Page 14 - HOH
P. 14
local Friday 9 december 2022
Drastic reduction in teenage pregnancy in Aruba
ORANJESTAD – A few years Eman explained that the nancy per year, and for the
ago, teenage pregnancies department also does next few years, an increase
were abundant on our is- home visits for teenagers was registered. In 2021,
land, causing concern in who already are moth- there were 45 teenage
the community. Isabella ers, in order to guide them pregnancies, showing a
Eman, nurse at the White and also to prevent a significant reduction. “We
Yellow Cross in the de- second pregnancy. They hope that for 2022 there
partment of young moth- help young mothers with can be even less. We will
ers, told our reporter that motivation to continue have the data for this year
in the most recent years, a school, as well as tools in January 2023”, Eman in-
satisfactory reduction can to care for a baby while dicated.
be noted in the amount of they are enrolled in school.
teenage pregnancies. They also give information Regarding expectations for
to young mothers about next year, Eman comment-
The focus group is young the development from 0 ed that they will continue
women, aged 14 to 20 to 2 years old for a baby, with prevention as well as
years. The department fo- and they advocate for the curative work. “If a teenag-
cuses on prevention of baby to receive the neces- er has a child, OK, let’s do to take care of themselves cational talks at schools, as
teenage pregnancies. sary vaccines and care. the best that we can. We in order to not get preg- well as in other places – in-
They do this through talks help the teenager with the nant, we continue offering stitutions and organizations
at schools, offering birth According to White Yellow process of raising a baby, anticonceptive services.” outside of school. “Our
control and other methods Cross’ statistics, in the year help her to go to school, goal is for the information
and information to prevent 2000 there were about 200 with her self esteem. And She commented that they to reach all teenagers out
teenage pregnancies. cases of teenage preg- for the teenagers who want will also continue with edu- there”, she said.q
Prime minister of Aruba met with prime minister of the Netherlands
regarding slavery in the region
ORANJESTAD – Recently, the meeting also counted four hours, during which
the prime minister of Aruba, with the presence of vari- they exchanged ideas
Mrs. Evelyn Wever-Croes ous organizations active in and thought with each
attended a very important the Netherlands and the other about how the ac-
meeting in Catshuis, the of- Caribbean region on the knowledgement and apol-
ficial residence of the prime topic of slavery, discrimina- ogy from the Netherlands
minister of the Netherlands, tion and racism. needs to take place for
regarding the topic of slav- the effects of slavery in the
ery. According to a press re- history of our countries. But
lease, during the meet- mainly about recovery and
The meeting was orga- ing premier Wever-Croes cooperation between the
nized by the prime minis- explained that it was very countries after offering an
ter of the Netherlands, Mr. impactful to hear the or- apology. red slavery, which regards said that it was a good
Mark Rutte. Present at this ganizations talk about the the natives who used to meeting, and that the par-
meeting was also Dutch impact of slavery on gen- Wever-Croes explained live on our island and that ties will remain in contact
ministers Hanke Bruins Slot, erations of people coming that during the meeting she were enslaved. “We need and dialogue to evaluate
Robbert Dijkgraaf, Franc from Africa and the islands, brought forward points that to reflect on the red slavery and determine the exact
Weerwind, and Secretar- and how the effects of slav- are important for Aruba, which is also part of our his- date on which an apology
ies of State Alexandra van ery are still current. like the impact of transat- tory.” will be given if this is the
Huffelen and Maarten van lantic slavery – from Africa case, as well as how and
Ooijen. Aside from them, The meeting lasted for to our island – but also the Concluding, Wever-Croes by whom it will be given. q
Minister of Transport visited Department of Avation on the
International Day of Civil Aviation
ORANJESTAD – On the 7 Day of Civil Aviation, min- Nature and Senior Affairs, ing as tourism in Aruba de- nize the important role of
of December, International ister of Transport, Integrity, Mr. Ursell Arends paid a vis- pends greatly on air trans- Directie Luchtvaart in the
it to congratulate the entire port. The role of Directie world of aviation, together
team of the Department of Luchtvaart is crucial in this. with main stakeholders like
Aviation of Aruba, Directie On this special day, con- AAA NV, ANSA NV, DMA,
Luchtvaart. gratulations and gratitude IBSL and all airlines, ground
was also expressed to handling companies, main-
Minister Arends also three members of Directie tenance companies and
thanked them for the work Luchtvaart for their years of other stakeholders at the
they carried out to ensure service: Joureen Lacle vor airport.”
that Aruba can enjoy a thirty years, Etienne Bergen The minister expressed grat-
save air transport system. It is for 30 years, and Glenn Kel- itude to all those who en-
extremely important for the ly for 25 years. sure the work in aviation is
system of air transport to be Minister Arends finished done optimally and at the
trustworthy and safe, see- my saying: “We recog- highest level of security.q