Page 9 - AHATA
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                                                                                                           LOCAL Saturday 21 december 2024
            Lessons from our elders:

            Plants and fruits for medicinal use (part 2)

                                                                      plant sweet potatoes them-
                                                                      selves,  mostly  because  of
                                                                      how  easy  it  was  to  do  so.
                                                                      Cut the end of a sweet po-
                                                                      tato let it sit in shallow wa-
                                                                      ter  until  it  starts  to  sprout.
                                                                      Then you may plant it in the
                                                                      ground.  Sweet  potatoes
                                                                      need  plenty  of  water  to
                                                                      grow, especially in the first
                                                                      week in the ground. It was
                                                                      said that once you start to  which the answer is based  said to have a few benefits
                                                                      notice  the  ground  crack  on  harvest  time.  Tiny  trees  for  our  health.  According
                                                                      underneath the flowers, it is  produce  tinier  pomegran-  to  customs,  pomegranate
                                                                      time to harvest. This should  ates  that  can  be  harvest-  skin tea can help those that
            (Oranjestad)—In        last  blood  pressure  were  ad-   happen around month 3.       ed  early  on.  Contrarily,  suffer  from  diarrhea.  Dried
            week’s  edition,  we  shared  vised to eat sweet potato 2                              big  trees  produce  bigger  pomegranate  skin  tea  is
            with our readers some me-    to 3 times a week. Howev-    Pomegranate                  pomegranates,  but  they  also  good  for  people  who
            dicinal  use  for  plants  and  er,  if  you  have  high  blood  Pomegranates  are  also  need  enough  time  to  fully  have worms. Pomegranate
            fruits,  passed  down  from  pressure, it is best not to eat  one  of  the  easier  fruits  to  ripen  before  harvesting,  flowers  can  be  boiled  to
            our elders through genera-   too much sweet potato, as  plant  and  harvest.  Origi-   otherwise  you  might  end  make a drink and this can
            tions. This week, we present  this  raises  blood  pressure.  nated  from  Persia,  this  up with bitter seeds. Pome-  be used for irritated gums;
            two more uses of fruits and  Sweet  potatoes  are  also  plant can grow almost ev-     granate trees are also very  just take a swig and let the
            plants for medicinal use.    great for people who work  erywhere.  In  Aruba,  there  easy  to  plant.  In  essence,  tea  sit  in  your  mouth  for  a
                                         hard  labor  jobs,  and  it’s  are many homes that have  if  you  just  throw  the  seeds  couple minutes.q
            Sweet potato                 been said to be aid blood  a tiny or big pomegranate  on the ground, they could
            According  to  our  elders,  circulation  in  the  body,  tree. You may be wonder-     grow into a tree.             Source: Remedi i Kustumber
            sweet potato is mostly use-  as  well  as  help  those  with  ing  what  the  difference  is                        di nos Bieunan (Medicine and
                                                                                                                                Customs of our Elderly) by Di-
            ful  for  low  blood  pressure.  hemorrhoids or diarrhea.   between  a  small  and  big  In  terms  of  medicinal  use,     nah Veeris
            People who suffer from low  Many of our elders opted to  pomegranate       tree,   for  pomegranate    skins   are

            In celebrating 200 years of Oranjestad...

            Learn about the history of the famous town hall!

            (Oranjestad)—If you’ve ever taken  ties—now serves as a public town  entirely by her sisters-in-law.
            a  stroll  through  main  street  Oran-  hall for civil marriages and is a cul-
            jestad,  you  may  have  stumbled  tural monument on the island.        The  mansion  also  contained  the
            upon a big green house with beau-                                       doctor’s office, as well as a phar-
            tiful colonial design. This legendary  The house was designed by archi-  macy. After the death of Jacobo,
            house, now used as a town hall for  tect Chibi Wever, and constructed  the house was inherited by his son,
            civil  marriages,  was  once  owned  under  the  leadership  of  famous  an Aruban dentist, who converted
            by  a  wealthy  doctor  and  formed  master  carpenter,  Dada  Picus,  Jacobo’s office into his own den-
            part  of  the  elite  neighborhood  in  who was famous at the time for his  tal  practice.  Over  the  years,  the
            Oranjestad.                         construction of beautiful buildings.   house  was  rented  and  used  by
                                                                                    third parties, but eventually fell into
            Jacobo  Eloy  Arends  was  an  Aru-  The construction of the house start-  disrepair, as the maintenance cost   However, the Aruban government
            ban physician, and in lived in Oran-  ed  once  Jacobo  and  Maria  got  became too high to cover.          recently announced its official res-
            jestad during the 1920s. In 1922, he  engaged. It is said that during the                                   toration, with plans to convert this
            married  Maria  Monica  Lacle,  the  time of construction, Maria was not  The land was sold to Land Aruba in   monument  into  a  governmental
            daughter  of  well-known  business  allowed to see the building nor be  1986, but it did not see a renova-  office and public space for visitors
            man  at  the  time,  Adriaan  Lacle.  anywhere  near  the  construction  tion until 1997. Nowadays, it serves   of Oranjestad.q
            The two lived a posh life in the city  site. It wasn’t until after her honey-  to host weddings, and is attached
                                                                                                                         Source and pictures credited to: “De
            center,  and  their  mansion—once  moon that she saw the completed  to a modern building situated be-        Kolibrie op de Rots (en meer over the
            the  center  for  neighborhood  par-  mansion for the first time, furnished  hind—the Aruban census office.   geschiedenis van Aruba)” by Evert
                                                                                    Jacobo and Maria’s mansion was
                                                                                    situated in front of another famous
                                                                                    mansion,  owned  by  Jacobo’s
                                                                                    brother Frederico Maximiliaan (Ma-
                                                                                    chi) Arends. Frederico was married
                                                                                    to Veneranda (whom the mansion
                                                                                    was named after). Their house was
                                                                                    also  constructed  by  Dada  Picus,
                                                                                    utilizing Veneranda’s design vision
                                                                                    that  was  inspired  by  a  house  she
                                                                                    saw in Cartagena, Colombia.

                                                                                    Nowadays, this mansion lies in ruins.
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