news/world news Diaranson 28 september 2022

                                                                             Leaks on Russian gas pipelines raise

                                                                                        concerns about sabotage

                                                                                                                 thing could happen to the Norwegian gas."
                                                                                                                 The  extent  of  the  damage  means  the  Nord
                                                                                                                 Stream  pipelines  are  unlikely  to  be  able  to
                                                                                                                 carry  any  gas  to  Europe  this  winter  even  if
                                                                                                                 there was political will to bring them online,
                                                                                                                 analysts at the Eurasia Group said.
                                                                                                                 They  noted  that  undersea  pipelines  are  de-
                                                                                                                 signed in a way that they are not accidentally
                                                                                                                 damaged and leaks are rare.
              Biden's strategy to end hunger                                                                     Puck  Nielsen  said  of  possible  sabotage  that
                                                                                                                 "technically speaking, this is not difficult. It
                in US includes more benefits                                                                     just requires a boat. It requires some divers
                                                                      WARSAW, Poland (AP) — A series of un-      that know how to handle explosive devices."
              WASHINGTON (AP) — The Biden administration              usual leaks on two natural gas pipelines  Asked if the leaks may have been caused by
              is  laying  out  its  plan  to  meet  an  ambitious  goal   running  from  Russia  under  the  Bal-  sabotage, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov
              of  ending  hunger  in  the  U.S.  by  2030,  including   tic  Sea  to  Germany  triggered  concerns  said "no version could be excluded."
              expanding monthly benefits that help low-income         about sabotage Tuesday, overshadowing  The Danish and Swedish maritime authori-
                                                                                                                 ties issued navigation warnings after the leaks
              Americans buy food.                                     the inauguration of a long-awaited pipe-
                                                                      line that will bring Norwegian gas to Po-  in the pipelines were detected northeast and
              The  administration,  in  a  plan  released  Tuesday,  is  also   land in efforts to bolster Europe's energy  southeast of the Danish island of Bornholm.
              seeking  to  increase  healthy  eating  and  physical  activity   independence from Moscow.        The Nord Stream pipelines have been at the
                                                                                                                 center  of  an  energy  clash  between  Europe
              so that fewer people are afflicted with diabetes, obesity,
              hypertension  and  other  diet-related  diseases.  It  said  it   Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki  and Russia since the invasion of Ukraine in
              would work to expand Medicaid and Medicare access to    called the events "an act of sabotage," while  late February. Plunging Russian gas supplies
              obesity counseling and nutrition.                       Danish  Prime  Minister  Mette  Frederiksen  have caused prices to soar, pressuring govern-
              "The  consequences  of  food  insecurity  and  diet-related   said she could not rule it out after three leaks  ments to help ease the pain of sky-high en-
              diseases are significant, far reaching, and disproportionately   were detected over the past day on the Nord  ergy  bills  for  households  and  businesses  as
              impact  historically  underserved  communities,"  Biden   Stream 1 and 2 pipelines, which are filled with  winter nears. The crisis also has raised fears
              wrote  in  a  memo  outlining  the  White  House  strategy.   gas but not delivering the fuel to Europe. An  of rationing and recession.
              "Yet, food insecurity and diet-related diseases are largely   energy standoff over Russia's war in Ukraine  The  Baltic  Pipe  is  a  prominent  element  in
              preventable, if we prioritize the health of the nation."  halted flows on Nord Stream 1 and prevented  the European Union's search for energy se-
              Biden  is  hosting  a  conference  this  week  on  hunger,   them from ever starting in the parallel Nord  curity and is to start bringing Norwegian gas
              nutrition and health, the first by the White House since   Stream 2.                               through Denmark and along the Baltic Sea to
              1969. That conference, under President Richard Nixon,   Frederiksen,  Morawiecki  and  Polish  Presi-  Poland on Oct. 1.
              was  a  pivotal  moment  that  influenced  the  U.S.  food   dent  Andrzej  Duda  symbolically  opened  a  Simone  Tagliapietra,  an  energy  expert  with
              policy agenda for 50 years. It led to a greatly expanded   valve of a yellow pipe belonging to the Baltic  the Bruegel think tank in Brussels, said the
              food stamps program and gave rise to the Women, Infants   Pipe, a new system that will bring Norway's  leaks "can't be a coincidence" and speculated
              and Children program, which serves half the babies born   gas across Denmark and the Baltic Sea to Po-  they could have been caused by Russian sabo-
              in the U.S. by providing women with parenting advice,   land. No official presented evidence of what  tage or anti-Russian sabotage.
              breastfeeding support and food assistance.              caused  the  Nord  Stream  problems,  but  in  One possibility is Russia signaling it "is break-
              Over  the  years,  cuts  to  federal  programs  coupled  with   central Europe, where distrust of Russia runs  ing  forever  with  Western  Europe  and  Ger-
              stigmas  over  welfare  and  big  changes  to  how  food  and   high, there were fears Moscow sabotaged its  many" as Poland inaugurates its pipeline with
              farming systems are run have prompted declines in access   own  infrastructure  out  of  spite  or  to  warn  Norway, he said.
              to food.                                                that all pipelines are vulnerable to attack. The  Polish energy expert Andrzej Sikora said he
              Biden,  a  Democrat,  is  hoping  this  week's  conference   leaks emerged off the coast of Denmark and  has been warning of the possibility of attacks
              is  similarly  transformative.  But  the  goal  of  Nixon,  a   Sweden, raising the stakes on whether energy  on pipeline infrastructure since the construc-
              Republican, also was "to put an end to hunger in America   infrastructure in European waters was being  tion of Nord Stream 1 in 2010. The signifi-
              for all time."                                          targeted and leading to a small bump in natu-  cant drop in pressure caused by the leaks was
              And yet 10% of U.S. households in 2021 suffered food    ral gas prices.                            clearly  not  the  result  of  "a  bad  weld,"  said
              insecurity, meaning they were uncertain they could get   Anders Puck Nielsen, a researcher with the  Sikora, head of the Energy Studies Institute
              enough food to feed themselves or their families because   Center for Maritime Operations at the Royal  think tank.
              they lacked money or resources for food, according to the   Danish Defence College, said the timing of  He has been urging steps to ensure the se-
              Food and Drug Administration.                           the  leaks  was  "conspicuous"  given  the  cer-  curity of the Baltic Pipe, which at one point
              To succeed, Biden needs buy-in from the private sector   emony for the Baltic Pipe. He said perhaps  crosses paths with both Nord Stream pipe-
              and an increasingly partisan Congress. Some of the goals   someone sought "to send a signal that some-  lines.
              sound reminiscent of former first lady Michelle Obama's
              Let's  Move  initiative  to  tackle  childhood  obesity  and
              promote healthy eating. The conference also will highlight
              the need for access to better, healthier food and exercise.
              Biden said in his memo that over the past 50 years, "we
              have learned so much more about nutrition and the role
              that healthy eating plays in how our kids perform in the
              classroom and about nutrition and its linkages to disease
              Under to the White House plan, Supplemental Nutrition
              Assistance  Program  eligibility  would  be  expanded,
              children  would  get  better  access  to  free  meals,  and
              summer benefits would be extended to more schoolkids.
              Such changes would require congressional approval.
              The other tenets of the strategy include the development
              of  new  food  packaging  to  truth-check  the  "healthy"
              claims for some products, expanding SNAP incentives to
              select fruits and vegetables, providing more programs to
              encourage people to get outside and move, and boosting
              funding for research.
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