Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20220928
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A30     world news
             Diaranson 28 september 2022

                         Officials say 98,000 Russians enter Kazakhstan after call-up

            TALLINN,  Estonia  (AP)                                                                300,000  people  with  prior  less  they  are  on  an  interna-
            —  About  98,000  Russians                                                             combat or other military ser-  tional wanted list for criminal
            have crossed into Kazakh-                                                              vice would be called up, but  charges.
            stan  in  the  week  since                                                             reports  have  emerged  from
            President  Vladimir  Putin                                                             various  Russian  regions  that  Kazakh  President  Kassym-
            announced  a  partial  mo-                                                             recruiters were rounding up  Jomart  Tokayev  ordered  his
            bilization  of  reservists  to                                                         men outside that description.  government  to  assist  Rus-
            fight  in  Ukraine,  Kazakh                                                            That fueled fears of a much  sians  entering  his  country
            officials  said  Tuesday,  as                                                          broader   call-up,   sending  "because of the current hope-
            men  seeking  to  avoid  the                                                           droves of men of all ages and  less situation."
            call-up  continued  to  flee                                                           backgrounds  to  airports  and
            by land and air into neigh-                                                            border crossings.            "We  must  take  care  of  them
            boring countries.                                                                                                   and  ensure  their  safety.  It  is
                                                                                                   In  announcing  the  num-    a  political  and  a  humanitar-
            Kazakhstan  and  Georgia,                                                              ber of  Russians  crossing  the  ian  issue.  I  tasked  the  gov-
            both part of the former Sovi-                                                          border,  Kazakhstan  Interior  ernment  to  take  the  neces-
            et Union, appeared to be the  Those with visas for Finland  quickly despite steep prices.  Minister  Marat  Akhmetzha-  sary measures," Tokayev said,
            most popular destinations for  or  Norway  also  have  been                            nov said authorities will not  adding  that  Kazakhstan  will
            those crossing by car, bicycle  coming  in  by  land.  Plane  Russia's   Defense   Minis-  send those who are avoiding  hold talks with Russia on the
            or on foot.                  tickets  abroad  had  sold  out  try  has  said  that  only  about  the  call-up  back  home,  un-  situation.

                          Italy gets new tranche of EU funds as dust settles from vote

            ROME (AP) — The Euro-                                                                                               lyst at the Economist Intelli-
            pean  Commission  signed                                                                                            gence Unit, said she expected
            off  Tuesday  on  the  next                                                                                         a  Meloni-led  government
            21-billion-euro  ($20.2  bil-                                                                                       would do what it takes to get
            lion)  tranche  of  Italy's                                                                                         the next tranche, of 19 billion
            pandemic recovery funds,                                                                                            euros ($18.3 billion).
            a  welcome  infusion  that
            comes  amid  questions                                                                                              "Despite  some  internal  dis-
            about  whether  Giorgia                                                                                             agreements,  the  right-wing
            Meloni and her euroskep-                                                                                            coalition  committed  to  ad-
            tic  party,  which  won  the                                                                                        here to the NRRP in its elec-
            national  election,  will  be                                                                                       toral  manifesto,  with  some
            able  to  keep  the  funding                                                                                        revisions to adapt the plan to
            coming.                                                                                                             the new economic context of
                                                                                                                                the energy and cost-of-living
            The outgoing government of                                                                                          crises," she said in a note, re-
            Premier Mario Draghi, a for-                                                                                        ferring  to  the  National  Re-
            mer European Central Bank                                                                                           covery and Resilience Plan.
            chief,  secured  the  funds  af-                                                                                    Meloni's  political  opponents
            ter having achieved 45 mile-                                                                                        have  protested  her  plans  to
            stones required by Brussels to                                                                                      reallocate  some  of  the  EU's
            receive the money earmarked                                                                                         Next Generation euro funds,
            to  help  EU  nations  recover                                                                                      but analysts are less alarmed.
            from  pandemic  lockdowns
            and other setbacks. The Ital-                                                                                       "This  is  par  for  the  course,"
            ian  benchmarks  reached  in-  dustry.  Draghi  made  hitting  mier Silvio Berlusconi.  of inflation and high energy  said  Holger  Schmieding,
            cluded  enacting  reforms  of  the EU-mandated milestones                              costs.                       chief  economist  at  Beren-
            public administration, educa-  a  hallmark  of  his  18-month  Meloni's  victory  lurched                           berg. "The EU may be open
            tion and health care, and in-  national  unity  government,  Italy, a founding member of  "Obviously, paying the debt is  to  some  changes  as  to  how
            vestments in technology, re-  which collapsed in July when  the  EU  and  its  third-largest  the priority, but mostly now  the  money  is  used  as  long
            search,  tourism  and  culture.  key  allies  boycotted  a  confi-  economy, sharply to the far-  the  focus  is  going  to  be  to-  as  Meloni  implements  the
            A first allotment of 21 billion  dence vote.              right,  and  was  cheered  by  ward this next generation EU  modest  pro-growth  reforms
            euros,  also  tied  to  reforms                           other  euroskeptic  leaders  in  plan, whether Italy is going to  the EU demands as a precon-
            and  investments,  was  trans-  Meloni's  Brothers  of  Italy,  France  and  Spain  who  have  fulfill the plan and all the re-  dition."
            ferred to Italy in April.    which has its roots in a neo-  also  made  electoral  gains  in  forms," said Pierpaolo Benig-
                                         fascist party and campaigned  recent months.              no,  professor  of  Economics  European Commission Pres-
            Italy received the largest share  on  a  nationalist  program,                         at  University  of  Bern.  "The  ident  Ursula  von  der  Leyen
            of the European Union's re-  won 26% of the vote in Sun-  Italy has in the past failed to  market is going  to  watch all  said the new approved fund-
            covery  fund,  around  191.5  day's  parliamentary  election.  capture all EU funding allo-  the progress towards this ful-  ing  was  evidence  that  Brus-
            billion  euros  ($185  billion),  It is poised to lead a conser-  cated  to  it,  raising  concerns  fillment."     sels  believed  Italy  had  made
            since  it  was  the  European  vative  coalition  government  over  whether  Meloni's  in-  Meloni has said it was legiti-  good progress in its promised
            country  hardest  hit  finan-  alongside the anti-immigrant  experience  in  government  mate  for  a  new  government  reforms. Von der Leyen, who
            cially by the pandemic's first  League  with  roots  in  Italy's  would  hamper  Italy  going  to  reallocate  the  EU  funds  in recent days issued a veiled
            wave, when the government  productive  north  and  the  forward, especially given that  depending  on  new  govern-  warning  against  any  demo-
            shuttered  nonessential  in-  Forza  Italia  party  of  ex-Pre-  Draghi's  solid  reputation  in  ment  priorities.  She  didn't  cratic  backsliding  in  Italy
                                                                      Brussels was so crucial to the  comment  Tuesday  on  the  under  a  far-right  leadership,
                                                                      country  being  awarded  so  latest approval — in fact she  encouraged further work.
                                                                      much.                        hasn't  made  any  public  ap-
                                                                                                   pearances or comments since  "So  congratulations,  Italia,
                                                                      The EU funds helped propel  her  election  victory  speech  and keep up the good work!
                                                                      Italy to 6% growth last year,  early Monday.              The  Commission  stands  by
                                                                      which  is  slowing  to  around                            you on your way to recovery,"
                                                                      3% this year with the impact  Agnese Ortolani, senior ana-  she said in a statement.
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