Page 29 - KPA 8 SEPT 2015
P. 29


WORLD NEWSTuesday 8 September 2015

Bangkok bombing suspect tells police he’s ‘guilty’                                                                                                                   Koreas meet to

N. ANUSONADISAI                 Security officials escort Bangkok bombing suspect, center, arrested last week near the border                                        make plans for
Associated Press                with Cambodia and identified by Thai police as Yusufu Meerailee or Mieraili Yusufu with his na-
BANGKOK (AP) — A key            tionality remained unconfirmed, as they transfer him from military to police custody in Bangkok,                                     family reunions 
suspect in last month’s         Thailand, Monday, Sept. 7, 2015.
deadly Bangkok bombing                                                                                                                                              HYUNG-JIN KIM
was transferred Monday                                                                                                                    (AP Photo/Sakchai Lalit)  Associated Press
to police custody after a                                                                                                                                           SEOUL, South  Korea  (AP)
week of military interro-       terials, and one had more     gurs) are related to Turks,    Another suspect, who was                                               — North and South  Ko-
gation, and was asked to        than 200 fake Turkish pass-   and Turkey is home to a        arrested Aug. 29 at one of                                             rea  started talks at a bor-
acknowledge the charge          ports.                        large Uighur community.        the two apartments police                                              der village Monday on
against him before police       The Aug. 17 blast at the      Mierili’s nationality has not  raided, was in possession                                              resuming the reunions of
and the media.                  Erawan Shrine killed 20 peo-  been confirmed, but po-        of a fake Turkish passport                                             families separated by the
As cameras recorded in          ple and injured more than     lice say he was carrying a     when arrested, police say.                                             Korean War in the early
the packed room, police         120 in one of the most dev-   Chinese passport that in-      That man, whom police                                                  1950s, Seoul officials said.
introduced an unusual twist     astating acts of violence in  dicated he was from the        have identified as Adem                                                The talks among the ri-
to the routine by asking the    Bangkok in decades.           western region of Xinjiang,    Karadak, was transferred                                               vals’ Red Cross officials at
suspect whether or not he       Thai authorities have sug-    home to the Turkish-speak-     to police custody Friday af-                                           Panmunjom were made
was guilty of the charge of     gested that at least two of   ing Uighurs.                   ter nearly a week in military                                          possible after the  Kore-
co-possession of illegal ex-    the suspects are possibly     Police said last week that     custody.                                                               as struck a deal last month
plosives, as stated in his ar-  Turkish, boosting a theory    Mierili was suspected of       Thai authorities have said                                             that eased animosity that
rest warrant.                   that the bombing was to       being a conspirator rath-      they would turn over                                                   saw them threatening war.
The suspect, identified by      avenge Thailand’s forced      er than the bomber, who        the two passports to the                                               The standoff flared after a
police as Yusufu Mierili, re-   repatriation of more than     was seen in security videos    relevant embassies to                                                  mine explosion blamed on
sponded through a transla-      100 ethnic Uighurs to  Chi-   placing a knapsack at the      confirm their authentic-                                               Pyongyang maimed two
tor: “Guilty.”                  na in July.                   open-air shrine and then       ity once forensics testing is                                          South Korean soldiers.
Authorities have previously     Uighurs (pronounced WEE-      leaving.                       completed..q                                                           The highly emotional re-
released a variety of spell-                                                                                                                                        unions have not happened
ings of his name, including                                                                                                                                         since early last year. Most
Mieraili Yusufu and Yusufu                                                                                                                                          applicants are in their 70s
Meerailee.                                                                                                                                                          or older and desperate to
It was not clear whether                                                                                                                                            see their loved ones before
the apparent confession                                                                                                                                             they die.
would carry legal weight in                                                                                                                                         Many Koreans don’t even
a court.                                                                                                                                                            know whether relatives on
Mierili, who was arrested                                                                                                                                           the other side of the border
last Tuesday near the Thai-                                                                                                                                         are still alive because their
Cambodia border, has not                                                                                                                                            governments mostly ban
yet been formally charged.                                                                                                                                          the exchange of letters,
Police say they found his                                                                                                                                           phone calls or emails.
DNA or fingerprints in two                                                                                                                                          The planned reunions are
apartments that were raid-                                                                                                                                          not a sure thing. The rivals
ed a week ago by police                                                                                                                                             have a long history of fail-
on the outskirts of Bang-                                                                                                                                           ing to follow through on
kok, including a container                                                                                                                                          reconciliation efforts.
of gunpowder. Police say                                                                                                                                            Some foreign analysts re-
both apartments con-                                                                                                                                                main skeptical about inter-
tained bomb-making ma-                                                                                                                                              Korean ties because of
                                                                                                                                                                    speculation that North  Ko-
Lightning kills 22 people in southeastern India                                                                                                                     rea  will fire what it calls a
                                                                                                                                                                    satellite to celebrate next
HYDERABAD,  India  (AP) —       Pradesh, said N. Chan-        cape for the players and       mon during  India’s  mon-                                              month’s 70th birthday
Lightning has killed 22 peo-    drababu Naidu, the state’s    the people at the grounds,”    soon season, which runs                                                of its ruling party. Similar
ple, mostly farm laborers       chief minister.               said Sitapati, who goes by     from June to September.                                                past launches triggered
working in fields, across the   Two women’s cricket           one name.                      However, Sunday’s toll was                                             an international standoff
southeastern Indian state       teams had a narrow es-        A tree caught fire after it    unusually high.                                                        as South  Korea  and oth-
of Andhra Pradesh, officials    cape when lightning struck    was hit by a lightning bolt,   Weather officials in the                                               er neighboring countries
said Monday.                    a tree on the grounds         and the deafening sound        Andhra Pradesh state capi-                                             called them disguised tests
The fatalities occurred Sun-    where they were playing in    that followed led players      tal of Hyderabad said a low                                            for long-range missiles.
day evening when thun-          Guntur town, said Sitapati,   and spectators to flee the     pressure system over the                                               About 22,500 Koreans
derstorms and rain lashed       a district cricket official.  grounds in panic, he said.     Bay of Bengal led to heavy                                             had participated in brief
eight districts in Andhra       “It was a miraculous es-      Lightning strikes are com-     downpours.q                                                            reunions — 18,800 in per-
                                                                                                                                                                    son and the others by vid-
                                                                                                                                                                    eo — during a period of
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