Page 26 - KPA 8 SEPT 2015
P. 26
U.S. NEWSTuesday 8 September 2015
Kentucky clerk appeals her jailing over gay marriage
DYLAN LOVAN Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis, right, talks with David Moore at the Rowan County Courthouse Davis, an apostolic Chris-
CLAIRE GALOFARO tian, says gay marriage is
LOUISVILLE, Kentucky (AP) in Morehead, Ky. Attorneys said Monday they have filed an emergency motion with a federal a sin. She also says it would
— Attorneys for the Ken- be a sin for her to issue
tucky county clerk who court that they hope will result in Davis’ freedom. (AP Photo/Timothy D. Easley) a marriage license to a
was jailed last week be- same-sex couple because
cause of her refusal to issue Davis. modation” — allowing her On Sunday, about 30 pro- the licenses are issued un-
marriage licenses to gay der her authority. She tried
couples said Monday they The same injunction request to remove her name and testers lined the sidewalk in vain to have state law-
have filed an emergency makers change the law as
motion with a federal court was denied last month title from official marriage outside Bunning’s home in a legal challenge to Ken-
that they hope will result in tucky’s same-sex marriage
Kim Davis’ freedom. by U.S. District Judge David certificates issued in Rowan Fort Thomas, Kentucky, car- ban wound its way through
Davis’ plight has reignited Bunning, who jailed Davis County. rying signs that read “Free the federal appeals court.
the gay marriage debate on Thursday. By doing that, Davis would Kim Davis.” Fort Thomas Po- Davis stopped issuing all
and the limits of religious marriage licenses in June
freedom following the U.S. Charla Bansley, communi- not be sanctioning any lice Lt. Casey Kilgore said the day after the U.S. Su-
Supreme Court decision le- preme Court ruling legaliz-
galizing same-sex marriage cations director for Liberty same-sex unions and her the group gathered around ing same-sex marriage na-
nationwide. Her imprison- Counsel, said Davis could conscience would be satis- 2 p.m., and the protest last- tionwide. Two gay couples
ment has inspired spirited be released from jail imme- fied, they say. ed several hours. He said and two straight couples
protests from both sides in diately if the motion were “If there was an accom- the group sang and waved sued her. Judge Bunning
this small eastern Kentucky ordered Davis to issue the
community known mostly granted by the U.S. Court modation, she would be re- their signs; they broke no licenses and the Supreme
as the home to Morehead Court upheld his ruling.
State University. of Appeals for the Sixth leased (from jail) because laws and no one had been But Davis still refused to do
The filing seeks to have Circuit ordering Beshear she would no longer be in arrested. He did not know if it, saying she could not be-
Kentucky Gov. Steve Bes- to issue Davis an “accom- contempt,” Bansley said. Bunning was home. tray her conscience or her
hear accommodate Davis’ God.
“religious conviction,” and On Thursday, Bunning ruled
not compel her to grant li- Davis was in contempt of
censes to gay couples, Lib- court for disobeying his or-
erty Counsel said in a state- der and sent her to jail. Her
ment. deputy clerks then issued
“The motion requests an marriage licenses to gay
injunction pending appeal couples Friday with Davis
for an exemption from the behind bars.
Governor’s mandate that Bunning indicated Davis
all county clerks issue mar- will be in jail at least a week.
riage licenses,” said the She could stay longer if she
statement by Liberty Coun- continues to not obey the
sel, which is representing judge’s order.q
Muslim flight attendant says she was wrongly suspended
MONTGOMERY, Alabama mission. Stanley, 40, has worked paid leave for following not comment on specific
(AP) — A Muslim flight at- The airline had agreed to for the Atlanta-based air- the instructions that Ex- personnel matters.
tendant for ExpressJet says give Stanley a religious line for nearly three years pressJet airlines gave her,” “At ExpressJet, we em-
she was wrongly suspend- accommodation, saying and during that time con- Masri said. brace and respect the val-
ed from her job last month she could work out an ar- verted to Islam, Masri said. Masri claimed the com- ues of all of our team mem-
because she refused to rangement with the other Stanley approached a su- plaint against Stanley was bers. We are an equal op-
serve alcohol to passen- flight attendant on duty so pervisor in June after learn- discriminatory, with the portunity employer with a
gers, citing her religious they could serve alcohol ing that her faith forbids employee noting Stanley long history of diversity in
beliefs. instead. She was suspend- not just consuming alcohol carried a book with “for- our workforce,” the state-
Charee Stanley, a Detroit- ed only after a colleague but also serving it. eign writings” and wore a ment said.
based flight attendant for complained, said Lena When the co-worker com- head scarf. ExpressJet has 9,000 em-
ExpressJet, filed a discrimi- Masri, an attorney with plained, Stanley was put A spokeswoman for Ex- ployees, 388 planes and
nation complaint Tuesday the Michigan chapter of on unpaid leave for a pressJet said in an emailed averages 2,200 flights
with the Equal Employ- the Council on American- year, Masri said. statement that the airline each day, according to
ment Opportunity Com- Islamic Relations. “She was placed on un- values diversity but could the company’s website.q