Page 27 - KPA 8 SEPT 2015
P. 27
world NEWS A7
Tuesday 8 September 2015
Hundreds break past police near Hungary border, march north
N. DUMITRACHE Police merely walked be- Hungarian police officers surround a group of migrants and refugees on a road close to
S. POGATCHNIK side them as a lone he- Hungary’s border with Serbia, in Roszke, Hungary, Monday, Sept. 7, 2015. Several hundred
Associated Press licopter monitored the Arabs, Asians and Africans tired of waiting for buses broke through Hungarian police lines near
ROSZKE, Hungary (AP) — marchers’ progress north as the Serbian border Monday and marched north on the main highway to Budapest as authorities
Hundreds of angry and darkness fell. The highway once again demonstrated an inability to control the human tide passing through Hungary.
frustrated asylum-seekers was blocked for nearly 50
broke through police lines kilometers (30 miles) as a (AP Photo/Marko Drobnjakovic)
Monday near Hungary’s precaution.
southern border with Serbia The move mirrored Friday’s
and began marching north surge of people from Bu-
toward Budapest, while Brit- dapest toward Austria in
ain and France pledged to a traffic-snarling tactic
take in tens of thousands that forced Hungary to
more refugees to try to concede defeat and bus
ease the crisis. thousands to the Austrian
As European leaders de- border. Germany’s rail
bated how to share re- company said Monday it
sponsibility for the more had carried 22,000 asylum-
than 340,000 people from seekers over the weekend
the Middle East, Africa and on more than 100 trains,
Asia who are already seek- a number boosted by the
ing refuge, Germany prom- fact that Hungary again
ised to spend billions of eu- has dropped visa checks
ros in extra aid for those al- on foreigners buying train
ready there and those yet tickets for the wealthier
to arrive. France weighed countries to the west, par-
whether increased airstrikes ticularly Germany.
against Islamic State mili- Following an overnight
tants would help to stem Cabinet meeting, Germa-
the flow of those fleeing ny said it would set aside 6
Syria. billion euros ($6.6 billion) to
But the Hungarian prime boost aid for asylum-seek-
minister scoffed at a pro- ers and hire 3,000 more fed-
posed quota system for eral police. It also planned
refugees in the 28-mem- to make it easier to build
ber European Union, say- refugee housing and for
ing it wouldn’t work unless non-German speakers to
Europe first secured its bor- hold jobs.
ders. German Chancellor An-
Hungary’s inability to control gela Merkel reflected on
the flow of people across its what she called “a moving,
southern border with Ser- in some parts breathtaking
bia was on graphic display weekend behind us,” when
Monday. Crowds who had Austria and Germany threw
grown tired of waiting for open their borders for thou-
buses at Hungary’s first mi- sands of asylum-seekers try-
grant holding center near ing to get out of Hungary.
the border village of Rosz- She said all EU countries
ke tore down flimsy police could help accommodate
tape, advanced down a the families fleeing war and
country road and walked poverty.
around rows of police try- Britain and France, seen as
ing to block them. Officers less generous than Germa-
offered no resistance as ny so far, overcame reluc-
about half of the 500-strong tance and stepped up their
crowd reached the M5 commitments Monday.
highway that connects British Prime Minister David
Serbia and Hungary. They Cameron said his country
headed north along the would resettle up to 20,000
shoulder, raising their arms Syrians from camps in Tur-
and chanting “Germany! key, Jordan and Syria over
Germany!” the next five years.q