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                                                                                         world news Diaranson 9 Maart 2022

                                 Shell says it will stop buying Russian oil, natural gas

            (AP) — Shell said Tuesday that it  for Ukrainians. It also said it would
            will stop buying Russian oil after  shut its service stations, aviation fuels
            Ukrainian officials criticized the  and lubricants businesses in Russia.
            energy  giant  for  buying  a  ship-
            ment of crude from Moscow and  David Elmes, a professor at Warwick
            demanded that all multinational  Business School in the United King-
            companies sever ties with Russia  dom  and  a  former  energy  industry
            over the war.                       executive, said Shell may find it hard
                                                to ensure it isn’t buying Russian oil
            The  move  came  hours  before  the  because  shipments  are  often  sold
            U.S. and British governments banned  multiple times and mixed with prod-
            Russian  oil  imports.  The  European  ucts from other sources before they
            Union has held back because of heavy  reach a refinery.
            reliance  on  Russian  oil  and  natural
            gas and concerns about the impact on  “The  challenge  for  someone  like
            global  energy  supplies.  The  turmoil  Shell is how do you detach yourself
            has  rattled  global  markets,  sending  from  a  global  market  —  from  one
            oil prices surging to a 14-year high of  participant  in  that  market?”  Elmes
            $139 a barrel overnight.            said.                               on countries to stop buying Russian  with various governments about the
                                                                                    oil to restrict funding for its military.  need  to  reduce  Western  reliance  on
            London-based  Shell  said  it  would  Shell got about 5% of its oil and 4%  But there is a tradeoff. Russia is the  Russian oil and gas, while maintain-
            immediately stop buying Russian oil  of its natural gas from Russia in 2020,  world’s second-biggest oil producer,  ing energy supplies for business and
            on the spot market, which is used for  according  to  the  company’s  annual  so it could have major effects on con-  consumers.
            one-time deals involving rapid deliv-  report.                          sumers  already  facing  higher  prices
            eries, and it would not renew longer-                                   for everything from food to electric-  The  company  made  the  decision  to
            term contracts. The company intends  Its  decision  to  stop  buying  Russian  ity  bills  because  of  low  energy  sup-  stop buying Russian energy after re-
            to totally withdraw from the Russian  energy  comes  a  week  after  it  said  it  plies in Europe and elsewhere.  ceiving  new  government  guidance,
            market  for  oil,  oil  products,  natu-  was  “shocked  by  the  loss  of  life  in                        he  said.  European  Union  officials
            ral gas and liquefied natural gas in a  Ukraine”  and  would  end  its  joint  Major  companies  from  Apple  to  unveiled  proposals  Tuesday  to  slash
            “phased manner.”                    ventures with Gazprom, the massive  Volkswagen  also  have  pulled  out  of  reliance  on  Russian  natural  gas  by
                                                oil and gas company controlled by the  Russia,  with  McDonald’s  the  latest  two-thirds  by  the  end  of  the  year,
            “We are acutely aware that our deci-  Russian government.               Tuesday.                            including  by  purchasing  natural  gas
            sion last week to purchase a cargo of                                                                       from other suppliers.
            Russian crude oil to be refined into  But  soon  after,  Ukrainian  Foreign  A month ago, oil was selling for about
            products  like  petrol  and  diesel  —  Minister Dmytro Kuleba said he had  $90 a barrel. Now, prices have surged  “These  societal  challenges  highlight
            despite being made with security of  been told Shell “discreetly” bought a  past $120 a barrel as buyers shun Rus-  the  dilemma  between  putting  pres-
            supplies at the forefront of our think-  shipment of Russian oil. He put the  sian crude, with many refiners fear-  sure on the Russian government over
            ing — was not the right one and we  news on Twitter, forcing Shell to ex-  ing that sanctions could be imposed  its atrocities in Ukraine and ensuring
            are  sorry,”  CEO  Ben  van  Beurden  plain its decision.               in the future. They worry about be-  stable, secure energy supplies across
            said in a statement.                                                    ing left with inventories they can’t re-  Europe,” van Beurden said. “But ul-
                                                “One question to Shell: doesn’t Rus-  sell if sanctions were imposed in the  timately, it is for governments to de-
            Shell said any profit it makes on the  sian oil smell (like) Ukrainian blood  near future.                  cide on the incredibly difficult trad-
            “limited, remaining amounts of Rus-  for you?” Kuleba said.                                                 eoffs  that  must  be made during the
            sian  oil”  it  processes  will  go  into  a                            Van Beurden said Shell’s actions until  war in Ukraine.”
            fund  for  humanitarian  relief  efforts  Ukraine and its supporters have called  now have been guided by discussions

                            EU pledges to fight Russia’s “information war” in Europe

            (AP)  —  European  Union  offi-     ence  and  disinformation,  the  EU’s  stop  disinformation  campaigns  in  prevent third countries damaging de-
            cials  on  Tuesday  defended  the  top  diplomat  Josep  Borrell  brushed  member states.                   mocracies.
            27-nation  bloc’s  decision  to  ban  off critics who say the EU is threaten-
            Russian  state-controlled  media  ing freedom of information with the  Borrell said Moscow-controlled out-  Kaniete  said  online  platforms  and
            outlets from broadcasting in the  ban on Sputnik and RT/Russia Today.   lets are part of a well-oiled propagan-  tech  companies  need  to  suspend  all
            region as decisive steps to check                                       da  machine  providing  biased  news  social  accounts  engaged  in  “deny-
            a Kremlin-led “information war.”    The EU has decided to suspend the  about  Vladimir  Putin’s  true  inten-  ing, glorifying and justifying Putin’s
                                                broadcasting activities of Sputnik and  tions.                          aggression,  war  crimes  and  crimes
            Speaking at the European Parliament  RT/Russia  Today  in  the  bloc  until                                 against humanity.”
            during  a  debate  on  foreign  interfer-  Russia  ends  its  war  in  Ukraine  and  Borrell insisted that Sputnik was cre-
                                                                                    ated by a presidential decree with the  She also proposed to reinforce con-
                                                                                    aim of reporting on Russia’s sate poli-  tent in Russian and Ukrainian to re-
                                                                                    cies abroad, and said that Russia To-  sist the pressure from Russia’s disin-
                                                                                    day is capable of conducting an “in-  formation.
                                                                                    formation  war”  against  the  western
                                                                                    world.                              European Commission Vera Jourova
                                                                                                                        said Putin wants his people to be “ap-
                                                                                    Borrell  said  he  will  soon  propose  a  athetic”  and  praised  streaming  plat-
                                                                                    new  mechanism  that  will  allow  the  form Netflix’s decision to suspend its
                                                                                    EU  to  sanction  disinformation  ac-  Russian services.
                                                                                    tors.  Lawmakers  from  the  special
                                                                                    committee  on  foreign  interference  Both  Borrell  and  Jourova  expressed
                                                                                    and  disinformation  are  also  propos-  deep  concerns  about  the  imposed
                                                                                    ing to establish a sanctions regime to  censorship  in  Russia  that  threatens
                                                                                    deal with foreign meddling.         independent  journalists  with  jail
                                                                                                                        terms and deprives citizens access to
                                                                                    MEP Sandra Kalniete, the author of  verified information about what their
                                                                                    the report, said it’s crucial for the EU  government is doing in Ukraine.
                                                                                    to counter foreign threats in a bid to
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