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                                                                                                       sports Diaranson 9 Maart 2022

                          Rodgers reportedly agrees to stay with Packers next season

            (AP)  —  Aaron  Rodgers  is  plan-  ments with team management at the
            ning to come back to the Green  time. Rodgers said on multiple occa-
            Bay  Packers  for  an  18th  season,  sions  over  the  last  few  months  that
            a  move  that  keeps  the  reigning  his  relationship  with  team  officials
            MVP off the trade market and an-    had improved significantly.
            swers the question that had dom-
            inated NFL offseason discussions.   Rodgers’ plans had been the subject
                                                of  much  speculation  ever  since  the
            NFL Network and Pat McAfee, the  Packers traded up four spots to take
            host of “The Pat McAfee Show” on  Utah State quarterback Jordan Love
            SiriusXM and YouTube, both report-  with the 26th overall pick in the 2020
            ed  that  Rodgers  is  returning  to  the  draft. After referring to his future as
            Packers next season. Rodgers makes  a “beautiful mystery” late in the 2020
            a  weekly  appearance  on  McAfee’s  season, Rodgers skipped the Packers’
            show during the season.             organized  team  activities  and  man-
                                                datory  minicamp  in  a  standoff  with
            NFL  Network  reported  that  the  team management.
            38-year-old Rodgers had agreed to a
            four-year, $200 million contract that  Rodgers  reported  for  training  camp
            includes $153 million in guaranteed  on time but acknowledged his future
            money. McAfee disputed those num-   with the organization was uncertain.
            bers  and  said  that  “the  contract  has  At the time, he said he wanted to have
            not been done,” but added that Rod-  a voice in the team’s decision-making
            gers has agreed to return to the Pack-  process.
                                                Rodgers  recently  has  frequently  of-  sought alternative treatments.  LaFleur  made  a  move  seemingly
            Rodgers’  decision  comes  nearly  fered compliments about the moves                                        aimed  at  keeping  Rodgers  when  he
            a  month  after  he  won  his  second  general  manager  Brian  Gutekunst  Rodgers  also  dealt  with  a  fractured  brought back Tom Clements as quar-
            straight  MVP  award.  The  four-time  made  to  improve  the  team.  Those  left pinky toe for much of the year,  terbacks coach. Rodgers had praised
            MVP quarterback has spent his entire  moves  included  acquiring  wide  re-  but  continued  playing  at  an  All-Pro  the 68-year-old Clements, who pre-
            career in Green Bay.                ceiver Randall Cobb at Rodgers’ re-  level. He threw 20 touchdown passes  viously worked for the Packers from
                                                quest. Rodgers said he got the sense  with  no  interceptions  over  his  final  2006-16 in roles that included quar-
            He  said  he  wanted  to  make  an  an-  there was better communication this  seven  regular-season  games.  He  led  terbacks  coach  (2006-11),  offensive
            nouncement on his future before the  season and that “I feel like my opin-  the  Packers  to  a  13-4  record  and  a  coordinator  (2012-14)  and  associate
            start  of  the  free  agency  period  that  ion mattered.”              third  straight  NFC  North  champi-  head coach/offense (2015-16). Rodg-
            begins next week. The reports of his                                    onship.                             ers lauded Clements on multiple oc-
            decision  surfaced  the  same  day  the  Gutekunst  agreed  their  relationship                             casions over the last year.
            Packers  face  a  deadline  whether  to  was in a good place.           But  his  season  ended  with  a  disap-
            give All-Pro receiver Davante Adams                                     pointing  playoff  performance.  The  Rodgers’  return  would  answer  one
            a franchise tag.                    Rodgers had a tumultuous 2021 sea-  Packers  scored  a  touchdown  on  the  giant question for the Packers as they
                                                son in a number of respects, particu-  game’s  opening  series  but  never  head into a critical offseason. They’re
            Rodgers wanted to avoid a repeat of  larly for comments he made about his  reached  the  end  zone  again  in  the  well over the salary cap and have sev-
            2021, when his status was uncertain  vaccination status. When asked before  home loss to the 49ers.         eral  key  players  with  expiring  con-
            until the start of training camp after  the season whether he had been vac-                                 tracts, including Adams.
            he  skipped  the  Packers’  mandatory  cinated against COVID-19, Rodgers  Packers   coach   Matt   LaFleur,
            minicamp.                           replied, “Yeah, I’m immunized.” But  Gutekunst and president/CEO Mark  Gutekunst  has  said  he  believes  the
                                                after testing positive during the sea-  Murphy said after the season they all  Packers  could  keep  Rodgers  and
            The  questions  about  his  future  son,  Rodgers  acknowledged  he  was  wanted Rodgers back in 2022.      Adams  while  building  a  contending
            stemmed  from  Rodgers’  disagree-  unvaccinated and said he instead had                                    team around them.

                        NFL salary cap for 2022 increases by nearly $26M to $208.2M

            (AP)  -  The  NFL’s  salary  from the 2020 season.        tag hit at $29.7 million. The  Free  agency  officially  be-  The second-highest tag price
            cap for 2022 will be $208.2                               32  teams  have  until  4  p.m.  gins  Wednesday,  March  16,  is for linebacker at $18.7 mil-
            million, a healthy increase  Adding  in  benefits  attached  Tuesday  to  apply  franchise  though  teams  can  negotiate  lion, followed closely by wide
            from  the  previous,  pan-   to the cap, teams will be al-  tags, and some clubs already  with  player  representatives  receivers ($18.4 million), and
            demic-impacted years.        lowed  to  have  a  total  player  have  done  so.  The  deadline  beginning Monday. Most big  defensive  ends  ($17.85  mil-
                                         cost of $284.367 million.    for  franchise-tagged  players  deals get done in the two days  lion).  Then  come  defensive
            The  cap  is  going  up  from                             to reach a long-term contract  before  the  league  year  offi-  tackles ($17.39 million), cor-
            $182.5  million,  which  was  Quarterbacks, of course, will  with a team is July 15.   cially starts.               nerbacks  ($17.28  million),
            down  by  nearly  $10  million  have  the  highest  franchise                                                       offensive  linemen  ($16.66
                                                                                                                                million), safeties ($12.91 mil-
                                                                                                                                lion), tight ends ($10.93 mil-
                                                                                                                                lion),  running  backs  ($9.57
                                                                                                                                million)  and  kickers  ($5.22

                                                                                                                                Players who have been given
                                                                                                                                franchise  tags  thus  far  are
                                                                                                                                Kansas  City  tackle  Orlando
                                                                                                                                Brown  Jr.,  Cincinnati  safety
                                                                                                                                Jessie  Bates  III,  Miami  tight
                                                                                                                                end  Mike  Gesicki,  Dallas
                                                                                                                                tight end Dalton Schultz and
                                                                                                                                Cleveland  tight  end  David
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