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a8    local
                 Monday 18 noveMber 2024

              Cocktails with a Story:

              Caya House Brings a Unique Flavor Experience to Aruba

              This  season,  Caya  House  invites
              guests  to  discover  a  cocktail
              menu  that  blends  unique  flavors
              from  Latin  America  and  the  Ca-
              ribbean  into  every  drink.  Under
              the  direction  of  mixologist  David
              Posada,  each  cocktail  at  Caya
              House  tells  a  story,  designed  to
              take guests on a sensory journey
              that captures the vibrant essence
              of the region through every ingre-

              “At  Caya,  we  believe  cocktails
              are more than just drinks. They’re
              an opportunity to experience the
              distinctive  flavors  and  aromas  of
              our  lands,”  says  David  Posada,
              mixologist. Each cocktail is crafted
              with precision, combining modern  •    Tu  Corazon:  A  standout  drink                                   the  creativity  behind  each  one.
              and  traditional  techniques  with     with   açai-infused   cacha-   Caya  House  also  features  its  sig-  With  this  unique  offering,  Caya
              exotic fruits, spices, and artisanal   ca  and  a  hint  of  raw  sugar,  nature Lulada, made with Flor de  House  continues  to  stand  out  as
              spirits.                               topped  with  a  crisp  slice  of  Caña  rum  infused  with  lulo,  con-  an iconic destination for those in
                                                     red beet for a unique, earthy  densed  milk,  and  lime  leather—  search  of  authentic  Caribbean
              Among the menu favorites are:          finish.                        a  perfect  balance  of  sweetness  flavors in Aruba.
              •   Warawara: A refreshing mix of  •   Un Recuerdo: A bold fusion of  and freshness for those seeking a
                  Caravella orancello, Sloe gin,     mezcal with tree tomato, but-  tropical twist.                     Caya House invites alike to enjoy
                  pumpkin  spice,  and  banana       ter infused with parmesan and                                      this  innovative  cocktail  menu  in
                  syrup,  served  over  spear  ice.   shiitake,  green  tea  cordial,  These  cocktails  are  part  of  the  the  heart  of  Palm  Beach,  Aruba.
                  This  cocktail  evokes  the  es-   and green chartreuse. Perfect  “Caya  Experience,”  with  a  wider  Each drink is a celebration of Lat-
                  sence  of  autumn  in  the  trop-  for those looking for a robust,  variety of options for guests to ex-  in-Caribbean culture and flavor!q
                  ics.                               one-of-a-kind experience.      plore,  notes  David,  highlighting

            The Bushiribana Gold Mill Ruins and its history

            (Oranjestad)—The  Bushiri-   histories  of  the  island:  The  dates  back  to  1725,  when
            bana Gold Mill Ruins is one  Aruban Gold Rush.            a  first  exploration  for  gold
            of  the  most  visited  places                            on the island was commis-
            by  tourists  on  the  island,  Built in 1872 by English com-  sioned  by  the  Dutch  West
            as  it  lies  along  the  north-  pany  Aruba  Island  Gold  India Company. Under the
            ern coast line near the mini  Mining  Company  Ltd,  the  leadership  of  Mr.  Paulus
            pool and on the way to the  gold  mill  at  Bushiribana  Printz,  a  three-year  search
            Natural  Bridge.  Despite  its  was  constructed  in  the  was conducted on Aruba,
            seemingly  plain  appear-    area where most gold was  to  no  avail.  Though  they
            ance,  this  ruin  represents  found  by  locals.  The  story  found  some  gold,  it  was
            one  of  the  most  important  of  gold  on  Aruba  actually  enough  to  motivate  a  fur-
                                                                      ther search, and the assign-  immediate  actions,  and  involved grinding the rocks
                                                                      ment was discontinued by  informed  Curacao  that  and  letting  the  dust  be
                                                                      Printz himself.              gold  was  found.  At  first,  blown  away  by  the  strong
                                                                                                   everyone  could  look  for  northeast  wind,  leaving
                                                                      It wasn’t until 100 years lat-  gold,  as  long  as  they  sold  clumps of gold behind. The
                                                                      er,  in  1824,  when  a  young  it to the government. How-  next  step  was  melting  the
                                                                      boy  found  a  lump  of  gold  ever,  after  some  time,  the  gold  and  letting  it  attach
                                                                      while  out  herding  his  fa-  government  decided  to  to  quicksilver  in  order  to
                                                                      ther’s sheep. His father took  implement stricter rules and  obtain pure gold. All these
                                                                      it to a local merchant who  banned  local  search  par-   processes  were  done  at
                                                                      then sold the lump for $70.  ties.                        the Bushiribana Gold Mill.
                                                                      Unbeknownst  to  the  boy
                                                                      and  his  father,  they  quite  Over  the  years,  conces-  The  gold  mill  itself  had  a
                                                                      literally  struck  gold,  and  sion-holding  had  seen  dif-  short life-span: only 10 years
                                                                      as  word  got  out,  a  gold  ferent   companies   from  in  service,  but  its  structure
                                                                      fever  spread  among  the  around  the  world,  all  of  remained relatively solid till
                                                                      locals  who  started  search-  which used primitive meth-  this  day,  and  is  now  a  his-
                                                                      ing for more gold. About 25  ods  to  dig  and  carve  out  torical remnant.q
                                                                      pounds worth was found.      gold from the rocks. Aruba
                                                                                                   Island Gold Mining Compa-    Sources: Etnia Nativa & gold-
                                                                      At the same time, the Aru-   ny Ltd. was no different, but
                                                                      ban    government     took  used a unique method that
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