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LOCAL Saturday 21 december 2024
JOIA Aruba by Iberostar opens on Eagle Beach
Luxury and Island Stewardship converge in Iberostar's first hotel in Aruba
Aruba—Iberostar Hotels & Resorts, the globally
recognized Spanish hotel brand, has officially
opened JOIA Aruba by Iberostar, its first hotel in
Aruba. Located on the pristine shores of Eagle
Beach — ranked as the #1 beach in the Ca-
ribbean — this five-star resort offers an unparal-
leled blend of luxury accommodation, sustain-
ability, and a celebration of the island's natural
Iberostar Group's commitment to promoting
and continuing to lead the path in responsible
tourism will be palpable in this hotel. With this
new opening, Iberostar is applying the seven
pillars of its Wave of Change strategy to pro-
mote circularity, nature and biodiversity protec-
tion, climate action and destination steward-
ship amongst other initiatives.
The U-shaped architectural design of JOIA
Aruba by Iberostar frames the crystal-clear wa-
ters of the Caribbean, providing breathtaking
ocean views from every guest room. Commit-
ted to responsible tourism, Iberostar has inte-
grated eco-friendly practices and innovative
energy solutions throughout the property, set-
ting a new standard for sustainable hospitality. the hotel offers access to nearby golf courses, structured tourism group comprising 17 brands
“At our 240-suite resort, we have embraced sus- tennis courts, and a variety of island excursions, specialising in the entire tourism value chain.
tainability at every level, from the use of locally from snorkeling to e-bike services on the boule- The Group has earned recognition for its ef-
sourced, recyclable materials — including the vard. forts in promoting a responsible tourism model
walls of the building — to the Aruban inspired that prioritizes the well-being of both people
design elements that celebrate the island's rich Beyond its facilities, JOIA Aruba by Iberostar has and the environment. With quality and sustain-
culture. With interiors crafted for comfort and a deep intention to be an integral part of the ability embedded throughout the business, the
resource preservation, and innovative ameni- island’s fabric, through initiatives like the Aula di company positions the circular economy as the
ties like organic products and energy-efficient Lama (Ocean Classroom). This innovative, mul- cornerstone of its strategy. Pursuing its own 2030
airflow systems, we are redefining responsible tifunctional space will serve as a collaborative Agenda, goals include becoming waste-free
luxury while eliminating single-use plastics. hub for immersive environmental education, by 2025, attaining carbon neutrality by 2030, en-
Worth mentioning the hotel is open to the local fostering awareness and action among schools suring complete responsibility in its seafood sup-
community, that is welcome to taste our restau- and the wider community. ply chain by 2025, and enhancing the health of
rants, spa, bars and the hotel itself," explained Meanwhile, the Shoco Sanctuary at Tierra del the ecosystems that surround its hotels, among
Arnaud Le Lanchon, JOIA Aruba by Iberostar Sol Golf Course by Iberostar highlights Ibero- other objectives.
general manager. star’s ongoing commitment to biodiversity. Iberostar Group has a global team of over
In addition to luxurious accommodation, JOIA Established in partnership with Aruba Birdlife 35,000 people from 95 different nationalities.
Aruba by Iberostar offers world-class dining with Conservation, this project has been dedicated Their unwavering commitment to quality serves
three signature restaurants, open to both guests to protecting the Aruba Burrowing Owl (Sho- as a key differentiator, driving continuous im-
and the local community. The culinary offerings co) since its launch in 2019. The sanctuary has provement, innovative products, and excep-
include a buffet-style breakfast venue that at made a significant impact by supporting 20% tional customer service.q
night transforms into a signature restaurant spe- of the island's Shoco population, ensuring the
cialising in Italian Cuisine, a Modern Caribbean preservation of this cherished national symbol.
cuisine restaurant, and a specialized Surf and These efforts collectively underscore Iberostar’s
Turf open-fire grill concept. Four bars, including vision for sustainable tourism, creating a lasting
a swim-up bar and a gastropub, provide di- positive impact on Aruba's natural and cultural
verse options for relaxation and entertainment. heritage.
The resort will also boast an array of ameni- The opening of JOIA Aruba by Iberostar marks
ties, including a 10,000-square-foot convention a milestone for Iberostar Hotels & Resorts as it
center capable of hosting up to 400 guests, a continues to expand its footprint in the Caribbe-
full-service spa, a fitness center, two swimming an while maintaining its dedication to respon-
pools with Bali beds, and designated spaces for sible tourism. The resort will celebrate its Grand
weddings and events. For adventure seekers, Opening Ceremony in 2025, showcasing the
completion of all amenities and officially intro-
ducing JOIA Aruba by Iberostar as a leader in
luxury hospitality on the island.
About the Iberostar Group
Iberostar Group is a 100% family-owned Span-
ish multinational company with a rich history of
over 67 years in the tourism industry and busi-
ness origins dating back to 1877. It currently has
two divisions: Iberostar Hotels & Resorts, its hotel
division and largest business unit, whose portfo-
lio totals 100 4- and 5-star hotels in 14 countries;
and World2Meet, its travel division, a vertically