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local Monday 18 noveMber 2024
Infini Celebrates 4 Years of Culinary Excellence in Aruba
Starting in November 2024, Infini proudly cel- nary heritage. Join the celebration
ebrates its fourth anniversary since opening its Celebrate with us by experiencing Menu 12,
doors in Aruba. In these transformative years, Introducing Menu 12 – A New Chapter perfect for a special dinner, holiday gather-
Infini has become a beacon of culinary inno- As part of our anniversary celebration, we are ing, or memorable evening. Share the magic
vation, offering a unique dining experience thrilled to introduce Menu 12. This new tasting of Infini with your loved ones through our gift
that blends tradition with creativity. Led by Chef experience reflects Chef Croes’ innovative ap- cards, offering an extraordinary experience at
Urvin Croes, the restaurant has introduced 156 proach, using seasonal ingredients and mod- the chef’s table.
original recipes, welcomed over 30,200 guests, ern techniques to honor the vibrant flavors of Reserve your table today: +297 6993982 / res-
and continually pushed the boundaries of fine the Caribbean. We invite loyal customers and q
dining on the island. new guests alike to embark on this exciting
new chapter.
Honoring Aruba’s Culinary Heritage
From the beginning, Chef Urvin Croes has Our thanks to the community
guided Infini with a mission to “discover limitless This milestone would not be possible without
possibilities through the art of gastronomy.” This our incredible team. We extend our sincerest
vision has driven the creation of menus that gratitude to our talented chefs, dedicated ser-
showcase the flavors of the Caribbean using vice staff, and loyal guests who have support-
the freshest local ingredients. We are proud to ed us throughout this journey. A special thank
partner with local farmers and suppliers, whose you to our local suppliers, whose high-quality
dedication helps us highlight Aruba’s rich culi- ingredients enhance each dish.
Birds of Aruba
ca. Shore birds have started mov-
ing southwards as early as July. This
wetland beauty wants to keep its
toes warm. Our Canadian friends
know exactly where they can do
so best. A Greater Yellowlegs redis-
covering Aruba’s Bubali Wetlands.
In its living form of so much more
value than any gemstone. Aruba’s
ORANJESTAD — On May 11th, 2010, birds by promoting their preserva- smallest and most master of flight.
the Aruba Birdlife Conservation tion and conservation. The foun- The Great Egret A top pollinator. A hovering Blenchi
was founded with the aim of pro- dation publishes the most beautiful Serenity in Aruba’s National Park, a inspecting the human who just en-
tecting the biodiversity in general pictures of local birds on their so- Great Egret flying in peace. When tered his territory.
and birds in and around Aruba in cial media that show us the beauty it is peaceful and quite, beautiful English: Blue-tailed Emerald (male)
particular. of Aruba’s birds and nature in gen- things start happening in nature. Dutch: Blauwstaartsmaragdkolibrie
eral. Aruba Today gives you a little (mannetje).
Among other things, the founda- peek with the following pictures Canadian in the house
tion will focus on increasing the and descriptions from the founda- The breeding season is over and it’s Aruba’s to enjoy. Aruba’s to
survival chances of species of wild tions Facebook page. getting pretty cold in North Ameri- protect.q