Page 32 - bon-dia-aruba-20220928
P. 32

A32     sports
             Diaranson 28 september 2022

             Hurricanes aim for 5th straight playoff trip,                                            Famed American ski mountaineer

                                          deeper push                                                      missing in Nepal mountain

            The  Carolina  Hurricanes
            have traded overhauls for
            retooling  in  becoming  a
            perennial  playoff  team.
            The  hope  is  the  latest
            changes are enough to win
            the Stanley Cup.

            Headlining  talents  like  Se-
            bastian  Aho,  Andrei  Svech-
            nikov and Teuvo Teravainen
            have  matured  from  play-
            off  newcomers  to  veteran
            mainstays  in  four  straight                                                            KATHMANDU,  Nepal  treated in hospitals.
            trips, including the past two                                                            (AP) — Nepalese rescu-     One  of  those  injured,
            years as a division champion.  ton followed by another sev-  better.  We  have  high  expec-  ers  in  a  helicopter  were  Phurte  Sherpa,  said  there
            That's true, too, of coach Rod  en-gamer  against  the  New  tations  for  the  whole  team.   searching  Tuesday  for  a  were  about  13-14  people
            Brind'Amour,  a  first-time  York Rangers that ended in a  Hopefully  we  can  reach     famed U.S. ski climber a  who were swept by the ava-
            head coach in that 2019 run  blowout home loss.           them."                         day after she fell off near  lanche.
            to the Eastern Conference fi-  The returnee group includes                               the  peak  of  the  world's
            nals that followed a nine-year  captain Jordan Staal and top  The  Hurricanes  open  at   eighth-highest   moun-    "One  of  our  friends  died
            playoff drought for Carolina.  defensemen  Jaccob  Slavin,  home  against  Columbus  on   tain.                     in  the  avalanche  and  there
                                         Brett Pesce and Brady Skjei.  Oct.  12  then  head  west  for                          has been efforts to retrieve
            Carolina  has  accomplished  Frederik Andersen — one of  five straight road games.       Also  Monday,  an  ava-    the body but the rescue he-
            Brind'Amour's goal of being  last  season's  top  netminders                             lanche at a lower elevation  licopter  has  not  been  able
            relevant again, though climb-  before  missing  the  playoffs  The  Hurricanes  also  finally   on  Mount  Manaslu  swept  to  do  so  yet,"  Sherpa  said.
            ing  higher  among  the  elite  due to injury — is back along  get to host their first outdoor   several  climbers,  killing  a  "Others  injured  ones  have
            has been a tougher challenge.  with  Antti  Raanta.  The  list  game after the 2021 one was   Nepali  guide  and  injuring  broken hands and feet."
                                         of  newcomers  include  2017  postponed  due  to  the  CO-  others.
            The  Hurricanes  have  fallen  Norris Trophy winner Brent  VID-19  pandemic.  Carolina                              Sherpa and his brother were
            in the second round for two  Burns.                       will face Washington on Feb.   Hilaree  Nelson,  49,  was  flown by a rescue helicopter
            straight years with home-ice                              18 at Carter-Finley Stadium,   skiing  down  from  the  to HAMS Hospital in Kath-
            advantage.  Last  year's  team  "It's  the  same  system,  same  home to the North Carolina   8,163-meter  (26,775-foot)  mandu on Tuesday.
            had  the  oddity  of  failing  to  guys  and  same  coaches,"  State  football  team  and  lo-  summit  with  her  partner
            win  a  road  game,  first  in  a  forward  Jesperi  Kotkaniemi  cated next to the Hurricanes'   Jim  Morrison  when  she  He said they were on their
            seven  -game  win  over  Bos-  said. "I think this year we'll be  arena.                 fell  off  the  mountain,  ac-  way to Camp Four to drop
                                                                                                     cording  to  Jiban  Ghimire  oxygen cylinders when the
                                                                                                     of  the  Kathmandu-based  avalanche  pushed  them
              Qatar tests out massive bus fleet ahead of                                             Shangri-La Nepal Trek that  down to Camp Three.
                                                                                                     organized and outfitted the  Nelson,  from  Telluride,
                                            World Cup                                                expedition.                Colorado,  and  Morrison,
                                                                                                                                from Tahoe, California, are
                                                                                                     Bad weather hampered res-
                                                                                                     cue  efforts  Monday.  But  extreme  skiers  who  sum-
            DOHA, Qatar (AP) — Qa-       tournament,  which  begins  transport hubs and the eight    visibility  was  good  in  im-  mited  Mount  Lhotse,  the
            tar  has  tested  out  a  mas-  Nov. 20. That includes 3,000  stadiums  where  the  match-  proved  weather  conditions  world's  fourth-highest,  in
            sive  fleet  of  buses  ahead  buses acquired for the World  es  will  be  held.  Authorities   Tuesday  while  a  helicop-  2018.
            of  next  month's  World  Cup on top of a pre-existing  held  tests  over  the  weekend   ter  was  hovering  over  the  "I  am  not  sure  about  the
            Cup,  when  an  estimated  fleet of around 1,000, he said.  involving  some  1,800  buses   mountain  for  signs  of  the  whereabouts of the missing
            1.2 million soccer fans will                              without passengers.            missing  climber,  Ghimire  climber  but  her  husband
            descend on the small Gulf  Of  the  new  buses,  around                                  said.                      (partner) was with us dur-
            nation,  an  official  said  700  will  be  electric,  he  told  Transport  will  be  free  for                     ing  the  search  (today).  We
            Tuesday.                     The  Associated  Press.  Fans  holders  of  the  Hayya  card   Hundreds  of  climbers  and  made  two  helicopter  res-
                                         can  also  use  Qatar's  Metro  issued  by  the  government,   their  local  guides  were  at-  cue attempts to find her but
            Thani Al Zarraa, who is over-  rail system.               which  is  required  for  entry   tempting to reach the sum-  were unable," Sherpa said.
            seeing transport preparations,                            to stadiums. An accompany-     mit during Nepal's autumn
            said some 4,000 buses will be  The  bus  fleet  will  shuttle  ing app has a feature in which   climbing season.    Nepal's government has is-
            used  during  the  monthlong  passengers  between  main  fans can plan their journeys.                              sued permits to 504 climb-
                                                                                                     All  of  the  climbers  caught  ers to attempt to scale high
                                                                      All  visitors  to  Qatar,  even   in  the  avalanche  Monday  mountain peaks during the
                                                                      those  not  planning  to  at-  were  accounted  for.  Some  autumn  season.  Most  of
                                                                      tend  the  matches,  will  need   of the injured were flown to  them are on Mount Manas-
                                                                      a  Hayya  card  to  enter  the   Kathmandu and were being  lu.
                                                                      country from Nov. 1 to Jan.
                                                                      23. Cardholders will also be
                                                                      able to enter the United Arab
                                                                      Emirates and Oman.

                                                                      This  will  be  the  first  World
                                                                      Cup  hosted  by  an  Arab  or
                                                                      Muslim  nation.  Qatar,  a
                                                                      small  emirate  in  the  Persian
                                                                      Gulf,  is  among  the  wealthi-
                                                                      est countries on earth thanks
                                                                      to its massive natural gas re-
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